Member Discounts
Here is a collection of discounts from supporting businesses. If you have a business you would like to make a special offer to Honors Lab members, please contact our Lab Manager at
Terrior Seeds: is offering a 10% discount on all purchases of seeds. Stephen Scott (the expedition leader for our Saving Quality Seeds expediton) is offering you a 10% discount on any seeds you purchase at his store at Just enter this coupon code at checkout “SS123” and your 10% discount will automatically be applied.
Deborah Nieman is offering a 30% discount on her ebook, “Just Kidding: Stories and Reflections on Goats Giving Birth”. The regular price is $4.99, and the discounted price is $3.49. The discount code is: ZU27L Here is the link to order it:
Angi Schneider is offering a 25% discount on her ebook “The Gardening Notebook”. Go to Use promo code GROW to receive the discount.
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