During a recent Home Grown Food Summit, the president of SUN OVENS International, Paul Munsen, very kindly donated not one, but two, SUN OVENS for us to give away as prizes.
But it was a bit crazy: Nikki, who manages all of our incoming e-mail, was bombarded with inquiries about this particular prize.
People were asking Nikki so many questions about how the SUN OVEN works, that I contacted Paul and asked him to ship me one so I could create my own video review of it!
You can watch me unbox a SUN OVEN and cook with it for the first time here:
Once I tried it, I could immediately appreciate why SUN OVENS have been on the market for more than 30 years now.
This is a quality product.
And when it’s hot outside, I gotta tell you, I really appreciate being able to cook outdoors with it and avoid making the inside of the house even warmer!
If you’re interested in learning more about the SUN OVEN and how it can benefit your family, Paul will be hosting a really great workshop for our TGN Community next week:
How to Focus the Sun on Your Emergency Preparedness Needs!
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
5:00 p.m. PT / 6:00 p.m. MT / 7:00 p.m. CT / 8:00 p.m. ET
A 60-minute online class with live Q&A
FREE TO ATTEND . . . but you must register here:
Hope you can make it!
P.S. You won’t want to miss this webinar. Paul has promised to cover topics that will include how to:
- Use a SUN OVEN in ways that go beyond just cooking, like pasteurizing water, dehydrating, and sterilizing potting soil.
- Enhance your sprouting during the winter.
- Easily peel freshly laid hard-boiled eggs.
- Bake, boil, steam, and roast complete meals (that’ll never burn!).
- Naturally dehydrate fruits and vegetables, or make jerky.
- Reduce your utility bills (and keep your kitchen cooler!) while enjoying baked roasts and breads all summer long.
- Naturally kill bug infestations in grains or dried foods.
And so much more.
Again, you can register for this FREE class here: https://www.sunoven.com/grow-network-webinar/
Plus, you’ll see on the registration page that Paul is giving everyone who registers a FREE COPY of his e-Book “Emerging from the Emergency,” a 120-page disaster preparedness guide that helps you plan to survive any tragedy or disaster.
So make sure you download a copy of that, too!

The Grow Network is a global network of people who produce their own food and medicine. We’re the coolest bunch of backyard researchers on Earth! We’re constantly sharing, discovering, and working together to test new paths for sustainable living—while reconnecting with the “old ways” that are slipping away in our modern world. We value soil, water, sunlight, simplicity, sustainability, usefulness, and freedom. We strive to produce, prepare, and preserve our own food and medicine, and we hope you do, too!
I am curious as to how this works in the Mid-West and will it still work well enough during the winter months if you use the cloudy day discs? I currently live in an apartment and cannot have a gas grill. I am wanting to be prepared for the upcoming potential months (and other times) if for some reason I was not able to utilize my electricity to cook. Did I miss an email on how to enter the contest for this? Thanks!
If you can see your shadow then there is enough sun to cook with the solar oven. The cloudy day discs are the fuel for a small cube stove, not the solar oven. The cube stove holds a burning fuel disk and a pot sits on top for cooking.
I have used one whene it was only in the upper 30’s low 40’s F out and it worked fine. The outside temp does not really matter. ( It may take a bit longer to heat up when really cold but it works with the suns rays to cook food , not the temp. So as long as you have sunshine you can cook. Just as it won’t work well even on very hot days if the sun is not shineing on it.