
Trellis For Tomatoes

This is an entry in this month’s contest “How To Grow Tomatoes; Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials”.  A big reason for this contest is to have a living resource of information we can all reference in the future.  Be sure to rate this article – your vote is important!

i moved here a year ago this month, to a rural home next to a creek. it had been vacant for almost 3 years, so there was a lot of brush, trees, that needed to be cleaned up.

there are wild grape vines growing into the trees. they were basically choking them out, as no maintenance. so i kept a lot of the timber and all of the grapevine and let it dry out. i just knew id find some use for it. (terrible at not throwing things out). i seem to be able to find a use for things somewhere.

anyway, i took the right sized branches, and pounded them into the ground around plots of my tomatoes. i made several plots instead of one as i am growing 4 different kinds. after i did that. i took the grapevines and braided them and make a type of fence around tomatoes and was able to intertwine them into the branches i pounded into ground.

i then took twine and placed around the plants, and then i tied to the grapevine. oh, also i planted pole beans in the middle, and also staked them with branches. as pole beans grew, they also are a makeshift trellis for the tomatoes.

it actually seems to be working out rather well. so i have a free trellis for my tomatoes and i have to say it actually looks pretty neat too. i know not everyone is able to do this, but maybe it would be a spinoff for another idea of that sort…. now, all i need to do is keep the wild critters out as it seems i had some company in my garden last night…. sorry, i do not have pics as they really are pretty cool looking.

We are giving away five prizes this month!  Winners get to pick one of the following; a copy of the “Grow Your Own Groceries” video set, or a copy of the “Alternatives To Dentists” video set, or 3 months of free membership in the Core Community.  If you want to enter this month’s contest click here: http://growyourowngroceries.org/contribute-here/

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