
April Question of the Month

TGN Community members, please let us know:

In addition to The Grow Network, what are your favorite resources for information on gardening, homesteading, and home medicine? (What magazines do you read, sites do you visit, and groups do you belong to?)

Please leave your reply in the Forums by clicking here: https://thegrownetwork.com/forums/topic/what-are-your-favorite-resources-for-gardening-homesteading-home-medicine-info/

Then, stay tuned—we’ll be compiling your answers into an article soon!

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This post was written by The Grow Network


  • Marcia says:

    Hi I’m not on Facebook, but I find information from many news letters. Stacy Murphy, migardener, Melissa Norris, tenth acre farm, Starry Hilders, learning herbs, self reliant school, praire homestead, praxxus55712 on utube and the wisconsin gardener. I also get Mother Earth. I think I’m on the computer too much and not outside. However in my defense it’s been too cold outside to do much else.

    1. Nikki Follis says:

      I an relate to being inside too much right now too, Marcia (I’m in Michigan where the weather is stuck in winter mode!!). We appreciate your sharing these resources. Thank you so much!

  • I love permies.com. It has a category for just about everything, and a wide variety of contributors of all levels who share their experiences and expertise with readers. It’s a great place to ask questions, and interact with others who are doing the same things you are, and are always willing to lend a helping hand. Great site.

    1. Nikki Follis says:

      Excellent resource, Tracy! You’re right, that site does have a lot of information on it. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  • Mary Kathryn says:

    I’ve learn a lot from Rosemary Gladstar, Learning Herbs, Rosalee de la Florêt, Dr. Aviva Romm, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, and I’m excited to learn more from this site. I’ve followed you for a long time, and have decided to buy your DVD…some knowledge needs to be NOT online, but in a library, so now I have both!

    1. Nikki Follis says:

      Awesome! Thank you for sharing these resources and for purchasing our DVD for your library! We really do appreciate your support, Mary Kathryn. 🙂

  • Scott Sexton says:

    I love eattheweeds.com and The Homegrown School of Botanical Medicine.

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