
Product Review: Marjory Unboxes the UrBin Grower (a.k.a. Metro-Grower Elite)

My family loves it when I do product reviews—but not for the reason you think. While I get excited about unboxing new equipment to garden with, they get excited because I have to clean off the porch for filming!

Anyway, today’s product review is for one of my absolute favorite products—the UrBin Grower (currently in the middle of being re-branded as the Metro-Grower Elite, but don’t let the name confuse you, it’s the same product).

One of the neat things about this product is that it comes with almost everything you need to start growing immediately. I say “almost,” because you will have to provide three gallons of high-quality compost per Metro-Grower Elite and a couple of gallons of water each.

Other than that, it’s a pretty turnkey growing solution.

In this video, I unbox my new Metro-Grower Elite, read the instructions for you, and show you everything you need to know to get started.

Plus I show you the surprising benefit of the water barrier — a plant protection advantage that you might not expect!

Want to get your Metro-Grower Elite?   I’ve worked out a wholesale price with the supplier.  You can click here now to get complete details.

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  • Rik Reynolds says:

    “Turmeric” has two “r”s. If you (as many people do) insist on dropping the first r at least pronounce the u & e the same.

  • Jennifer says:

    As with so many things, it is not available to Alaska. Bummer!

  • Pati says:

    Thank you for teaching us to grow turmeric! What was the name of the second herb that you recommended?

    1. Alina Niemi says:

      Equisetum, horsetail. I believe, which likes water. Scientific name Equisetum arvense.
      Here is a link to some info: http://www.umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/horsetail

      Looks like there are several different species, which have similar properties. From A Modern Herbal (an old classic): https://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/h/hortai39.html

      (By the way, turmeric will produce in light shade, too…one of the few productive edible understory plants of the tropics.)

      Alina Niemi
      Author of Turkish Tile Art Coloring Book; Kaleidoscope Coloring Book; Low Water Veggie Gardening; The New Scoop (A vegan ice cream cookbook); The Hawaii Doodle Book; My Attitude of Gratitude Daily Journal; and the Let’s Count Series of books for kids, including Let’s Count Trucks!

  • Debbie says:

    Do you know anything about the California Proposition 65 warning on this container?

    1. Debbie says:

      It was on the Urbin Grower, if that is different than the Metro Grower.

  • Linda C. Seaton says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed your review Marjory. Have you ever heard of the grow tower by the juice plus company? You can check it out here: lindaseaton.growtower.com. It is a state-of-the-art vertical aeroponic growing system developed by NASA. It grows vegetables, herbs, flowers, and many fruits in less time than it takes to grow them in soil. You can grow almost any fruit or vegetable that doesn’t grow on a tree or in the soil(like potatoes)- as well as a variety of herbs and flowers.

  • Alina Niemi says:

    Thanks, Marjory. Hadn’t heard of this system before.

    Do you have any trouble with mosquitoes reproducing in the water reservoir? That would be a red flag for us, especially when we have hurricane season or wet spells.

    Alina Niemi
    Author of Turkish Tile Art Coloring Book; Kaleidoscope Coloring Book; Low Water Veggie Gardening; The New Scoop (A vegan ice cream cookbook); The Hawaii Doodle Book; My Attitude of Gratitude Daily Journal; and the Let’s Count Series of books for kids, including Let’s Count Trucks!

  • Patricia says:

    Interesting. I cannot believe you are barefoot and in shorts in Texas …? I cannot walk outdoors without boots and jeans or I get attacked by fire ants and all sorts of little creatures.
    I use dried molasses and organic cornmeal to ward off the fire ants. WhAT DO YOU USE ?

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