
The DVD that Started it All

marjory-wildcraft-holding-home-grown-veggiesWhen it comes to growing your own food and medicine, there’s one guide that can help you more than any other. This resource shows you the methods you need to know to greatly increase your production, while actually decreasing the amount of time you need to spend working. You guessed it – it’s our very own Marjory Wildcraft’s signature series DVD, How to Grow Your Own Groceries.

No matter what your motivation is for growing your own food – security, health, money, or just plain old fun – Marjory’s DVD has all of the information you need to start or expand your own back yard food production program. Marjory wanted to be able to provide healthy food for her family no matter what happens to the economy or the corporate agri-business industry. So she started to read every book available on the subject. She took every workshop she could find, and she traveled to visit everyone she heard about who was growing food successfully at home. Eventually, she got the hang of it and she was growing most of the food her family eats – right in her own back yard.

After she had figured things out and was consistently successful, Marjory began to teach. She offered workshops on back yard food production, and she was amazed at how many other people were concerned about food security and wanted to learn how to grow their own nutritious, organic, clean food. The workshops kept selling out – and the people in attendance were passionate, eager to learn, and very thankful for the help. That’s when Marjory got the idea to record her workshops on video so that people everywhere could learn from her experiences. Today there are over 300,000 people using this system, in over 30 countries around the world.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Section 1: Soil Types and Climate Considerations
Section 2: Water Sources and Water Quality
Section 3: Garden Location, Size, and Fertility
Section 4: Raising Rabbits in Your Back Yard
Section 5: Home Butchering for Poultry, Rabbits, and More
Section 6: Chicken Breeds, Egg Production, and Predator Protection
Section 7: Training Dogs to Protect your Flock and Garden
Section 8: Fruit Tree Orchards, Food Forests, and Other Perennial Food Sources
Section 9: Other Essentials Including Calorie Crops, Natural Food Preservation, and More

Now, physically speaking, Marjory is sort of a short girl – but her instructional DVD stands out head and shoulders above the competition. Here’s what some of today’s top leaders have to say about her DVD:

• “This video set is incredible. It shows you how to grow clean, healthy food, organically and simply with the least amount of time.” – Mike Adams of the Natural News
• “Wow. This is the most comprehensive video on sustainable living that I have seen, that not only offers a template for those who are just getting started, but also provides a variety of new ideas for even the well seasoned homesteader.” – Tom Martin, Founder of American Preppers Network
• “With high production values, the authenticity of lived experience, a script sharp as nails, and good narration, this film makes a tremendous contribution to the practical literature of permaculture.” – Peter Bane, Permaculture Activist Magazine

If you order the DVD, you will receive a physical product in the mail. The DVD set includes 2 DVD videos, and a 3rd complimentary CD Resource Disk containing more than 40 free PDF reports with guides and information sheets about the plants and methods discussed in the video. This is our own product that we are offering directly to you, and a portion of all sales will go to support the [Grow] Network.

Click Here to Buy the DVD Marjory Wildcraft’s Grow Your Own Groceries


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