
Improve Employee Wellness by Growing Food

Stress is at an all-time high.
Companies are scrambling to keep employees focused, healthy, and productive during these difficult times.
And there’s a simple solution.

Business leaders must lead their teams in growing food.

A team that grows food is:

  • Happier

  • Healthier

  • Successful

And I know a team of food producers who are ultimately more productive in life and business. My team here at The Grow Network: https://thegrownetwork.com/about-us/

Over 450k+ people have signed up to stop the destruction of the earth with us. We’re growing more than ever with new courses and an ever-expanding store.

I was recently featured in Authority Magazine on how I started The Grow Network and the 5 ways that businesses can help promote mental wellness:


Caring for the earth always pays off. Let’s get homegrown food on every table. Join today!

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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft

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