
I Have A Backyard, But No Time – Can I Still Grow Food?

Dr. Paul P from New Jersey wrote in to ask me if I knew of a way he could grow food with no time. He has an empty backyard. He is really interested in greenhouses and aquaponics. Being a doctor he clearly recognizes that homegrown food is going to be pure and healthy. But how could he do it with his busy schedule?

Well Dr. Paul, here is what I suggest. There are several different websites on the net designed to help people with land connect up with people who want to garden. All of these sites are free. And yes, I bet they would sure appreciate a donation.

http://www.SharedEarth.com offers a place for both landowners and gardeners to put up a listing and make connections.

http://www.sharingbackyards.com/ is another site – Strong on Canada, but includes U.S. and International.

http://www.growfriend.org/ offers anonymous postings


Don’t forget good ole’ Craigslist which is also world-wide www.craigslist.org/

Here are some more sites outside the U.S:

http://www.landshare.net/ British

http://www.landshareaustralia.com.au/news/matchmaking-service-for-gardeners-begins-in-the-northern-rivers/ Land sharing is big in Australia, too!

I’ll post up more sites whenever I come across any more. And, if anyone has a site I’ve missed, please leave a comment below and let us know the link.

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This post was written by Marjory


  • Karen Scribner says:

    Re: sugar avoidance: do not eat wheat.
    I am 67, have lived in 8 states (Texas twice) with my husband the civil engineer (now in nuclear clean-up). I have tried to get off sugar for most of my adult life. In 1987 I just quit and had horrible cravings for sugar for 6 weeks. In 2012 while living in the RV in Sonoma County CA while cleaning up my parents’ house for sale, I read a notice in the local weekly alternative paper. A nutrition educator was giving a talk on “Kick Your Sugar Addiction” so I went. She is basically Paleo, but emphasized eliminating wheat most of all to stop the sugar craving. Here is Misty Humphrey’s website: http://www.free-healthy-diet-plans.com/about-me.html. She wants no carbs consumed except what is in fruits and vegetables. To stop craving sugar, do not eat wheat. I will not go on here about the evils of wheat because you can read Wheat Belly and Wheat Belly Cookbook by Dr William Davis, although many other books are coming out weekly. The cookbook has additional facts on the evil of modern, hybrid wheat than his first book. It took me about 6 months of going on and off to really decide I could eat no wheat. I do not have any symptoms that are common like rash, IBS, etc. I just feel really weird when I eat it. I ate something with flour coating when I had been completely off for two months and got rough elbows. Less that a week later I read that this was one of the hundreds of things that wheat causes. I think the two worst are diabetes and celiac although I’m sure some heart problem is there too. Dr Davis exposed on his blog the farmers’ practice of “ripening” or “drying” of any crop to make it easier to harvest the food. Glyphosate (Roundup and 13 other brands by 7 manufacturers)is used so much that is in everyone’s urine. Glyphosate destroys tryptophan in the gut, tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin from Jeffrey Smith). Ooops, I am off topic. What we really need to do is stop all this travel (doing while we can) and get to work on that cute little lot with 1889 house we bought in Elgin.
    Thanks for all of your great information. Karen
    PS. Jeffrey Smith told us at The Heirloom Expo that there is NO GMO wheat; Dr Davis tells us there is plenty to eat besides wheat.

  • howard story says:

    Hello, Yes please add WWOOF world wide opportunities on organic farms. We have many members who would like to access land to grow on a exchange for labor bases. WWOOF’s been doing this for over 40 years, exchanging labour for food and accomidation or part of the harvest .
    Thank you

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Oh Howard, you are so right. We have met some wonderful folks through the WWOOF program.

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