
Beyond Your Diet – Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

Improving Your Health Through Brain Plasticity

We’d like to introduce you to Bill Harris.  Bill is the Director of the Centerpointe Research Institute in Oregon, an organization that has developed a unique approach to improve mental clarity and function called Holosync®.  Holosync offers a new approach toward optimizing your mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

The original inspiration for Holosync came from a 1973 article in Scientific American by researcher Dr. Gerald Oster of Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York.  That article,  titled “Auditory Beats in the Brain,” described a new found characteristic of the brain – specifically that certain audio frequencies cause the brain’s electrical wave patterns to resonate at precise frequencies.

The idea was revolutionary for Bill Harris and his colleague Wes Wait, who were both studying research from the Menninger Clinic that showed a relationship between specific brain wave patterns and their correlation to meditation, learning, focus, concentration, creativity, and more.  Those two men then spent several years testing different audio frequencies to find those that correlated with increased brain performance.

Developing a System for Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health

Harris and Wait tested a prototype of Holosync with a group of about 150 subjects across North America and Europe, and their results were astounding.  People using the audio frequencies regularly reported profound changes in their mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

The success of those early experiments led the pair to begin fine-tuning their process and they first released Holosync to the public in 1989.

A Comprehensive System for Success

Today, the Holosync approach relies on precise audio frequencies, backed up by the support of videos, support letters, webinars, community forums, and a staff of highly trained coaches.  In fact, the “high-touch” support model has become a hallmark of Centerpointe’s customer care experience.

The Centerpointe Research Institute was officially incorporated in 1990, and for its first four years the Institute grew at a rate of 400% per year.  Today, Holosync technology is used by nearly two million users in more than 193 countries.

Try a Free Demo

You can experience Holosync technology for yourself, for free, today.  There is a free demonstration available on Centerpointe’s website.  NOTE: You’ll need some headphones to experience the free demonstration.

You can also find a great free resource on this page that will explain much more about this groundbreaking technology than we can discuss here.  This free resource is a book titled “The New Science of Super Awareness.”  You can download a PDF eBook copy for free, or you can order a paperback copy for about $7.

Click Here to Experience a Free Holosync® Demonstration

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  • Michael says:

    Pavlov’s Dogs spring to mind! Very suspicious, there again it has promise, as long as used correctly. I think I’ll give her a go, thanks Michael (well if it’s recommended by a Michael it must be good, after all Michaels DO tend to be cleverer than most!. . . . . . ooh!)

  • Michael says:

    And so I look at Hollow sink AND take the Demo AND pays the money and DON’T Get an invoice but am told I will be sent an email to get me through the second part of joining – so I goes to bed all happy! Wake up this morning and rush (OK more a shambling stagger) to the computer – NO email, things happen I guess, then check for any other email – nothing! Tries to go to the website and guess what according to the web I get “Centrepointe Connection Failed Error point 20” m m m m Lets hope it gets sorted later today because right at the moment I’m not a happy chappy! The Only way I can find to say something is via this which is not ideal (nor really your problem but I’ve got to try something!)

    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hi – Thanks for letting us know about the error. We’ll get in touch with Bill’s team and ask them to look into it. Hopefully we’ll be able to get it sorted out today!

    2. Michael Ford says:

      Looks like it’s working now… Thanks

  • Marjory Wildcraft says:

    I’ve been using holosync’s meditation cd’s for more than a decade (OK, off and on – not continously). I really like it – does drop you right into that ‘wow I am feeling good’ deep meditation experience.

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