
How To Find The Perfect Survival Retreat, Farm, or Homestead With Marjory Wildcraft

RelocationShortcuts.com has the full report with the 3 steps to finding your perfect survival retreat, the 4 biggest threats you need to consider, the 9 regions where preppers are gathering, the biggest mistake preppers make in choosing a site. If you are preparing for economic collapse, pandemic, or other major changes, than this information will be invaluable to you. Marjory Wildcraft offers real world advice to help you find the land that will support you.

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This post was written by Marjory


  • Barry Mead says:

    I liked your feedback regarding finding a survival community.

    The question that I have is one that I think will affect many others,
    so I hope that by answering it you will not only help me, but many others as well.

    I am 60 years old and don’t have much money. Relocating is probably
    beyond my means at the moment. I was wondering if there are any communities that you know of that allow people to “POOL” their resources
    so that to cost of relocation does not include the purchase of an entire farm for each family? Even if I sold everything I own, I could only come up with about 70,000. I don’t think that is enough to buy a farm and start over. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for others in my situation.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Here are a few suggestions.

      – there are areas that are still within your budget.
      currently I am scouting communities in the Ozarks and very surprised at how low cost the land is. Check the internet and see if anything calls to you.

      There is an
      intentional Community directory which lists all the various communities forming or in existence in the US, hmm, and maybe Canada. They have an online resource too – just do a search.

      The American Preppers network, SurvivalBlog, and The Survival Podcast have forums or online groups where people are ‘meeting up’ online to explore the possibility of polling resources.

      I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

  • michelle mcafee says:

    What great advice, I have been looking at areas in southern Missouri and this information is just what I needed. Thank you sooo much.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi Michelle,

      Thanks. I was just in S. Missouri scouting communities. Lots of great folks in the area. Water is more plentiful than other places, but be sure to look for good soil.



  • Yvette says:

    My husband and I are preppers,we have all types of fruit tree’s.
    we don’t plant flowers we pland food. All around are yard there’s
    something to eat,we see other peoples yards all beautfull but! you
    can’t eat the flowers,we have stock up with other items in are
    pantry also. A nother question we have is how far out of town should are survila retread be?

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi Yvette,

      Your setup is totally awesome. Yup, edible landscaping is the way to go. How far out of town? Check out this video I made


  • Fortitutde says:

    According to all that I have heard and read about relocation/survival location, we couldn’t be in the worse state and penultimately bad location. Our gun laws are bad, and we live too close major cities. I suppose it could worse. We could be living in, or much closer to, those cities!

    We very seriously considered relocation before it made an online crescendo. We are unable to move. Period. I do not think all is lost.

    There are positives. We have a small farm with a large garden, apple trees, and various livestock. Despite the disadvantages, and there are many, we also have a few advantages. In addition, together we have a large complement of skills.

    Our nation is in uncharted territory. I do not think the panic of 1873 (“the Panic of 1873 stands as the first global depression brought about by industrial capitalism”) (teachinghistory.org), nor the not so great depression of 1929-1939 are the best examples for us to look to for advice. The Zimbabwe or Argentine models may be made “obsolete.” In addition, when we read, or told, via the media, of “civil unrest,” many times the problem is more localized than what is implied. As an example, my SIL happened to be in Chile when they experienced their last large earthquake. While there were people “problems,” it wasn’t all encompassing as was implied. It is a different scenario, however, when lawlessness becomes ingrained into the society.

    While we have come up with an “bug-in” plan, there is very little to encouragement for an “in-place” scenario; most of us have no choice. The rest live blissfully ignorant.

    What encouragement do you have for those of us who are not able to relocate?

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Build community.

      Try to get as much neighborhood and regional self-reliance going as possible.

      I’ll write o in a later post. but that is the basics.

      Here is a link to a podcast I did with Jack Spirko a while back on “How To Find Like Minded Neighbors And Build Self-Reliant Community Without Sacrificing Security”. Oh dang, I never posted that one.

      OK, I’ll find it and post it for you. You are subscribed to the article alerts aren’t you?

    2. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Build community.

      Try to get as much neighborhood and regional self-reliance going as possible.

      I’ll write o in a later post. but that is the basics.

      Here is a link to a podcast I did with Jack Spirko a while back on “How To Find Like Minded Neighbors And Build Self-Reliant Community Without Sacrificing Security”. Oh dang, I never posted that one.

      OK, I’ll find it and post it for you. You are subscribed to the article alerts aren’t you?

  • Jerold says:

    Hi, Last night on Coast you mentioned the name and author of a book written about finding a good retreat in the western states. I think his name was James ? Mark Skousand was for the eastern US and he was better for the western states. If you could please send me the name of the book and his name. Was in bed and half asleep. Thankyou.

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