
(video) Before You Pull Up That Weed – The Best Book On Wild Edibles Might Convince You To Eat It

Wild edibles – we know they are great food – full of nutrition, they grow without asking, and are tough plants that survive.  But how do you identify them – for sure?  Like, who wants to die from eating a bad plant?

I recently got to spend a day with Dr. John Kallas.  We trekked through central Idaho munching on this and that all the way.  John is one of those crazy, wild food guys who has been doing this most of his life.  John has written one of the best books on wild edibles that I know of. (And I’ve got quite a few books on wild edibles…)

Imagine what you could do with eighteen delicious new greens in your dining arsenal including purslane, chickweed, curly dock, wild spinach, sorrel, and wild mustard.

John Kallas makes it fun and easy to learn about foods you’ve unknowingly passed by all your life. Through gorgeous photographs, playful, but authoritative text, and ground-breaking design he gives you the knowledge and confidence to finally begin eating and enjoying edible wild plants.cover of John Kallas Wild Edible Plants book

Edible Wild Plants divides plants into four flavor categories — foundation, tart, pungent, and bitter. Categorizing by flavor helps readers use these greens in pleasing and predictable ways. According to the author, combining elements from these different categories makes the best salads.

Check out this short interview I did with john, and pick up a copy of his book here at Amazon.


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This post was written by Marjory


  • gary says:

    I have tried several times to get your dvd on grow your own groceries. I am using a gift card I have used on amazon many times, but your people won’t let me use it.

    1. Gary,

      I’ll give you a call personally to look into this.

  • Dena says:

    I have his book and heard him speak. Great book and photo’s!

  • John says:

    John Kallas book is fantastic. It shows you how to make a positive ID so you’re not nervous about which plant it is. I now save many more times what I spent on the book every single year, and now I know which ones to let flower and give me more vegies. Many of these “weeds” were intentionally brought to the US by immigrants who were afraid that there would be no good vegetables in the US.

  • Peter N says:

    This is so awesome – I remember when I was small in Austria! My grandmother and I used to go in the bush looking for certain plants and mushrooms, and she would make the most awesome meals. I’m now almost 70, and I want to go back to that type of food. There is no shortage of it and it grows anywhere. I’m going to get all of my grandchildren interested in this, as you know food prices are going thru the roof, and the foods are not the best for you anyway. I’m excited about this – let’s get back to nature, the only way to go forward I reckon. Thanks a lot, Peter

  • tom says:

    Marjory Wildcraft “Thanks”:) for Edible Wild Plants

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