Joel Salatin – Q & A With Grow Network Members

Joel Salatin – Q & A With Grow Network Members

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Big Ideas & Takeaways:  

  • Discussion on the 3 biggest challenges facing organic farmers today.
  • How a consumer navigates all those certifications.
  • What smart phone apps Joel sees as useful for farmers and gardeners.
  • The impact of AI on food and the potential jobs crisis.
  • Is Joel planning on growing marijuana anytime soon?


About the Speaker:

Joel Salatin is the most famous farmer in the world.  He is known as the high priest of the pasture and the most eclectic thinker from Virginia since Thomas Jefferson.  He’s as comfortable moving cows in a pasture as addressing CEOs in a Wall Street business conference.  Joel is the author of a dozen books, most notably Folk’s This Ain’t Normal, You Can Farm, and Salad Bar Beef.  Joel and his 550 acre farm has been featured in Michael Pollens bestseller Omnivore’s Dilemma and award-winning documentary Food Inc.

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