
A Healthy Home Grown Alternative to Coffee

dandelion-with-rootIt is Spring in Canada, and the first flowers my grandchildren bring home are the lowly Dandelion! Of course, we have long since learned to make a beautiful yellow jelly with the flowers, or to add the young greens to a smoothie or a salad. But those long roots have to come out, too. What to do with them?

My mother grew up during World War II in Europe, and from her I learned to make coffee with the dandelion roots. Here are the directions:

1. Scrub the roots
2. Cut into small pieces
3. Dry them either in a low oven, or in the sun
4. Brown them in the oven or in a frying pan, till desired darkness (light, medium or dark roast)
5. Grind in your coffee grinder, and use as you would coffee

To your health!

Thanks to Aljoma for participating in the [Grow] Network Writing Contest. We have over $1,500 in prizes lined up for the current writing contest, with more to come. Here is a list of the current pot of prizes:

– A 21.5 quart pressure canner from All American, a $380 value
– A Survival Still emergency water purification still, a $279 value
– 1 year of free membership in the [Grow] Network Core Community, a $240 value
– A copy of The Summer of Survival Complete Collection from Life Changes Be Ready, a $127 value
– 2 copies of the complete Home Grown Food Summit, valued at $67 each
– 3 free 3 month memberships in the [Grow] Network Core Community, valued at $60 each
– The complete 2014 Grow Your Own Food Summit interview series, a $47 value
– 4 copies of the Grow Your Own Groceries DVD video set, valued at $42 each
– A Bug Out Seed Kit from the Sustainable Seed Company, a $40 value
– 4 copies of the Alternatives To Dentists DVD video, valued at $32 each

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  • Harriet says:

    We’ve done this in Finland – big coffee drinking country. Tastes quite satisfying. There is a lot of work to clean the roots but worth it. No acid no caffeine and dandelions are everywhere!

    1. Peter says:

      There is nothing like going natural, once you are used to the change in flavour, you wouldn’t want to go back, when I was in austria where I was born, my grandmother & I used to go & get Dandilion , it was used for salads, in soups, cooked in stewes, or just on a meat sandwich, it was yumm,

  • Fran Egeland says:

    I think it might be a good idea to also use a dehydrator. Would be nice to know the nutritional value of drinking dandelion coffee. Good to know in case there is a shortage of coffee. Thanks

  • cmig says:

    I need to try this!

    1. Gudrun B says:

      I have some ground root, but did not brown it – I mix it with my coffee (if i don’t forget) – quite good!

  • Daryle in VT says:

    Many roots can sub. for coffee. Chicory has been used as a coffee extender and replacement, especially in New Orleans for a very long time. Nothing can replace dark roasted Guatemalan first thing in the morning. Maybe a full-city roast on chicory root might do in a pinch.

  • JAMES says:

    I remove long roots from the ground with a small straight pipe (3 feet) attached to the garden hose, Have a small opening at the other end to create pressure & as you slowly push it into the ground close to the root. it loosens the soil & easy removal of the root.

  • florence says:

    Will try this. Would also love to get your recipe for the yellow jelly.

    1. Gloria says:

      Yes, me too.

  • Carol says:

    The Dandelion coffee sounds very interesting. I would like the Yellow Jelly recipe, too.

  • jim says:

    Think I’ll just go rampaging and pillaging and steal everyone else’s coffee if I ever run out. Sorry, just sayin’.

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