
(video) Learn Chicken Language And Behavior

This is quite a fascinating BBC video which answers some questions you may never have thought of such as:
– how smart are chickens?
– can chickens have a sex change?
– can a chicken revert back to a wild state?
– how do chickens communicate?
– can mother hens correct her chicks behavior?

Of the 10,000 species of birds on this planet, only 7 have been domesticated. And of these, the chicken is the most widely used livestock on the planet. While there are approximately 7 billion humans on earth, there are more than 19 billion chickens according the UN FAO Stats

With those kinds of numbers, I am guessing that you probably have some chickens right now, or are planning to get some. In addition to my somewhat sensational list above, this show has a lot more information. I was surprised to find that a chicken’s right eye is used for finding food, while the left is dedicated to watching for predators. There is also a lot of great footage and discussion about chicken language and behaviors. And meeting Jane Howorth and her chicken rescue project is quite inspiring.

This is definitely worth watching.

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This post was written by Marjory


  • That was stupendous! Thanks. I am surprised anything from UK was available. Can you get the Victorian Pharmacy, the one advertised at the end of this video?

    1. Oh, I’ll look for that. Thanks for the idea.

      1. It was listed on the same page as the chicken video.

  • Jim Moore says:

    Very Cool, thanks for sharing this!

  • Diane says:

    Loved the video, informative and entertaining…..thank you.

  • Alan says:

    I will still say only one in a thousand chickens start out with a brain.
    That would be the fast growing broilers I used to do. I butchered at four or five weeks old so none of them had time to grow a brain.
    The 30 Isa Brown laying hens that I kept for 3 1/2 years all seemed to grow brains. They were great birds. 30 hens and 30 eggs EVERY day once they started laying at about 4 months old. I sold them because I needed their space for storage and there wasn’t enough meat on their bones to make them worth butchering. I was selling most of the eggs for twelve cents each to a local health food store. That money paid for their feed and wood chips. It also bought three shoats and paid for their feed up to 250 pound hogs then paid most for the processing fees too. The next two years they did it all again. It was like 600 pounds of free pork.
    I got three bucks per bird and they went right on laying for the farmer I sold them to.

  • Gini says:

    This is a wonderful documentary; I found so many new and fun facts about chickens and am pleased to understand them better. I have always respected their intelligence, but find this information doubles that and brings them into a partnership on my farm. Thanks for keeping this available for sharing.

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