
My Biggest Financial Mistake Will Make You Wealthy

If you’ve heard me say this once, you’ve heard me say it a thousand times:

True wealth has nothing to do with money.

Which is all good until you need to pay your mortgage, put gas in your car, or buy some groceries, right?

Because the cold, hard fact is …

… that we live in a world dominated by an economic system that runs on money. Dollars (or pesos, or yen, or pounds … you know what I mean) are the currency of transactions for almost everything. They’re how you buy and sell and get things done.

But what if you could improve your quality of life without spending more money … in fact, while spending less?

I show you how in this next video chapter of Grow: All True Wealth Comes From The Ground.

In it, I reveal:

  • Money—Good Or Evil?
  • How To Love What You Do And Still Pay The Mortgage
  • The BIGGEST Financial Mistake Of My Life

Then, would you leave me a comment below?

  • How has producing your own food and medicine saved you money?
  • What’s your advice to someone who wants to love what they do for a living?

Thanks so much!


Did you see the last chapter of Grow? Click here to read How To Leave A More Powerful Legacy!


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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft


  • Derek Hippensteel says:

    Fantastic! Principles that anyone who shares this Planet can really dig into!

  • Nadia Cassar says:

    So true Marjory …

  • eligoss.76 says:

    Plenty of valid points made. With the return home of my grown daughter and her child we are now moving forward into creating a lifestyle of harmony, balance, sustainability & growth and most of all that true wealth of time together. Made much easier at this point in our lives; 15 year long project to purchase land and build a home, now living on the property for 8 years and its really time to get active in the sustainability of the property; reducing carbon footprint and develop production. Although the Grow Network is American based I can see many items will be transferrable to our little space in Waratah, Tasmania.

    1. elizabethlws1 says:

      I completely agree with everything you said and I have been saying something similar for a while now – that in nature you find infinite abundance .

      For example the return on investment when you plant one fruit tree and you receive fruit from that tree for generations! Or when you plant one seed and it grows into a beautiful plant that you can eat and also put out 1000 more seeds for the next season!

      There’s no other investment on the planet that has such a huge return on investment

      As I have been living on my own half acre and growing food for seven years now, I can attest about having that same true wealth you spoke about where you need money less and less

      Thank you for sharing your wonderful truths, Marjory 😁

  • ben.kittrell says:

    Keep Pressing Forward Marjory! You and your family are truly amazing and we are proud to be financial supporters if even only in a small way. I was trying to come up with a good acronym for what you are conveying. This Earth has such great resources and abundance given by our Creator. It’s just mismanaged because of deceit and ignorance! God’s Resources Our Wealth.

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