
Marjory Wildcraft

Available for Speaking Engagements, Radio/Podcast Interviews, and Television Appearances

75 Word Bio:

Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The Grow Network, an online community of 450,000 people who are stopping the destruction of the Earth via home grown food. National Geographic featured Marjory as an expert in off-grid living, she hosted Mother Earth News Online Homesteading Summit, and she is listed in Who’s Who in America for having inspired hundreds of thousands of backyard gardens. She is the focus of Reuters award winning article on Food Sustainability.

High Res Marjory Holding Veggies

Show, Article, & Podcast Topics

How to grow your own food. What’s the most nutritious, what gives the biggest yields, the easiest, and what’s the most fun to produce. How much space and time you need for each.

3, 5, or 7 Strategies for urbanites to grow food. There are lots of creative options beyond the windowsill!

What is the best way for beginners to get started in the garden this fall. Which supplies, how much time, and space you actually need to produce your own groceries during the autumn season!

5 Keys for getting kids to love backyard farming. How to get kids into green time versus screen time including the 7 most popular crops kids love to grow and eat.

note: full sets of talking points, high res photos, and b - roll for each – just ask!

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Television Appearances

  • National Geographic’s “Doomsday Preppers”
  • PBS “Spotlight On!” Segments on growing food
  • Lead testimonial in Time-Life Infomercials with Robert Kiyosaki
  • Good Morning Texas
  • Central Texas Gardener
  • The Search For Sustainability Documentary
  • The Fusion Network
  • Local Stations: KABB, WFAA, YNN, KXAN, KTBC, KYKTE, KTVL

Radio & Podcast Features

  • 9 shows with Coast to Coast AM
  • 2,981 radio and podcast interviews
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Media Appearances

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Contact Us

Our marketing team loves working with journalists and experts around the world to get home grown food on every table. If you’re a member of the media and would like to talk, please get in touch us at or (312) 971-7214. Only media inquiries will receive a response.

If you’re a grow network member or shopper and have a question about the site, please contact:

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On PBS This Season

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E - Press Kit

Please see the electronic press kit contents below for show topics, talking points, and testimonials. For more information, contact or (312) 971-7214. Only media inquiries will receive a response.

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