Categories for Energy
WOW! Ultra-clean, ultra-efficient, ultra-sustainable winter heat!
Marjory ..
date_range February 10, 2018
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Can you heat your house with junk mail? Build this super-efficient rocket mass heater, and you just might!
15+ Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Anthony ..
date_range October 04, 2017
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These 15+ simple, apartment-friendly lifestyle changes will help you conserve fuel, lessen trash production, reduce your carbon footprint -- and live
How To Choose A Generator For Your Homestead
Karen th..
date_range August 15, 2017
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What happens when the power goes out, choose a homestead generator before disaster strikes.
Free eBook – Ideas for a Permacultural Greenhouse
date_range July 22, 2015
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You might remember back in March we shared some articles with you about our friend Francis Gendron, the Canadian Permaculture Designer who built the G
Thinking Outside the Box, Inside the Greenhouse
date_range June 11, 2015
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Most of us are familiar with the expression about learning to think outside the box, a metaphor for using creative or unconventional thinking in probl