
Top 10 Best Survival Gear Items for New Survivalists & Preppers

Is your bug-out bag missing any of this essential gear?

In the video below, combat veteran and best-selling survival author and trainer Jeff Anderson of Modern Combat and Survival Magazine shares the top 10 absolutely vital survival items you need to keep handy:

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Here’s a quick recap of Jeff’s list (although he offers some great additional tips in the video that aren’t included below, including specific item recommendations):

#10: Medical bag (+ don’t forget to include a head lamp!)
#9: Shelter/emergency blanket
#8: Food (freeze-dried, not MREs)
#7: Fire starter (+ include a few extra cigarette lighters to trade)
#6: Knife
#5: Firearm
#4: Machete (Jeff’s ultimate survival multitool!)
#3: Bug-out bag
#2: Two-way communication
#1: A way to filter water

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