
Grow Fresh Organic Vegetables at Home, No Garden Needed

metro-grower-eliteWe get comments and questions each week from people who want to grow their own food, but for one reason or another cannot plant a full vegetable garden. Some of you live in urban settings, in apartments and condominiums without yards. Some of you have disabilities that keep you from being able to work in large gardens. Some of you have commitments and time constraints that have kept you from starting your gardens just yet.

We are always looking for solutions that can help people to get started growing their own groceries. There are many different approaches, and many of them are good. Today I want to introduce you to one solution that might be a good fit for your situation – The Metro-Grower. This is a practical solution that anyone can put in place to get some fresh vegetables growing – anywhere you have 20 inches of space with good sunlight. It’s a great way to get vegetables growing on a porch, a patio, or a balcony.

The biggest problem people run into when trying to grow vegetables in containers is watering. Some people are prone to over-watering. They water every day. Their plants become yellow and limp, and eventually die of fungus, mold, or mildew. Other people are prone to under-watering. They forget to water for several days, or even weeks. These plants become thin and stringy, eventually dying of thirst. The problem of watering is exactly the problem that the Metro-Grower is designed to solve.

metro-grower-illustrationThe Metro-Grower uses a technique called sub-irrigation to make watering easy for everyone. Basically what this means is that you don’t need to water the soil at all. You pour water into a reservoir below the container, and the water is absorbed up into the soil above as it is needed. You still need to keep an eye on things to ensure that the soil stays evenly moist and doesn’t become too wet, but compared to the old way of watering, it’s a breeze. The Metro-Grower uses a custom soil separator to create a permanent airspace between the soil above and the water below. This airspace eliminates circling roots, and encourages air-pruning, which maximizes the number of feeder roots for all of your plants.

The Metro-Grower is perfect for families in the suburbs, allowing you to get a nice harvest from home grown plants in a compact, clean container. It is great for people in urban places because it’s small footprint allows it to be kept on even the smallest balconies. Its clean presentation looks good on any porch, in the front yard or the back yard. The growing container is 16″ x 16″ x 9″ tall. The water reservoir is 20″ x 20″ x 2″ tall. All of the components are made with UV protected food-grade plastic, and come with a 5 year warranty.





Metro-Grower Elite – $49.95 + Shipping

– Growing Container
– Soil Separator
– Water Reservoir
– Instruction Booklet + DVD
– Soil Amendments:
– Coir Fiber Enriched with Trace Minerals (1.75 Gallons)
– Pumice Stone (1 Gallon)
– Vermicompost (1.5 Cups)
– SoilKey Fertilizer (1 Cup)
– Mycorrhizae (1 Ounce)
– You Provide 3 Gallons Fresh Organic Compost
– 5 Year Warranty
– Contact Us for International Shipping Information

Click Here to Purchase the Metro-Grower

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  • Jim says:

    When we lived in SoCal (the high desert) the sun was so hot that it cooked my tomato plants. We had a raised bed about 5′ by 8′. Out of my scrap wood I built a frame over the bed and stretched some sun screen over it. That solved the problem! For watering, I used a buried drip system that watered all those plants so I never had to worry about over or under watering them once I got it set up. All I had to do was prune the plants, fertilize now and then, and pick a few worms off the plants. Of course, I picked tomatoes well into November. Simple system for a small tomato garden which may have applications for a metro roof-top raised bed!

  • My cramped urban environment led me to start a straw bale garden… See my preliminary results at my website at melkaplace.com, under the heading of “Health Related.”

  • robert jacob says:

    We started gardening and we were gone wrong. We could not figure out why we were not getting the beautiful vegetables we were hoping for. People suggest to spray chemicals for vegetables and fruits but it is poison and it is not organic vegetables. My lab professor referred a guide it helps me to grow my gardening as what we like,
    you can get the guide from here >> ( go2l.ink/gardening ) <<.
    I have recommended this system to all of my friends and family. We got good organic natural vegetables and fruits in the next harvest, one of the beautiful products in the market.

  • chris says:

    I am sharing my experience, We have vegetables and food from the market is not 100% organic food, it is missed with poison liquid as you know the people spray the plants to grow the vegetables and fruits faster, My lab professor referred a guide it helps me to plant and prepare a good organic food for healthy life.
    Check the guide here >>( go2l.ink/plants ) <
    Now my family and relations are using this technique to get quality vegetables and fruits. All the best

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