
Homemade Shampoo & Feminine Hygiene After Economic Collapse

If you’ve been following the series of posts on homemade shampoo’s you know I’ve been experimenting…  and so many of you wrote in to suggest using the yucca root.  I found this excellent video on YoutTube by Tam from Bushcraft On Fire where she shows how to harvest and use the root.  Plus she talks about feminine hygiene in a wilderness – or after collapse – situation. I am going to dig up a yucca and try this out.  I’ll post my results and see how well it worked out in reality.   If you’ve got a yucca near you, why not try this out also and send us in your results?  We would love to hear from you!

My philosophy is – why wait for collapse?  If we find a great shampoo that works well and is easy to make and use – heck, I would much rather skip that whole section of the store.  Not to mention keep those commercial shampoo chemicals off my scalp.

And the best thing is, making small change now will make the whole transition easier.

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This post was written by Marjory


  • Incognito says:

    I have yet to use the yucca as a soap. I am going to try it, and have the plants, but the garden, animals, making instead of buying presents for the G”kids and kids, as well as all the other obligations I have made will, postpone this challenge until the fall. In the meantime, I am looking forward to your results for hair, etc.

    I would like to make a comment concerning feminine hygiene. At some point I became allergic to disposable feminine pads. This was a problem, as all other options, such as the keeper/diva (great choices for those who can)were not an option for me. I made a much simpler method. I made squarish (one side slightly longer than the other side) rectangles of flannel. Rolled flat into a pad shape, they should fit comfortably in the panty. I serged the edges. Laying three squares on top of each other I would fold them over until it made a long piece of flannel. Two safety pins, pinned from under the panty, held it in place. They did not pop open. I would put an appropriately cut piece of polyester canvas (for outdoor chairs) between the last layer and the rest of the flat “roll” before pinning. The polyester canvas will not fray and just needed to be cut. While this method is not perfect, it worked rather well for the number of years I needed to use them. The key to “neatness,” was to soak the rinsed flannel in a heavy solution of Biz overnight. I still have these squares and they look unused!

    I understand why you may not wish to publish this post. I remain “Incognito” due to the subject matter. I hope this information is helpful.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi “Incognito”,

      Oh I very much appreciate your offering your experience. Thank you so much.

      What is a solution of Biz?

      1. Incognito says:

        I don’t remember exactly, but I want to say maybe a cup for a horse bucket. We have sheep, rabbits, and chickens, but no horses. I like the buckets. After I rinsed them out, they usually only needed to soak overnight. Upon occasion a little longer was necessary. The “polyester protectors” had their issues and needed to replaced here and there. I only put that protector between the very last flap of the last fold and the rest of the roll. I considered it the bottom of the roll. It worked well for me and very glad as I had no other option.

        I know many consider H2O2 to remove those type of stains, but Biz works the best for me. It even removed blueberry stains-I don’t know if that was a fluke or not. I don’t use the stuff often, but I have it around.

        1. Incognito says:

          PS After soaking, I threw them in the washing machine.

  • Margaret says:

    This is similar to making homemade flannel diapers for babies!
    Biz is a brand of commercial laundry det.

  • Isa says:

    Hello Marjory,
    In stead of using commercial shampoos, you can also go ‘no-poo’, using bakingsoda rinses. It’s inexpensive and save.( There are lots of websites explaining this method, I like: http://babyslime.livejournal.com/174054.html#why )
    I also tried your egg shampoo, which left my hair very soft, but is more costly then the baking soda method, so I only use that as a treatment every now and then.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi Isa,

      Yes the egg recipe is a bit of a special events kind of thing. Like when getting ready for a graduation or wedding. It is nice to occasionally do special things for yourself.

  • Teri LeDantec-Boswell says:

    Thanks for sharing your expertise and these GREAT tools!
    Having a particular interest in ‘how women coped’ in bygone days, I can also add a word of advice to all:

    In Bretagne, from where my family hails, until relatively recently, women used what looked like terrycloth hand towels that were plain woven at each end for menstrual feminine hygiene.
    Regardless of your personal views about employment practices, I can also recommend the purchase of the packs of plain terrycloth washcloths at Walmart — for around $5, you can purchase a large pack of plain white facecloths.
    I don’t recommend these rough cloths for use on your face; rather, these make terrific cleaning rags and I have actually used these as a natural method for the purposes described above in a pinch with comfort and success.
    We’ve forgotten many of the ‘female’ secrets from years gone by, often shared around ‘The Village Well’ between women of different generations who mentored up other women.
    It is with pleasure that I read some of the beneficial ‘sharings’ that are offered here!
    With the looming challenges that we may face in the coming days, it is essential that we band together in a collaborative spirit to save what knowledge we can for future generations.

    While some believe that the future belongs to those who brandish their weapons, I can’t help but think of our collective ancestors: wise cavewomen who HID from danger deep in caves, crevices or high in treetops and used their knowledge and skills to ensure the survival of their offspring.

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