
You Know You Are A Foodie If….

Check your score below to see if you are a foodie or not.  Or perhaps, you are checking for a friend, or someone  you know?


  1. You take a cooler of snacks and food with you on any trip lasting more than five hours
  2. You are on a first name basis with at least three local farmers
  3. You know the vast difference between grass-fed and grass-finished beef.
  4. You groan when invited to a potluck attended by mostly unconscious people.
  5. You’ve contributed money to the “Millions Against Monsanto” project, more than once.
  6. You can count on your fingers the number of restaurants that serve food you approve of.
  7. You really love watching PBS food shows.
  8. Even Japanese people think your food is strange.
  9. You’ve alienated about 15 of your closest family and friends over food discussions.
  10. You have at least three different cutting boards (of course you would never chop garlic on the vegetable board!).
  11. You try to find raw organic butter made from not only from a grass-fed herd, but from the springtime milk.
  12. Traveling to Asia to try out a rare fruit is not out of the question.

Check your score!  If you answered “YES!” to the above questions
in the range of 9 to 12 – you are definitely a foodie.
in the range of 5 to 8 – you are on your way.
4 or less  – we will bring you flowers when we visit you in the hospital.

Of course, the ultimate foodie grows their own food.

Got any other criteria? Comment down below!

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This post was written by Marjory


  • Deb Pero says:

    13. Even your chickens eat better than most Americans.

    1. Oh really good one! Yes, I often realize that my dogs eat better than the average Americn

  • katherine says:

    I live near Seattle, we have wonderful farms,farmers markets up here. People are really aware of quality food, many resturants, and a great coop. plus our own gardens, it is wonderful seeing the regular grocery stores enlarging their organic selections. Now all the attention expanding on Gluten Free eating.

  • Leslie Parsons says:

    This list gave me a good laugh, Marjory. Last Christmas, Grandma pressed a large wad of bills into my hand and said: “You go and get your organic food and fix it for everyone. OK Honey?” The previous Thanksgiving, my husband and I flat out refused to eat the chemical turkey. As matriarch, Grandma did what she had to do. And, the whole family had an organic Christmas!

  • mocarter says:

    If you have at least 3 edible plants growing from which you eat.

  • AppyHorsey says:

    Why is springtime butter better? That’s interesting. Does this mean that springtime milkd would be better, too? Is cow or goat milk best, if all else were equal?

    And why 3 different cutting boards?

    The list was fun to read.

    On a different note, is there a “better time” for a grass fed cow to be butchered? I was going to wait til fall, so she’d have a full summer of fresh grass to eat…

    1. Spring time butter is better because the spring time grass is young and full of life and nutrition. Spring time butter (yes, and milk) is more nutritious. And much more highly prized by native peoples. Why do I keep going back to native peoples wisdom about food? Simply because they depended on their bodies for their livelihood and were in greater touch with how things affected them.

      I use separate cutting boards to Keep the tastes from getting mixed up. A board for garlic and onions, a board for fruits and veggies, and a board for meats.

      But the biggest reason to have separate cutting boards is to have a bunch of cutting boards on hand so guests never sit around with nothing to do! Get everyone chopping or something!

    2. Richard Barrett says:

      Before we had electricity and a freezer, my dad was the butcher for the neighbourhood Beef Ring. That is when a different local farmer would take his turn every month to contribute a two year old steer so we had fresh meat. My dad would kill on the increase of the moon so that there would be less shrinkage when a roast was cooked, therefore more tender. Also re: milk. If a thunderstorm occurred after we milked, the milk would turn sour faster.

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