
Risking Life And Limb For Peaches? See Why Arina Started Using Dogs At The Permaculture Institute

Meet Arina Pitman and hear why a self-proclaimed cat person has become a dog lover at the Permaculture Institute. It happened one night when their peach tree was being raided by raccoons.

This story is almost too funny! And I love Arina’s Russian accent.

The Permaculture Institute’s website is here: http://Permaculture.org. I also have a great interview with Scott Pitman (Arina’s husband) which you can check out here: If You Don’t Like How Money Works…

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This post was written by Marjory


  • JJM says:

    Must have dog to keep critters at bay – coons, snakes, possum and the 2 legged type. And in the country 1 really isn’t enough. 1 problem though is when they find a porcupine or skunk. They can not do a good job though if kept indoors.
    Sorry cat lovers – only reason I have for felines is to keep rodents at bay in the barn and sheds – again, not indoors.

  • There actually is a reason dogs were kept by farmers and other people in remote places down the centuries. They will certainly notice anything that’s amiss first and they will defend their territory no matter what without risking a court case while if you shoot too early then you go to jail. If you shoot too late you go to heaven or hell. You need dogs for the in-between.

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