Wardee Harmon – Home Grain Milling 101
Wardee Harmon – Home Grain Milling 101
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Big Ideas & Takeaways:
- Why should you mill your own flour?
- The best way to store whole grains and flour.
- What grains can be milled into flour.
- The types of grain mills and their pros/cons.
- Best places to source your whole grains.
About the Speaker:
Wardee Harmon lives in the Boise area of Idaho with her dear family. She’s the author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting Foods” and other traditional cooking eBooks, and she teaches online classes in the fundamentals of traditional cooking, sourdough, cultured dairy, cheesemaking, fermentation, kids cooking, dehydrating, allergy-free cooking, cooking outside, pressure cooking with the Instant Pot, and more!
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