Watch (and learn!) as Lynn Gillespie—an organic farmer for over 30 years and owner of The Living Farm in Paonia, CO—plans, plants, tends, and harvests a high-performance garden.
Lynn has a unique “learn along with me” garden teaching system. You will actually get to see everything she does in her garden for the entire growing season, as she seeks to produce enough food so that she can eat something she’s grown every day for a year.
Below is the introductory episode. (And stay tuned, as Lynn will have another update every week!)
Week 0: Introduction to Season 7
Welcome to Year 7 of the High Performance Garden Show. This year, our theme is “fun.” We are going to grow over $2,500 worth of organic food in less than 15 minutes a day, without breaking a sweat. Come along with us and join the fun!
Sponsor the show and get great gifts. Click here for details!
This year’s seed and plant list includes the following:
- Lettuce, Tropicana
- Lettuce, Firecracker
- Lettuce, Freckles
- Lettuce, Tamarindo
- Spinach, Banjo
- Bok Choy, Joi Choi
- Beets, Boro
- Cabbage, Stonehead, Red Express
- Celery, Tango
- Arugula, Astro
- Shungiku, Narrow Leaf
- Potato, Yukon Gold
- Turnip, Hakurie
- Radish, Viola
- Peas, Snap SL3123
- Tomato, Chef’s Choice Orange
- Tomato, Estiva
- Tomato, Citrine
- Tomato, Rubee Dawn
- Tomato, Dark Star
- Tomato, Patio Choice Yellow
- Beans, Pole, Cobra
- Walking Onions, homegrown
- Garlic greens, homegrown
- Winter Squash, Butternut
- Winter Squash, Spaghetti
- Kale, Red Russian
- Cucumber, Tasty Green
- Basil, Nufar
- Pumpkin, Little Jack (saved seeds)
- Pumpkin, Striped (saved seeds)
- Microgreen, Mild Mix
- Anything else I want to grow 😉
Additional Resources
- What Can I Plant Today? (Scroll Down):
- Easy PVC Trellising System:
- Compost Magic:
- Compost Test:
- Planting Zone:
- “Ask Gardener Lynn”:
- YouTube Channel:
- Newsletter:
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Pinterest:
- Website:
- E-mail the Living Farm: thelivingfarm1938 <at> gmail . com
The Living Farm eCourses
- Abundance Garden eCourse:
- High Performance Gardening eBook:
- High Performance Greenhouse eCourse:
- High Performance Classroom eSeries:
- Leafy Greens Container Garden eCourse:
- Strawberry eCourse:
Stay tuned! We’ll be publishing a new episode in this series weekly!

The Grow Network is a global network of people who produce their own food and medicine. We’re the coolest bunch of backyard researchers on Earth! We’re constantly sharing, discovering, and working together to test new paths for sustainable living—while reconnecting with the “old ways” that are slipping away in our modern world. We value soil, water, sunlight, simplicity, sustainability, usefulness, and freedom. We strive to produce, prepare, and preserve our own food and medicine, and we hope you do, too!