
Your Ultimate Resource for Modern Sustainable Living

Welcome to The Grow Network (TGN), an online community of 450,000 homesteaders that strive to live a modern, self-sufficient lifestyle. Our community is composed of the world’s most productive people who practice self-sufficiency to promote sustainable living. TGN community members grow food in their backyard, craft herbal medicine in the kitchen, and deliberately choose to live healthier and more environmentally-conscious lives.

New For You This Week

Check here for fresh new content recommended for you each week!

11 health benefits of elderberry herb (The Grow Network)

Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra): The Essential Guide to Its Benefits and Uses

Learn all about elderberry in this comprehensive guide, including how ...

6 Ways to use Alcohol on the Homestead | The Grow Network

6 Ways Alcohol Can Be Used On the Homestead

Alcohol distillation has long been associated with the production of a...

Three Sisters Garden 1

Three Sisters Garden: Grow More Food With Less Work

A small garden that produces high yield and enriches soil yet needs mi...

Top 5 Deadly Excuses You Might Tell Yourself in an Emergency (The Grow Network)

[Top 5] ‘Deadly Excuses’ You Might Tell Yourself…

Here are the 5 most common reasons people don't evacuate in emergency...


Cattails: 10+ Uses for the Swiss Army Knife of the Swamp

From food source to fire starter—and a whole lot in between—cattai...

How to Outsmart the Squash Borer

The dreaded squash borer doesn’t have to squash your summer cucurbit...

The Grow Network’s homesteading website provides all the resources you need for living a healthy, eco-friendly, and self-sufficient lifestyle. Founded by world-renowned homesteading expert Marjory Wildcraft, The Grow Network offers informative articles, educational e-books, and professional courses to help you practice sustainable living. Join The Grow Network’s expanding community and use our educational resources to start living the self-sufficient dream.

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Access 1,000s of pages of free articles on topics that include:

Grow Healthy and Sustainable Food in Your Backyard

Conventional, store-bought foods are not only unhealthy, but their production also contributes to harming the environment. The Grow Network will teach you how to grow food in your very own backyard to encourage healthier and more sustainable living. Our homesteading website provides blogs, e-books, and 100% online courses to help you learn how to:

Growing sufficient food in your backyard does not require much land or time. Marjory Wildcraft’s expert homesteading tips will teach you how to grow your own food on a 10X10 patch of ground to cut your grocery spending by half. Start here to grow healthy, nutritious food for your family and promote sustainable living, all in less than an hour a day.

Take Control of Your Health Care Needs

The modern medical system doesn’t always have the natural answers you’re looking for. Take back control of your health care with the homemade herbal remedies on our homesteading website. Natural, herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years to address a variety of ailments. The Grow Network provides e-books, courses, and free video training programs to help you practice sustainable living and make your own home remedies.

Sign up for our natural medicine courses to learn about:

Marjory Wildcraft’s natural medicine courses and programs will teach you how to make effective herbal remedies for the 12 most common health conditions.

The Grow Network’s home remedies will help you relieve 95% of ailments without any harmful side effects, tolerance buildup, or the risk of developing an addiction. Start here to manage your health care safely and cost-effectively with herbal concoctions made in your kitchen.

Join Us to Achieve Modern Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency

Do you want to rely less on others for your food and health care needs? Are you looking to live a more sustainable life to ensure a better future for your children and grandchildren? Join our global community of homesteaders, preppers, gardeners, and home medicine makers to promote self-reliance and sustainable living around the world. Browse our store to get the tools and resources you need for creating your dream homestead.