Lessons For Americans From A Visit To An Economically Collapsed Country

How do you feed 11 million people when all your systems crash and the entire world turns its back on you? Marjory went on a journey to visit the island nation of Cuba to discover just how severe economic collapse can be, and what the Cuban people have done to overcome that horrible and tragic time. This video outlines her trip and offers many insights into the differences and similarities with how economic collapse may unfold here in the US.

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The full video is now available! Viewable below 🙂

So why would Marjory want to go to Cuba?

Cuba had embraced industrialized agriculture more than any other Latin American country.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, overnight Cuba lost most its fuel imports, pesticides, fertilizers, and tractors. In the first year, the economy plummeted by 60%, buses stopped running, the lights went out, and the average Cuban lost 20 pounds.

Instead of offering help, the US further tightened it’s embargo.

By necessity, Cuba undertook the largest conversion from conventional to organic food production ever attempted by humanity.

Hunger became overbearing. The social structure turned upside down as lawyers and doctors turned to their gardeners to learn how grow food. Were there outbreaks of violence? Did people hoard ahead of time? What do Cubans who lived through it have to say to Americans preparing for collapse?

How do you feed 11 million people when all your systems crash and the entire world turns its back on you? Marjory went on a journey to visit the island nation of Cuba to discover just how severe economic collapse can be, and what the Cuban people have done to overcome that horrible and tragic time. This video outlines her trip and offers many insights into the differences and similarities with how economic collapse may unfold here in the US.

To see the interview with Ronnie Cummins, the founder of the “Millions Against Monsanto” campaign, click here

To see the interview with Alberto Gonzales and his struggle to feed his family during the “Special Period” click here

To see the interview with Rita Ojeda and her inspiring story of how to keep your families spirits up during a crisis, click here


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