fertilizer The Grow Network
Aerobic Compost Tea, Worm Tea, and Leachate—What’s the Difference?
The Grow..
date_range June 06, 2022
There's a lot of confusion about the difference between aerobic compost tea, worm tea, and leachate. Here's what they really are—and how to use them
How to Make and Use Seaweed Fertilizer
David Th..
date_range April 20, 2022
Consider seaweed fertilizer a multivitamin for your garden, loaded with micronutrients. Here's how to make and use it in your garden.
Is Your Food Grown in Human Poop or Sewage?
Tasha Gr..
date_range September 13, 2019
On a home scale, safe use of humanure is a great way to sustainably maintain soil fertility. But what about using sewage sludge on farms to grow food?
The Laws of Nature: A Touchstone for Gardening
Calvin Bey
date_range July 03, 2019
Strengthen plant health, increase yields, and improve your gardening success by following these 9 Laws of Nature.
5 Reasons Your Green Beans Are Thriving (When Nothing Else Is)
Tasha Gr..
date_range April 05, 2019
If your green beans are going great guns but your other veggies are suffering, it may be time to remineralize your garden soil with rock dust. Here's