
(Infographic) Is Your Lunch Full of Antibiotics? A Fast Food Report Card

Most of us here at the [Grow] Network are pretty conscientious about our eating decisions. After all, concerns about mass produced foods are one of the top reasons why people start to grow their own food in the first place. But every now and then, due to time constraints or the allure of quick convenience, many of us make an exception and eat the occasional fast food meal.

Each time you throw back a paper-wrapped burger, it’s like a calculated risk. It’s easy to rationalize the consequences for your health by saying, “Well, I almost always eat healthy food. This one little burger isn’t going to give me a heart attack.” But it’s harder to rationalize the degree to which you’re exposing yourself to other problems like, say, antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

A group of consumer advocacy groups funded by Consumer Reports just released a report card for 25 of the largest fast food chains in the country, sizing them up by their policies and practices for using antibiotic-treated ingredients. This report card is, well, sobering to say the least. Out of the 25 largest fast food chains, 19 of them received a failing grade. I guess the bright side to this story is that 2 chains got an “A.” Here’s the report card…


Thanks to Consumer Reports and their policy and advocacy group, Consumers Union. You can see the original posts here: Consumer Reports Fast Food Chains

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