
The Medicine Your Grandmother Used

home-medicineDid you know that there was no NyQuil in the US until 1966? That’s right. Did you know that Tylenol wasn’t introduced until 1955? That’s also true. And there was no Benadryl before 1946. So, what did your grandmother do when her children got sick?

You don’t have to venture back very far in our history to find a time when there were no drugstores. Instead, mothers looked to their family gardens and nearby meadows to find specific plants that were known to possess the cures for common sicknesses. Proven remedies were passed from neighbor to neighbor, and from generation to generation.

One plant’s root could ease a stubborn cough. Another plant’s sap could soothe the pain of a recent burn. Unfortunately, this knowledge has been largely forgotten over only a few generations. Thousands of years worth of wisdom, gone, over roughly the last 100 years. We can reverse this change.

The good news is that these traditional remedies used by our grandmothers are still just as effective as they have ever been. Many of them are as effective as the bottles of pills we buy from modern store shelves. And frequently, the side effects and risks of the traditional remedies are much less problematic than those of the modern chemical cures.

The plants are still here. Many of them are regarded as “weeds.” We pick them from our lawns and spray them with weed killer, but they still hold the same medicinal qualities that they have had since ancient times. Your ancient ancestors used them. Your grandparents used them. And the only thing stopping you from using them is a lack of understanding. You only need to learn which plants hold the cures for common sicknesses, and how you can access those cures. Learn these simple facts and you can unlock a new door in your life.

If you’re interested, we have a great source of information for you.

Nicole Telkes is a gifted educator. She is the Director of the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine. Nicole was lucky to have a grandmother who introduced her to the art of herbal medicine as a child. Nicole went on to earn a BA in Environmental Resource Management with a minor in Botany. She has spent hundreds of hours sitting at the feet of herbalist masters like Margi Flint, Howie Brounstein, and the late Michael Moore. She has set up numerous emergency clinics – in Nicaragua, in Louisiana following hurricane Katrina, and at activist rallies where medical attention was needed. And she has helped countless individuals through her herbal practice and apothecary at the Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine.

Nicole envisions a world where there is an herbalist in every home, restoring this natural and sustainable approach to personal healthcare to communities around the globe. She has put together an eight week expedition called Home Medicine 101. This expedition was designed as an eight week program to allow you ample time to practice each skill as you learn it. But you can complete the expedition on your own schedule. Each week’s lesson and its related homework should only take about an hour of your time.

By the end of this 8 week class you’ll be able to treat the most common family ailments with simple medicines you can grow or easily find. This is the medicine your grandmother knew. Here is what you will learn:

– Heal burns, stings, and rashes

– Treat wounds and lacerations

– Relieve coughs and treat colds

– Manage fevers

– Manage pain from ear aches, head aches, and muscle aches

– Treat digestive problems like upset stomach and diarrhea

– Calm anxiety, insomnia, and stress

– Make medicine that is kid-friendly


Sign Up for Home Medicine 101

If you’re already a member of the [Grow] Network Core Community, you don’t need to order this. This expedition is always available to all members of the Core Community. You can learn more here – Core Community Membership.

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  • I’m very impressed with your offer – these are skills and knowledge that must be reintroduced in order to withdraw from the prevailing culture of money and medications. I hesitate to sign up though because access to plants is not easy and many of the plants that are available in one place are not available in another. It is important, I think, to be able to use the plants that are available to me, free for the gleaning or growing.

    Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you about this – it is the type of knowledge I would like to provide in Our Heart Gardens, when it opens. Still in the formation stage, I envision a world-wide network of indoor organic gardens where we shelter crops and people while they learn new and traditional skills, enjoy community and practice cooperation. Our website is at ourheartgardens.com.

    Sunshine sparkling on the waters, Shannon McArthur

  • geraldc says:

    Many things have been hidden from us in medicine for companies to make big dollars. My grand mama raised 4 girls 3 boys then 3 grand kids before 1956. They lived in same wood home with 6 bed rooms, kitchen across walkway and wood 4 fireplaces. Grandpa run 600 +- head cattle in woods on his place before fence laws were made. With all the work to be done all of them needed to stay healthy and grand mama was in charge of this. She gave 1 teaspoon colloidal silver 10 ppm every morning if she decided it was needed. Any one came home with cuts and scratches, same silver was put on places. Even when I was visiting, she gave all 4 us grand kids 1 teaspoon silver if she wanted to. All 4 grand kids still doing good. I am oldest at 68 now and still get 1 teaspoon if I feel its needed. Have not had a cold in very long time, even in winter handling 56 cords of firewood.

    After I seen President R Reagan, B Clinton and 1 more was cured of cancer using oxygen, I have found a new product NutriO2, adds 1 molecule of oxygen to air going in blood cells which helps inside and outside of body. My wife, myself, wife’s sister and their mother (92) now put 15 drops in 1 cup water 30 min before meals and wife’s mother feels lots better. Wife feels lots better too, she has had 2 battles with cancer, 1 in 1980 and 1 in 2013, latest was left lung tumor behind pacemaker, this made Dr very concerned for if radiation hit pacemaker, it may be damaged very bad, procedure did go well, but wife was having very hard time recovering. Once we were about 3 months into taking the 15 drops of NutriO2 in 1 cup water 3 times a day, she told me she was feeling better. She was canning tomatoes this year, did not want me to help until time to move pressure cooker to back burner. Yes, she was feeling much better. I tell this just to say many things have been suppressed so much its very hard to find what works for us and is not a patent medicine. By law Big phma paid FDA 24.3 million dollars in 2013 just to past drugs to us, there were 44 passed with 5 being tested.

    On organic gardening, this needs to be defined in writing so everyone knows what is being called “organic”. I have been gardening 28 — 100 ft rows from 1973, same land, same wife. Outside using well water, there is no way this garden could be “organic”, air, how many planes fly over spraying what ?? What does road crews spray on side of roads ?? A test was done for drift of RoundUp on 3 farms 500 miles apart for 3 years. Results were RoundUp ready weeds were found an average of 15 miles from each farm. Wonder how many so called “organic” garden were in these 15 miles ??

    1. jennifer says:

      I have to agree with the information on NutriO2. My husband and I started using it a year ago when we were feeling under the weather. It stopped whatever was trying to gain a foothold in all cases. So I went back to their website to see what else I might learn. Not much information but there is a video with lots of unneeded (in this case) hype. I have now decided to use it daily to simply promote good health and avoid the unwanted illnesses. I just spent a week with my mother who fell last December and sustained a serious brain trauma. My sister and I gave her 3 doses a day of NutriO2. I can’t even begin to communicate the changes and improvement in her function. It is simply added oxygen that is administered outside of breathing. 15-20 drops in a glass of water. My husband now keeps it available to his employees. Has really cut down on absence due to illness. Now when an employee comes in feeing under the weather, they head for the nutrio2. Kind of fun to nip something in the bud with no downside and all upside. I think the idea behind it is that the bad bacteria and viruses cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment. Whatever the mechanism…I’m hooked. I’ve also watched it stop the stomach flu in its tracks!

  • louise smith says:

    can this class be printed off so we have some thing to reference too when computer is down ?

    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hi Louise – The class is mostly videos, with only a little text, so it really isn’t “printable.” You can download the videos, though. Thanks – Michael

  • Candice says:

    Hi There!

    I’m based in Western Australia and wondered if the herbs and plants related to in the course are chiefly native to the United States?

    I am also juggling two other courses right now and working so am rather time poor (with a family, etc – you get the picture :-)). Does the course include assignments to be submitted? And… How are the modules released?

    Many thanks for your time, it looks really interesting and something I’ve wanted to learn for some time!

    Kindest regards,

    Perth – Australia

    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hello Candice – Some North American plants are used in the course, and some of the plants are herbs used around the world like rosemary and aloe. The course is more oriented towards the methods involved, for example “how to make a poultice,” “how to make an infusion,” “how to make a decoction,” etc. So you can substitute the plants you have available to you locally using the same methods. Thanks – Michael

  • Shelagh Drew says:

    Hi, this course sounds exactly like what I have been looking for. I just received the email about it and would like to know when it will start. I live on a gov. pen. that comes once a month and my next check won’t come until the 27 of Sept., so have to wait till then. Thank you so much for your time. I love your weekly newsletter. I keep them all so I can refer back to them.

  • Suez says:

    It’s very sad, everyone has to charge a price, to supposedly “help people”. This isn’t just for this author, but for all the ones I see everywhere, now days. 🙁

  • Mark says:

    What if can’t make all 8 classes? Is their a booklet? Will their be audio/video recordings we can watch later?


    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hi Mark – The course consists of 8 “classes” which are prerecorded video. We recommend that you take one class per week, but you can watch the classes and complete the homework on your own schedule. Pretty convenient, huh?

  • Glenda says:

    Just got an email regarding this 8 week course. I noticed other comments/questions from 5 months ago regarding this same course. My question is would I get one lesson each week or is it possible to get all 8 lessons to study at my own pace. I fear what the next 8 weeks may hold and would like to get the info as soon as possible.

    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hi Glenda – You can take the 8 classes on your own timeline. The only thing that might slow you down is the homework. Some of the lessons have homework that requires you to leave the house & may take a little time. Other than that, you can watch them all back-to-back if you choose to. Thanks – Michael

  • Marilyn says:

    I have a problem identifying plants that I see pictures of in books or on the internet. How will this course help me identify them more easily?

    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hi Marilyn – We have pictures of the various plants in the course videos, and Nicole talks about them at length. But if you have had trouble in the past with identifying plants from internet pictures – you might need to seek out a local event like a “plant walk” where you actually get to see, smell, and touch the plants for yourself. Good luck!

  • Mari says:

    I am very interested in this class. I am a slow reader and concentration is also a slow process for me. No fast paced instructions for me. I do like print because I can take my time to concentrate on the subject at my leisure. Is it possible to purchase any printed classes? As was mentioned in other comments, what if our computers go down or we have a power outage? Please consider print for these classes.

  • Susan says:

    This course could be completed at my own pace (including homework)?
    Would it give us information on where to get the herbs (since I live in a city)?

  • opal says:

    I was interested until I saw.. no paypal..

  • I like what you teach and what you believe. I only wish every email did not have a HUGE starting of UNSUBSCRIBE.
    I get concerned and worried I might loss your wisdom and knowledge of your work!

    unsubscribe at the bottom of the page is surely enough

    Please know most of us what to know you and what you have to say.

  • David says:


    Would like to take advantage of this but find that this offer, at least from my perspective, would be better timed come the colder months when there isn’t so much to do outside. Is that a possibility?


    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hi David – You can sign up for the class anytime. And once you’re signed up, you can take the lessons anytime. Timing is all up to you. Thanks – Michael

  • Keith says:

    Fantastic to see such a course! I did a Herbal Medicine course in 1969, but even before that had an interest thru my parents common sense approach to what was around them in Nature where we were isolated from medical care [ which in hindsight was mostly a blessing, and no major traumas to cause worries ]. My interest may be negated as the plants will be US, many of which are not available to me here in Australia. I would assume that photos of all the plants would be included also, as some of your plants are named differently to ours e.g. your Burdock is Thistle here, of different varieties. Common names and Latin names would also be helpful.

  • Jack Dyer says:

    I have several family and friends who I feel would be interested in the Home Medicine101 course. How can I get the info to them in time to qualify for the reduced fee?

    1. Michael Ford says:

      Hi Jack – You can just forward the email that we sent you on Sunday. That should work just fine. Thanks – Michael

  • Ellinor Festøy says:

    For the People living in Europe would we miss out on many plants, plants that only grow wild in America?

  • Donna Young says:

    This is an excellent class and I highly recommend it! It is such a wealth of information that will empower you!

    Wealth should not be measured on the money you have, but by the knowledge you have.

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