
This Man Traveled the World to Find a Cure for Cancer

The Truth about Cancer - A Global QuestCancer is a topic that touches us all sooner or later. It’s a concern for each of us ourselves, our immediate and extended families, and our close friends and loves ones in the community at large. Because of its wide reach, cancer can invade any aspect of our lives. Cancer is both an intensely personal issue and a broader community issue at the same time.

For Ty Bollinger, it’s been both. On the personal front, he lost his father and 7 other family members to cancer. But his experiences led him directly to the community, and there in the cancer community is where he is making a big impact. Ty has put together a strong network of scientists, researchers, doctors, specialists, and survivors. They are, together, expressing concern about the way we treat cancer.

Their message isn’t very popular in some circles, but then again, no message is popular when it threatens a booming $100 billion dollar industry*. But, their message is important. And, it’s free to listen to them.

Ty traveled all over the globe to collect their message. He spoke to 131 people at the cutting edge of cancer – doctors, researchers, and experts from around the world. He sat down and interviewed them face to face on camera, to document their beliefs, their feelings, and their cold hard research. Ty and his team documented the entire process on film, and they put it together as an online documentary series called The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest. The series premiers this week, and you can watch for free.

The series starts this Tuesday night the 13th at 9:00PM Eastern, and continues for 9 days. You can watch it now for free, but you do have to register with the site. Just put in your first name and email address, and you’ll get an invitation in your email. If you want to purchase the whole series, you can watch it online or order a hard copy. As an affiliate, the [Grow] Network will receive a percentage of any sales made through this promotion.

You can watch a free preview at the link below:

Watch The Preview – The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest

If you decide that you want to watch the series, be sure to register by putting in your first name and email address. You’ll get updates sent directly to your inbox.

*Cancer Drug Market info from Forbes (http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2015/05/05/cancer-drug-sales-approach-100-billion-and-could-increase-50-by-2018/)

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