Dani Lavoire – Home Death Care: Reclaiming The Healing Power of Death

Dani Lavoire – The Home Death Movement: Reclaiming The Healing Power of Death

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Big Ideas & Takeaways:  

Learn how to reclaim after-death care and save THOUSANDS on funeral costs. Minimize the Environmental Impact of Conventional Burial Practices. Increase your self sufficiency and experience a SATISFYING grief experience.

  • Laws surrounding home death care
  • When a funeral director is useful, and when they get in the way
  • The safety of home funerals – is it safe to touch a dead body?
  • Incorporating children in the home funeral process
  • The 7 ways that home funerals heal
  • Why 6 feet is too deep for a home burial
  • The environmental impact of conventional death care
  • How home funerals build community

About the Speaker:

Dani comes to this work because of a deep need to live life in the liminal spaces and foster experiences for others seeking comfort in unfamiliar territory. While working as a Home Birth Midwife for almost 2 decades, she realized that the same skills of the heart that have served birthing families could also help deepen the experiences of families facing Death. Dani is a Hospice Volunteer, Home Funeral Guide, Passionate Public Speaker, Writer, Mother, Wife and Homesteader. Her deepest passion lies in creating strong communities through transforming experiences of Trauma. Her work at the NHFA will be to creatively and energetically motivate the membership to make a strong difference in the places where they live.





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