
Growing Tomatoes Made Easy For People Who Have A Hitch In Their “Get-a-long”

This is an entry in this month’s contest “How To Grow Tomatoes; Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials”.  A big reason for this contest is to have a living resource of information we can all reference in the future.  Be sure to rate this article – your vote is important!

After 3 car wrecks (none my own fault) it is hard for me to get down in the dirt to grow our food. I really want to grow all I can so I can help my family grow up big & strong. This is the work God gave me to do, I am also a very frugal person.  With this in mind I needed to find a way to grow the food & do it cost effectively.

I had hubby make me 3 long stands so I could do container gardening. I really like this as it is easy on the body & doing the weeding is almost non existing. I got tubs & made them self watering containers, mixed up my good dirt & then filled the containers When using self watering containers do NOT water from the top as this will leach all the nutrients out of the dirt .If you have done this use a liquid fertilizer in the water chamber. The plant will drink it up after all a tomato plant can drink a gallon of water a day!
Self watering containers makes things so much easier in the heat of summer & your plants will never stress because of lack of water.Just make sure you plug the hole with something to keep mosquitoes from breeding.
Next I went to the store to buy a few tomato plants, I get the 1s with a lot of sucker on the lower part of the plant. When I plant them I let then grow just a little, sucker & all. When the plant gets bigger I cut off the sucker & then plant them. Yes they will grow.  At 1st they will be a little droopy but soon perk up.  I found this way I can get a lot of bang for my buck & you really don’t need to buy a whole lot of plants.
When 1 of the tomatoes splits or has a crack in it I just squeeze it in to the container this way its is self seeding for next year & when I do this my plants adapt to my part of the country. They grow strong & can fight off diseases that are in my region.
I will have tomatoes growing all year long. I have found that my tomatoes like being planted in the same container year after year . I pray this helps you on your way to a more healthy life style. When your bounty is over flowing please take your extras to a food bank or soup kitchen near you. I know they will be most appreciative & you will be helping others in so many good ways. Blessings

We are giving away five prizes this month!  Winners get to pick one of the following; a copy of the “Grow Your Own Groceries” video set, or a copy of the “Alternatives To Dentists” video set, or 3 months of free membership in the Core Community.  If you want to enter this month’s contest click here: http://growyourowngroceries.org/contribute-here/

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