
Snake Bite Treatment, The Aftermath – Homesteading Basics

Hi, this is Marjory Wildcraft and in this edition of Homesteading Basics, I’m going to answer the questions that have been pouring in about the snake bite treatment aftermath!

Thank you so much for writing in.

Scarred for Life?

One of the questions we’ve gotten most is, “Was there any scarring?” The answer is no. There’s absolutely no scarring. Actually, within just a few days of the snake bite treatment, I was up and walking around, attending to the chickens, making dinner, and doing all the stuff I normally do.

The second question we’ve gotten a lot is, “Are you still walking barefoot?”

The answer is yes.

Actually, I love walking barefoot. When I got the snakebite, I was violating the one safety rule you should have on a homestead—don’t put your hands and feet where you can’t see them. So, if I’m in tall grass or somewhere with a lot of underbrush, yeah, I’m going to put some boots on.

I’m being a little more careful. But, most of the time, I’m still a barefooter.

After The Snake Bite Treatment 

Now, there has been one consequence of the snake bite that’s a little more difficult to talk about and harder to quantify. I actually think it’s the reason that most people are deeply afraid of snake bites. Snakes, in your deep psyche, represent tremendous change, and there has been a real upheaval going on in my personal life. A lot of emotional events I had forgotten about have suddenly become important again.

Also, I’m the founder of The Grow Network, and we’ve just had a tsunami of change—new people coming and some other people going.

So, on the emotional level, the aftermath of the snake bite has been pretty traumatic. On the physical level, no. It was a pretty straightforward event, other than what I described in the article.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, head over to The Grow Network website. There, you’ll find a couple of blog posts about how I got bitten by a venomous snake and treated it at home.

This is Marjory Wildcraft—and, yeah, don’t get bitten by a snake!

If you missed the two original posts about the snake bite – be sure to read them here:

How I Got A Venomous Snake Bite … Part 1.

How I Treated The Venomous Snake Bite At Home … Part 2.


Psst! Our Lawyer Wants You to Read This Big, Bad Medical Disclaimer –> The contents of this article, made available via The Grow Network (TGN), are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information provided by TGN. Reliance on any information provided by this article is solely at your own risk.

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This post was written by Marjory


  • Marilyn Chase says:

    If I wanted to grow some the plants to use as a poultice for potential snakes bites, what do you recommend? I live in central Georgia.

    1. MJ Clinton says:

      Doc Jones, veterinarian and herbalist, has herbal tinctures and powders that use dandelion root, echinacea root, marshmallow root, and plantain leaves available on his website homegrownherablist.net. I have plenty of plantain in summer (and it grows as a weed everywhere) so after calling 911, I at least would keep chewing those leaves, putting chewed leaves on the bite after gently cleaning the area and swallowing the juice until help arrives. I’m not a doctor, just repeating what I learned from a story Doc Jones told during a TheGrowNetwork presentation.

  • Owl says:

    I would like to know what would have been the use of cabbage, if you had it on hand, would you have used that for the poultice instead?

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