
The SECRET to Raising Healthy, Happy Kids

(The Secret To Raising Healthy Kids, length: 24.19 minutes)

Do you want to know the secret of raising healthy kids? The perfect story to illustrate this is from my friend, Rick.

Every week…

on the exact same day at the exact same time, my friend Rick takes his wife, Melissa, on a date.

They go to the exact same restaurant.

They even sit at the exact same table ….

… Week, after week, after week.

Sounds boring, right? I thought so, too.  I even asked Rick if maybe that wasn’t just a little bit restrictive.

But after he explained things to me, I understood that my friend is actually not the worst date-planner in history.

Rather, he’s tapping into the 3 R’s of family wealth—

one of the most powerful secrets to successful relationships …

… Rituals, Routines, and Rhythms.

The 3 R’s work for marriages.

They work for friendships.

And—GREAT news for those of us who are engaged in the daily, all-in, sometimes gut-wrenching struggle to raise healthy kids—they work for families, too!

I talk all about it in my latest video chapter of Grow: All True Wealth Comes From the Ground.

In it, you’ll learn:

  • The SECRET To Raising Healthy, Happy Kids
  • My No-Fail Strategy For Winning The Mealtime War On Electronics
  • The Key To Your Best-Ever Family Vacations

And, since we could all use a little help planning and maintaining family rituals …

… I also reveal my super-simple technique for ensuring these routines get repeated every year. (HINT: It involves passing the buck to Mother Nature!)

Then, I’d love to know:

What rituals do you have?

What family activities do you do that are related to the earth’s seasons and production?

I do read all the comments, and I can’t wait to read yours!

Thanks so much!

Did you miss some of the other chapters of Grow: the Book?

You can watch them here.



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  • A Christy Vijula says:

    Hi Marjory,
    I got the input from you, that children love routine , and stories about themselves. Thank you.

    1. Marjory says:

      You are so welcome, Christy!! Enjoy your family time! 🙂

  • Hi Marjory,

    Thanks for the great ‘family bonding’ video; keep up the great work!
    Here’s a Christmas ritual we’ve been doing for around 5 or 6 years now and it’s all explained in the video below!


    Summery Regards,


    1. Marjory says:

      Love this, Tod! Thank you so much for sharing.

  • Noel Abela says:

    On our wedding anniversary we always head to our favorite island Gozo to the same hotel on the cliffs. We like the wildlife there that is bursting into life at this time of the year which is the beginning of Spring. In the outside breakfast area there is a huge and very very old carob tree, hundreds of years year old. Since our daughter was born, my wife took a picture of me and her sitting on this tree. Karen is seven years old now and we have seven photos; one for each year. We intend to keep our appointment with this carob tree for years to come.

    1. Marjory says:

      What a beautiful tradition, Noel! Thank you so much for sharing with us! 🙂

  • Milla Parlanti says:

    Hi, I’m based in Tuscany and have an olive farm. Every year in October the whole family gets together (even my son who now lives in London) to do the olive picking. We have about 100 trees, so it takes us about a couple of weeks. When the olives have been pressed, we have an oil tasting party and then we share the oil between us

    1. Marjory says:

      Yum! This sounds like great fun, Milla. It’s wonderful to hear that the family gets involved with this experience. <3

  • D.M Schott says:

    Our children are now grown with their own families so I can attest to the principles you have presented in this wonderful video. The long-term benefits of creating family routines throughout the years pays large and lasting dividends! Thank you for presenting this informative video Majorie.

    1. Marjory says:

      I love to hear a great success story, D.M. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

  • So we do eat most all of our dinners together, for which I am thankful, and the storytelling does happen (normally our little guys are asking Dad to tell a story about when he was little). I love the encouragement to make sure the rituals, routines, and going with the rhythm happen.

    1. Marjory says:

      This is so great to hear, Michelle. Time certainly can get away from us, so it is definitely important to keep the bond building when we can. Keep it up! 🙂

  • Marsha says:

    WOW! Great family ideas.
    I am 72 and had no children. Our relatives were scattered all around the country.
    My parents did the best they could with what they had. Money was tight, but my brother and I did go to college. They gave us life, and it was up to us what we did with it.
    A friend of mine said he was born with ‘relatives’, but he got to choose his ‘family’ of friends. I have done that, too.
    When I visited my grandparents we would have “stone soup” on Saturday night and Sunday after church. They owned a little grocery store in a small rural town. Only the meat, cheese and eggs were in a cooler. When they closed on Saturday at noon, my grandmother would make a wonderful soup and some ice cream toppings from the vegetables and fruits that might be ‘too ripe’ by Monday.

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