
Staying Healthy and Free—Even In Old Age!

You’ve seen this, I’m sure:

The connection between health and freedom?

With good health, we have the freedom to pursue hobbies … spend active days with family and friends … travel … and continue the everyday activities we, perhaps, take for granted in our younger years.

Yet as most people get older, they let health slip away, instead of vigorously pursuing it. And with it, their freedom slips away, too.

But what if I told you:

Health can continue into your 80s and 90s.

And that decline *isn’t* a given in your senior years. But instead, health is something you can actively continue to pursue—and as a result, hang on to that freedom.

In my fourth video chapter of Grow: All True Wealth Comes From the Ground, I explore 2 secrets to staying healthy and making your coming years the best ones yet.

Click PLAY to watch the video now:

In the video, I also talk secrets to staying healthy, including:

  • A SIMPLE Test to Determine Longevity
  • Why Exercise Doesn’t Equal Fitness
  • The Absolute BEST Way to Incorporate Movement Into Daily Life

After you watch it, would you leave me a comment?

I’d love to know:

How do you add movement to your life?

What movements make you feel best?

I can’t thank you enough.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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  • Brenda Jones says:

    Very interesting .want more info on mobility and balance .I am only 69 ,starting to get a little stif .

  • Brenda Jones says:


  • I had a bulging disc in 1993 and recurring over the years. I have developed my own recovery through nutrition, exercises and different body movements. I would be interested in another movement “coaches’ perspective on how to lift and move to maintain skeletal health.

    1. Peggy Lalor says:

      Good thoughts! Slapped me in the face as I used to be a sport junkie, who suffered a TBI accident and spent 2.5 months in a coma and have been working on walking again while I feel like I’m on life #2. Life #1 was awesome as it includes Surfsailing Maui, rollerblading on a 6 mile each way, non-vehicle hwy between two towns in a NSA (National Scenic Area at the base of Mt. Hood in Oregon) Skied, XC & DH. But I got your message – MOVE! Just because I can’t do it like before, I need it and it will help my recovery! I loved your presentation and message. Keep it up!

      1. Marjory says:

        Wow! So happy you are able to be here to share your story, Peggy! Stay strong and keep moving! 🙂

  • Al says:

    Dear Marjory; Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is the first of your videos that I’ve watched and I’ll go after the other 2. Your info is important but your delivery is better. You do clear thinking and clear talking without a chip on your shoulder

  • Sherrie says:

    I have Bob Anderson’s book on STRETCHING. It is full of illustrations on stretches for a wide array of activities, including gardening. It is so easy to forget the importance of stretching yet we wonder why we get so stiff! Good luck with your book!

  • Lois Pratt says:

    LOVED the video! As a 56 year old gardener and Personal Trainer, I know the importance of good body mechanics and the pleasure of movement in gardening. I used to be a long distance runner and the way I use my body in gardening is so much more complete for health!! I would be interested in your project. I know Sherry from The Nutritional Therapy Association.

  • Mike says:

    On picking up feed bags… In my early years [I’m 69 now] I had severe lower back disc injuries and was told surgery would be necessary. My chiropractor changed that diagnosis in three days and gave me a valuable piece of advice…”always put one foot forward of the other when picking up anything… never put your feet parallel when leaning over.” I have since always done that and have never had that problem again.

    1. Nance says:

      I’m 66, and I’m healthier than most of my kids.

      Stretch, stretch, stretch. (Plus I too garden and homestead.)

  • I am a retired publishing professional, with a career of helping people self-publish, which, with tools like print-on-demand, e-books, and internet distribution, is a viable way to get your writing out to the public as well as get a reasonable return for your effort.

    I am also a fan of your mission and would love to support your publishing effort by offering you pro bono services for this book. These can include: assessing the structure of your book; copy-editing and proof-reading; book, cover, and graphic design; print-ready formatting; and consulting on routes for publication and distribution.

    Even if you go with a commercial publisher, most of these steps are necessary. If my assistance would be useful, please send me an e-mail.

  • anasha says:

    i love your grounding, down to earth approach… i am 66 and moving my body a lot just through gardening, walking, yoga, lifting (no weight) but buckets full of fruits or…. so my life is in movement.. and i need to constantly keep moving in order to stay healthy and pain free.. trampoline is great for lymph and inversion for spine, discs health… i love your commitment, your simple effective methods, no fuss, and your courage to keep walking your talk.. Thank you Marjorie to keep us inspired… anasha

  • Hughie says:

    Hi Marjorie
    Enjoying the videos.

    For functional movement…..check out Classical Stretch with Miranda Esmonde-White.
    It’s the best.


    1. Charlene from TN says:

      I agree, and thank you for bringing awareness of movement to the forefront. Formerly we had chronic knee and back pain. The movements that have changed my life involve deep classic stretching through my ribs, hips, legs, and back. We have moved from pain management to near absence of pain. I spend only 20 minutes a day working on intensive movement and am proof that what you say is true: health is in the movement. For me and hubby, a simple inexpensive video by Miranda Esmonde White has become our reason for deep stretching. I garden for my food and bend all the time, but the deep movement incorporated by Miranda that extends into the deep muscles of the body that normally do not get touched has been our miracle. We thank her every day for her careful consideration of the human body. We are in our mid 50s, grow a majority of our food, and can promise that the effects of cleansing and/or fasting is maximized when the body’s lymph is cleared by simple movement that concentrate on deep flexibility.



  • Dennis Prather says:

    Several years ago I read that a bone breaks and then people fall, it is not the falling that breaks the bone. I also read that people who eat very little to no meat have stronger bones.

  • Loved it. I seem to have missed the first two parts but loved this one. Gardening is great movement. I do work out 5 times a week. Helps my Ra. But I don’t overdo it. I walk my dogs and work in yard. My lettuce is great right now. Thank you so much for sharing your chapters with us.

  • Denise Scott says:

    I could talk for hours about this subject. I believe exercise (body/breath awareness is nearly a 24/7 activity and….. is very enjoyable & ‘mindful’ (using the current popular use of the word). Just standing, listening to another speak. Where is your body in space? Is your head in an optimal position on your neck and shoulders? Are your knees slightly bent? Is your pelvic area tipped slightly forward? Are you expanding your ribs & abdomen when breathing? Are you breathing out for more seconds than when you took a breath in?

    All of the above will keep you in better shape. Will help your body function optimally. Will keep you relaxed.

    Even if you do not grow your own food, you can prepare your organic, locally grown food in your own kitchen. Moving from one food prep activity to another with that same body/breath consciousness. Make it a dance. Listen to something inspirational and educational.

    The obvious: Rarely use remotes. When you need something across the room, get up and get it. Take stairs instead of elevators, etc.

    Yoga, pilates, & some forms of dance are excellent ways to explore body/breath awareness. Move everyday. You can develop a self-loving ritual just before you fall asleep & again at waking — of stretching the spine, yawning (yes yawning is exercise), massaging your ears & jaw.
    Your body will thank you. Your life will thank you.

    Marjory, thank you so much for what you do. You are an invaluable treasure of a sister.

  • Michelle says:

    I took to my bed after my parents’ and several friends’ deaths over a year and a half time period, little by little. Once I stopped moving, it became easier and easier to even stop caring that I wasn’t moving. Before I even realized it, it became an ingrained habit. It has been almost 2 years now and has become a very bad static state in both mind and body. I can lie in my bed or just sit in a chair for hours on end, knowing full well in my heart and mind that this isn’t good and won’t end well. After so long, it started to seem impossible to even make a change at all. I know that I have only myself to blame for these choices I made to give in or just give up, but I also know I’m the only one who can make the necessary changes to turn it around. Your video appeared at just the right time. Thanks for the reminder and the encoragement to begin moving again, even if it only begins with a few minutes at a time during my day.

    1. Peggy Lalor says:

      Good story! Go Michelle Go!

      1. Michelle says:

        Thank You, Peggy.

    2. Joy Trainer says:

      HI Marjory,
      For moving the lymphatic system in my body, I stand on my foot massager which has heat, vibration, and ball bearings going in circles. I weigh 100 lbs and use the vibration mode while I tap on the top of my head 10 times, chest, upper, side, & back (kidney) lymphatics of my torso, then swish my hands up each arm from wrist to underarm 3 times, swish upper chest area, lower rib area, and underarm to waist area. Then swish from ankle to groin of each leg 3 times and from navel to each side and from hip to waist 3 times. All of this while still standing on my massager. Then sit on floor and lean back and actually rest on my back on massager, counting to 10. Next I do quasi sit-ups, and then balance on my butt with feet up and torso up with a FAST count to 10! Then I turn over with my hands on the massager, legs extended and resting on my toes and do 10 (not easy) push-ups. By the time I stand on the floor, I can feel my lymphatics coursing through my body and really feel energized. The days I don’t do this exercise, I definitely have to take a nap in the middle of the afternoon.

      I also raise 6 chickens, 1 roo, and 8 7-week chicks, one cat, one husband (!) and endeavor to have a large garden this year, and various flower beds. The weather has been cold and rainy the past month (Apr-May ) here in SW Pennsylvania. I will start to volunteer on a CSA farm from 9-11 a.m. from mid-May to end of Oct, once a week. Then once a week I spend the day quilting with a group at church. We gave away 133 quilts to charity last year and will have a quilt show this year. I don’t sit for long periods of time unless reading a novel at lunch or on the internet checking out chickens, bees, and articles like yours, or looking at quilting books and pulling fabrics from my stash with dreams of making up new quilts. Many things are started but not always finished, and that is frustrating: like quilts, folding clothes, cleaning house, finishing a raised garden bed and getting it planted.

      I will be 73 years old the end of July and have outlived my mother, 65, and father, 72, who passed away one month apart in 1988. My mother’s parents were 81 (pap) and 94 (mema) and I would like to outlive them, but only if I am healthy. My chiropractor and physician each say that I am in better shape than most of their patients. I am proud of who and what I am. Thanks for encouraging me to continue to live healthy. Oh, I am only 5′ 2 1/2″.

      P.S. My chiropractor recommends that I stay away from wheat and dairy products. Not an easy choice for me because I love to eat. BUT I generally eat healthy!

      Due to two compressed vertebrae from falling off a horse in 1990, I don’t usually lift over 25 lbs. So for the chick feed, I slide it near the end of my Blazer tailgate, open the bag about 6 inches and pour the feed into one-half of a 5-gal bucket and cart it up to the coop. We have electric fencing around the perimeter and it was a hassle to undo the fence, push a wheelbarrow under, redo fence, etc. I also cart (by hand) 2 1-gallon containers of water to the chicks each morning. We do not have an outside faucet. I actually enjoy all the work, just wish I could get everything done that I planned for each day. But then, isn’t that the way with most people?!

      Blessings on you, Joy Trainer

    3. Joy Trainer says:

      I pray that you will change your mindset and lose that depression that seems to be hanging onto you. Two years ago, a friend noticed my depression, prayed over me for that and several other symptoms. Now, after 50 years of depression ( I will be 73 this summer), I live in freedom to be me and to live in a healthy way. I no longer feel guilty about anything, either.
      Blessings Michelle. Be the person God has meant for you to be.

      1. Michelle says:

        Thank you, Joy,
        I’m going to keep on moving forward, God willing.

  • Kathy Scogna says:

    Hi Marjorie,
    I am 68, I fell and broke my ankle 1 1/2 years ago and “it has healed as much as it will”, so says the surgeon. X-rays show severe arthritis in that joint. Post Traumatic Stress Arthritis. I have no cartilage in that joint any more, so it is bone on bone when I walk. That is what it feels like – it HURTS when I walk. And walking will make it worse, again, that is what I am told. I’ve gone to 3 specialists and all have said what will fix it: 1) a shot of cortisone in the ankle, 2) fusing the bones or 3) complete ankle joint replacement. All of these seem so invasive!
    My balance is poor. I like the idea of more flexibility. I do grow some of my food, and I weed my gardens in the early morning so I do move around a bit. BUT even that amount of walking makes the ankle worse.
    I am open to suggestions!

    1. Edye Stills says:

      Kathy- You need to get some ozone injections into your ankle. Doesn’t hurt. Nutrients and ozone is injected straight into the joint. The body’s stem cells are stimulated to regrow cartilage. Stay away from cortisone injections. It’s a synthetic steroid and too many cortisone injections will wreck the joint. Research ozone therapy and Prolozone injections online. Read Dr. David Brownstein’s new book about ozone. Also research Dr. Frank Shallenberger and Dr. Robert Rowen. Drinking the raw apple cider vinegar, honey and water combination with each meal will dissolve bone spurs in traumatized joint and keep calcium out of the tissues and joints and in the blood, where it belongs. Worked for me. I’m in my 70’s and for the last couple of years I couldn’t take one step on my own because of an injured arthritic hip. Had to use a walker or crutches to get around. I’ve always refused to have invasive hip surgery. Now, after Prolozone injections, I walk again, on my own.

    2. Sandy says:

      Kathy, you said you are open to suggestions, so here are a few I offer, based upon my own experience with trauma, surgeons, chiropractors, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and herbal healing lifestyle:

      1. STOP listening to the American Murderers’ Association and their goon squad (a.k.a. licensed “doctors of medicine”).
      2. DO your own research into herbs and healing modalities which CAN, and WILL if you let them, fully heal your body.
      3. Find a talented, local chiropractor to help restore pain-free movement to your ankle, AND a TCM practitioner who can help focus your body’s natural healing to restore your cartilage and nerve connections in your joints.
      4. DE-TOX your mind as well as your body from all the defeatist, loser propaganda about how you must accept limitations for the rest of your life. This type of trash infects your mind and can interfere with your body’s natural ability to heal.

      By way of background, I have healed myself of cancer, sciatica and two herniated cervical discs with the help of a local, talented team of HEALERS (NOT “doctors”), including a chiropractor, a TCM practitioner and a naturopath. I wish you at least as much success in healing as I have enjoyed. BTW, I’m 60, my mother is 87, and both of us have enjoyed success in healing conditions pronounced incurable/chronic/medication-for-life situations by the American Murderers’ Association goon squad.

  • JC Penny says:

    I am 73 and have lived a very active work & play life. Last year the wife and I biked the FL Keys (126 miles). I have had cancer 3 times and by Gods grace I have never had to slow down. My thought on “Adding Movement” is to never decrease what you have done for years, to many people think they are suppose to slow down because everyone else does. Last year we moved from Fl to OK and bought 40 acres to live off grid. I work 12 hours a day 6 days a week and do the same amount of work I did 40 years ago. A saying that fits most older people is “You don’t because you can’t and you can’t because you don’t”, people need to quit babying them self. Their life style is ruining the body that God has blessed them with.

  • Phil says:

    You might be interested in Patrick Cox’s book, ” The Methuselah Effect” how the trend toward longevity is accelerating… And soon will turn our world upside down.
    I particularly like Chapter 19 on Shining Light on the The Sunshine Vitamin D3
    In that regards you I think will also appreciate the work http://www.grassrootshealth.com
    is doing to wake people up to one of the world’s biggest health deficiency

  • Tom Nienhaus says:

    My reception here is really bad. Can I read instead of watching?

    1. Marjory says:

      We don’t have a written format at the moment, but thank you for the feedback on this. It’s something to consider moving forward. 🙂

  • Hedy Lanthier says:

    Hello Marjory,
    I enjoyed your comments about keeping in shape and moving well into advanced old age. You’re quite courageous with your Skate-boarding skills. That’s an achievement not many of us will delve into, at this late date. But you’re now an expert, after many years of practice, I’m sure!
    Movement means Life as you so aptly point out. As soon as we stop moving, we start dying, since toxins build up in our cells and aren’t eliminated. I’m amazed that many Americans aren’t aware of this, refusing to take responsibility of their own health, preferring to get sick, depending on Big Pharma to get them better. What an illusion !
    Let Thy food Be Your Medicine. But they prefer pills and Super-Market food packaged on shelves,
    without life-giving energy.

    Chinese centenarians who’re moving with grace and growing their own vegetables also have a beautiful community- practice called Tai-Chi, which makes them move together, like in a gently orchestrated ballet, through 108 precise movements. It keeps their lymph-nodes well cleansed and their bodies finely tuned. There’s also Qi-Gong, another form of ancient “martial arts ” practiced by former monks.
    There are many ways to keeps moving, every hour of the day. The more we move the better our health.
    Great that you make people aware of this, Marjory !
    Thank You !

  • David Reiter says:

    Nice work Marjorie. I believe your emphasis on movement and balance and flexibility is right on the money. I know that flexibility pays big returns in multiple ways. I taught myself yoga in my early 50’s (never took a class) and I tell people it “saved my life”.
    This track you are taking is a natural extension of what came before and will be a blessing to many, I am confident.

  • Clara Torine says:

    I love ballroom dancing. It makes me happy.

  • K.T. says:

    I love and need everything you talk about. I especially like the idea of knowing how to safely lift and move weight. I garden every year and every year I go through the initial pain of introducing my muscles to the reality of what it takes to get the job done. But, in a few weeks, it’s like I’ve been doing it all along. I am really looking forward to your book. Keep up the awesome job you’re doing. You may be preaching to the choir, but every positive energy you put out to the universe can only make this a better world. God bless you. K.T. from MA.

  • M says:

    Try looking up an Alexander technique teacher. Very helpful movement training!

  • Tommy McGlon says:

    Good Job 🙂

  • Teri Colwell says:

    I really like what you are doing and how you are doing it. What a wonderful way to write a book, getting feedback from your friends. I turned 70 last year and I live alone. I have chickens and a lot of yard work and a garden and canning everything. I get a lot of movement. There’s a lot of bending, stretching, digging, and hauling 40 and 50 pound bags of feed or potting soil, etc.
    Two years ago I changed my eating habits to organic, non-gmo, reduced sugar intake. I eat only pastured “CLEAN” meat and produce. I have reduced how much of it I eat. My weight just fell off and I feed so good and energetic. I don’t have as much trouble with arthritis and back pain as I used to.
    I do make time to walk with my chickens in the morning when I let them out to free range. They are my relaxation as well as entertainment. They are always interested in what I am doing and like to Hang Out with me.
    I wouldn’t consider myself “fit” , but active, energetic and healthy and happy. I don’t think I could ask for more. Thanks for all that you do at the Grow network, You’ve helped me in so many ways. You are an inspiration for us all.

  • TommyD says:

    Losing mobility is the worst. If I keep up my sedentary habits, it will be gone for good. Time to start moving!

    1. Celeste says:

      Yes! DO IT!!! You know it, so follow through! Cheering for you, you can do it!!!!!

  • Aisha says:

    Very nice and I fully agree. It will be great if you’re able to follow up with the functional movement piece. Thanks!

  • Diann Parkas says:

    Functional movement is less about the activity, and more about the functionality of your system. I am a Postural Alignment Therapist, certified by Egoscue University. I am a dancer, and also have earned a second degree black belt in Tae Kwan Do. I have found the Egoscue Method phenomonal for helping me live the active lifestyle that I love. You can look up the book Pain Free: A Revolutionary Method for Stopping Chronic Pain to learn about the Method. As a Therapist I do a thorough assessment of the client from head to toe, take posture photos, help you understand your own body dysfunctions and compensations, and then develop and teach you an individualized program of daily corrective exercises that are progressive and help you move better and reduce pain and stiffness. Alignment is the name of the game!

  • Gayle Drake says:

    I get my movement in by going up and down stairs, walking 2 – 5 miles a day, doing 75 jumping jacks 2X a day, and doing floor exercises with weights (hoping to get rid of some inherited flabby arms).

  • Bob Fowler says:

    Hi Marjory,
    I watched your video with much interest as I’m a member of your target audience. I see a lot of value in what you propose. I liked the realistic approach to movement. What you recommend is achievable and elicits the response of “I can do this.” I’m not sure about the skateboard though. There must be another way to achieve balance without running the risk of broken bones and bruises.
    May I recommend more information on the hazards of soda pop and prepared foods. I’ve not purchased soft drinks for many years, except for an occasional Dr. Pepper to keep me awake on long driving trips. I believe that the sugar, phosphoric acid, and aspartame in soda pop are health hazards.
    The value of growing your own organic vegetables cannot be overstated. Insecticides and GMO are a national health crisis! Obesity is an epidemic. I wish you success with your book. I hope it improves the lives of all that read it.

  • colleen says:

    My best movement, When bending over to pick something up or when I shovel is when I use my quads to do the work and at the same time slide hips forward & tummy tight (pelvic tilt) while protecting my back & neck by keeping them straight.
    I do need to practice balancing more.
    Thank you for your passion to help others and share your knowledge.

  • Kathy Sant says:

    I am 70 and have degenerative disc disease with 12 herniated discs from my neck to my lumbar region. Here is my story.
    I had to retire at age 50 because I could hardly move. Only the first herniated disc was the result of an injury. But, to my dismay, one disc after the other would herniate out of the blue, it seemed. Nothing helped. I fell a number of times as a result of my back pain and the guarded way I walked. I ended up breaking 13 bones over the years from falls. I was getting weaker and weaker. I would sit for hours, and had to sleep sitting. It hurt to lay down. I walked my dogs but could hardly move, and I even had a hard time breathing. The hard cement sidewalks seemed to compound my back pain but I kept walking the dogs for their sake. They forced me to get outside or I may never have gone outside. My dogs kept me going. But that was not enough.
    Over the years, I was getting stiffer and stiffer. I couldn’t bend or stoop or raise my arms over my head. I knew I needed to move. I needed to regain flexibility. I couldn’t just go outside to walk my dogs and then sit the rest of the time.
    I took up gardening, growing fruits and veggies to try to be outside a little more without the hard cement to walk on. It was hard at first, but I kept pushing myself, to move a little more, bend a little more, and it has probably saved my life. I now garden easily and as a wonderful bonus, I eat healthier, too.
    But in my sixties, I desperately wanted some exercise or routine that was low impact, for my back’s sake, and yet would help keep me moving and help my balance and flexibility, which had seriously deteriorated, the very issue you are talking about. So I got a mini-trampoline with hand rails and my son got me a Fitbit to record my steps and movements. I now garden every day and also bounce on my trampoline regularly throughout the day. I make sure I move every hour, even if it is just marching or walking on the trampoline. The trampoline improves my balance and coordination, it is the very best exercise for the lymphatics, and it strengthens my muscles, all while being very low impact and not hurting my back. At first I was out of breath, but now I hardly notice any trouble breathing at all.
    I can now bend and stoop and do things I couldn’t do when I was 20 years younger. My walks with my dogs are now easier and longer and I am never out of breath.
    I say to everyone, get outside, garden, grow your own food, walk your dog, and if you have issues with your back, your flexibility, your cardio health, your balance, or your sedentary hours, get a fitness monitor and a trampoline and bounce every chance you can. It will change your life.
    Thanks for all you do to help people eat and live healthier.

    1. Marjory says:

      This improvement is definitely worth celebrating, Kathy! Thank you for sharing.

    2. Celeste says:

      Kathy, the trampoline is about the best thing you can do for getting the lymph moving, like Marjorie was talking about. But if you’d like another form of exercise that is low impact, may I recommend SWIMMING and WATER AEROBICS to you?!! I am a former water-aerobics instructor, and if you do it in the deep end, there is literally NO impact to your joints, yet you still get stretching, cardio and strength-training. Same for swimming. Best wishes, God bless you.

  • Robin V. says:

    I am 53 years old and went out to California to visit my daughter. She surprised me by taking me to a skateboarding shop to buy me a long board for a mother’s day gift. I’d been skateboarding since I was twelve and had stopped for awhile. She was so sweet to encourage me to take up boarding again. It truly makes me happy. Boy, were the guys ready to help her buy a new board but shocked when she said that she was there to buy one for her mom. After they picked their jaws up off the ground they gave me a demo board and took it outside for me to try. I still had it and was having fun. Hopefully, they’ll have a new respect for those a generation older than they are and will be encouraged to keep doing what they love. It’s a great way to stay in shape but you do have to know how to fall softly or roll. Here’s to many more years of boarding!

    1. Marjory says:

      How fun, Robin! Good for you for jumping back on that board and living life. Keep it up and thanks for sharing. 🙂

  • Nancy Boes says:

    TY for the video. I am 67 this yr and my husband(also 67) & I live in a pole barn we recently built on a 19 acre piece of mostly wooded land we bought about 5 yrs ago. We did the interior work except the drywall. What caught my attention in ur video was that comment u made about getting up from off the ground. This is something that is very hard for me to do. I am a Catholic and as is our custom when we enter God’s house, we genuflect to show honor to God in his house. But it has been a long time since I have genuflected all the way to the floor. I noticed it more & more the last several years that I have a lot of trouble getting from floor to standing. Part of the problem is I am 200 lbs. My height saves me from looking like a blimp, but my feet beg me to loose some weight.

    While building this pole barn, we flipped an older house with high ceilings doing a lot of painting after removing wallpaper etc often requiring to go up & down a 4′ ladder endlessly. Talk about MOVEMENT I think we got an A grade for that. Often we were just so exhausted. Meanwhile we started up raising 19 baby chicks. This yr we are trying to do a Back To Eden garden. We just put up a 100’X25′ wire fence. My husband did the hard work like digging the holes for the posts. But as we started to plant rows of seeds I sat on a bucket and kept moving it because I just had too much trouble getting up & down from the earth. I have lost mobility, and simply chalked it up to old age. However in the last year I have been dealing with some heart issues ( tacycardia and a heart valve issue) After a Flutter Ablation I am much better & nearly off medications. But I found ur video to be encouraging & informative. I shall try to build in more movement to my days. ps I am a firm beleiver in letting wheels move heavy stuff. I have a walker with a seat that helps me move anything that is too heavy in the house. We also made a while back a very large flat carpeted dolly about 2’X4′ with 6 very heavy duty wheels & a rope on it to pull it . We have moved a hot tub on it 3 times. Couches, recliners, matresses, anything big or heavy…better to let equipment handle the heavy stuff not ur back. I will try not to scoff when I need to get up & do something….like open the hen’s house and feed the chix in early a.m.!! I think the BTE garden will keep us moving, plus I have such a long Honey-to-do -list, like a greenhouse, a lein-to, a chix tractor, more trails in the woods, storing up firewood for next 5 years. Love homesteading even at our very senior age nancy in Ohio

  • laura gill says:

    Hi Marjory,
    great timing on this video.
    I’ve been gardening all day, and boy howdy am I sore!
    I am really interested in a stretching routine, like yoga perhaps – but not complicated and easy to follow.
    I think that a regular routine would be very beneficial for a lot of us gals.
    thanks so much,

    1. Marjory says:

      I appreciate the feedback, Laura! Keep up the great effort with your health. 🙂

  • Tuija Peltonen says:

    Thank you Marjory, and good luck with your book. Very interesting and so true. If you don’t move you’ll lose it. Movement is everything, you function better also mentally and emotionally. Looking forward to your next video.

  • Alli says:

    I liked this first segment and look forward to hearing more.
    I currently work on flexibility daily due to a nerve injury in my lower back from 13 yrs ago that has caused the muscles going from side to side, “stiffen” up to where its hard to stand for long, sit for long or even be active for very long. So, learning more about all this will be helpful. I’m too young to be in such bad shape LOL

    1. Alli says:

      To add to my comment……it was made painfully aware just how much work & damage to my body I have last night. I spent 3 hrs clipping my Angora last night & I hurt so badly after I was done & it took a while to get my back to relax & even after a nights sleep I still hurt. My dad (74) can still out walk me when he irrigates or anything & just complains about his feet not having cushion & now heartburn. I feel like I am older than he is at times (like stopping on the trimming) & hurting so bad. Stretches & twist’s help when I am hurting. Movement for me…..is a good & bad thing LOL But….I am not giving up…..to young to quit

      1. Marjory says:

        Never quit, Alli! Keep up the movement and exercise…you will be glad you did! 🙂

  • I am so glad you covered the lymphatic system. As a massage therapist I find many clients do not even know it exists. If they do often it is only that they have lymph glands.
    One point you might add is that if you have built up wast products in your muscles with vigorous activity and then suddenly stop all movement then the lymphatic movement stops and the waste products remain in the muscles. Of ten the acid will stimulate an involuntary contraction, a painful cramp. So keep some movement going even if you are of your feet keep bending the ankles like you are walking, if possible swing your arms in coordination with your legs.

  • Deanna says:

    This is great. I’m 63 aand walk and hike for hours in the Gatineau park Quebec, Canada with my dogs. I’m poor and don’t have a car and walk to the health food store and walk back, which I love doing, in fact I walk almost everywhere I can. I changed my diet two years ago to oorganic non gmo vegetarian and clean water and live in a cheap apartment so I can spend my money on good food, and have access to miles of hiking trails right across the street. I also work at a fairly low paying job now. But I feel younger, richer and healthier than I did in my 20’s to 50’s when I worked in Computer programming or other sendentary jobs and ate poorly. Unfortunately I have no available place to grow my own food. I am planning to start yoga and stop smoking and get into squash again. I was a pretty mean squash player.. I’m strong and fit II signed up for your course but have not had a chance to start it yet. Looking forward to doing so. Nice meeting you.

    1. Marjory says:

      You’re amazing, Deanna! Good for you for doing what you can to better your health! Keep up the good work. 🙂

  • Joseph says:

    This was fantastic. Growing one food ensures that health food is put on the table for family consumption. I have a small backyard where I grew beans, For three weeks now, we have been eating fresh beans daily from our garden. How different has been the taste. Even my children enjoy full plates! Cheers.

  • Kim says:

    Hello Marjorie from Singapore!

    Thank you for your time, effort and love in making these videos and sharing them so readily. Your messages absolutely resonate. However, in this highly urbanized city-state, it is difficult & challenging to grow my own food. Although some have started vertical, urban, roof-top farming. And there are the odd random patches of agriculture on the outskirts of the city.

    The idea of growing my own food is novel and remotely appealing. Meanwhile, I remain committed to appropriate movement through yoga, stretching, Taichi, cycling, sailing, playing with my canine companions.

    All the very best to you & your family. Continue to keep well & radiantly happy.

    54 years on & loving every day of my life,

    1. Marjory says:

      You are so kind, Kim! Love having you as a part of the Grow Network community! 🙂

  • Carole says:

    Couldnt agree more. I love gardening, grow my own fruit and veg. Also attend yoga, body bakance, zumba, veraflow and kettlebell classes each week. I was away for 2 weeks, no classes, sitting around chatting a lot and came back home with back pain/ sciatica. What does that tell me? Keep doing the yoga at home and add in walking etc., when away. Its taken me 5 weeks to start getting back my mobility!

  • Deanna says:

    This is so great. I am 63 and hike almost everyday for hours in the Gatineau park Quebec Canada for the last two years and also two years ago I changed my diet to organic non gmo vegetarian. I’m relatively poor and don’t have a car so I walk to the health food store, in fact I now walk everywhere I can,, and love doing it. I actually feel younger, richer and healthier than I did in my 20’s through 50″s when I worked at computer programming or other sedentary jobs. I still have a sedentary job part time now, but fortunately my appartment is cheap so I can afford good food and distill and filter my water and walk across the street to miles of hiking trails. I’m planning to stop smoking and get into yoga and squash, i was a pretty mean squash player in my 30’s. Thanks for yoir information,
    and nice meeting you

  • Hn Moses says:

    What an awareness of simplifying an active normal independent living! Thank you Majorie the way you you put it across so convincingly. May God touch many lives and bless your efforts.

  • Colleen Watkins says:

    Another great segment, thank you! Was enlightening – to say the least – to learn about the importance of movement. I can remember as a child, my dear Nana telling me I had ‘ants in my pants’ because I couldn’t sit still when I was supposed to. She then solved the ‘problem’ by teaching me to knit. Was known as a ‘fidgeter’ by teachers in school. Never been interested in aerobics etc. I told my sports-keen daughter once I am ‘allergic to jogging’. Have been a professional translator for over 20 years which involves a lot of sitting, but thankfully have still got ‘ants in my pants’ because I never sit longer than 5-10 minutes, before I find an excuse to go do something.. check the mailbox, water a houseplant, pet the cat, … right now, I’m off to make myself a cup of tea!! 😀
    P.S. Am 66 years old, haven’t had cause to visit the doctor for at least 12 years. Practise a bit of Xi Gong when the mood takes me so have pretty good balance, you could say.

  • Darla Holmes says:

    Hi Marjory

    Love your work!

    Realize the need to start saving seed – wonder if can be done within the next year or two?



  • Lorna says:

    Thank you Marjory great information. I don’t think skateboarding at your age is ridiculous at all why not? the fact that your body allows you to do it and you have the desire and having fun is a clear indication that it is a perfect sport for you and I applaud you. I am in my 60s and work out at the gym 4 days a week and do yoga 2 days per week. I mean I workout like a 30 year old and I am amazed at what my body can do. I give thanks for this and I thank my body also, I do not put limitations on myself. Have you heard of slacklining? another great way to maintain good balance. Good luck with the book I’m looking forward to the completion.
    Many blessings

  • Steven says:

    Thanks, Marjory. I always hated exercise and found sport to be boring. Just plain moving makes sense. Of course, in this regard Tai Chi and QiGong would be rewarding. (Of course, someone could ask me how I can find sport to be boring but enjoy QiGong with its slow movements. I guess its the purposeful and meditative movement that I appreciate.) As far as learning to move correctly is concerned, you might want to check out the Gokhale method.
    Now that I’m suffering from chronic fatigue, rebounding is my main way of moving my lymphatic system (and I’ve heard it’s the best way).
    I do appreciate you bringing this talk about movement. It’s a good reminder and a relief to know I don’t have to be fit to be healthy.

  • Eugene says:

    Marjorie,usual your presentation was well done. And the topics are perfect for this period of time. I will be 71 in July and trying to fight Parkinson and gardening and raising my own food is important to me. And like you I am so concerned with our environment and the food system and the medical system which I believe we both feel has let our country down in the dumps. So keep up the good work and thank you.

  • Mark says:

    I enjoyed the presentation and look forward to the video that talks about those important movements and how to do them properly.

    One thing you said that I don’t entirely agree with. You talked about older people falling, and you said something like, “sometimes you hurt yourself…” I get my revised view on this from my long term interaction with Chinese medical theory. Whether a person is old or young, a fall almost INEVITABLY causes some form of injury, which if left untreated, will cause problems later in life. This is doubly true for the elderly. If an older person falls, or even just starts to fall and has to suddenly regain their balance, their very likely to have some form of injury that will ultimately affect them long term if not treated. In the western tradition, we’re used to just shaking off any injury that doesn’t require bone setting or stitches. This is not a good habit, and it’s why so many people have ‘inexplicable’ aches, pains and problems as they get older. Of course, finding a good Chinese medical practitioner who can help to get the body to really heal properly is another issue. Having lived in Taiwan for 30+ years, I’ve been blessed with ready access to these type of resources. I realize that not everyone has these kinds of resources. However, I firmly believe that just ignoring pains and bruises is not beneficial to long term health!

  • Andrea says:

    Yes very much interested in the movement coach. It would be great to know how to perform tasks in the garden correctly not just so i maybe dont hurt myself

  • Andrea says:

    Excuse if this is a duplicate response from me. Id love to learn more from a movement coach. Tasks in the garden can get strenuous and it would be great to know what the right way is not just the way i havent hurt myself yet.

    1. Marjory says:

      I love to hear this type of feedback so that I can aim to please moving forward! Thanks for the feedback, Andrea. Keep up the great work. 🙂

  • Brad Mills says:

    Ha! Working in my garden watching this #3. I’ll have to view 1 and 2.
    Take care? No, take a risk!

  • Debbie says:

    I really enjoyed your discussion of skateboarding. At going on 64 years old, am I too old to try it? I really could use to improve my balance, and that sounds like a fun way to do it, and I want to be forever young at heart.

    One statement you made, that falls are preventable, is difficult for me to believe. I think I either was born with bad balance or just don’t pay enough attention to obstacles to trip me or slimy clay mud that I may slip on when I am moving around outside. I fall on a pretty regular basis, but fortunately compensate for the lack of balance with better than average reflexes and flexibility and knowing how to fall.

    As for lifting, the best method I know is to stoop, but don’t lean forward or sideways, and keep your back straight and the object you are lifting close to your body. Also, be aware of how much weight your body can safely handle, even when lifting properly. I tend to get on a roll and keep trying to do more. I injured my back moving rocks when I was in my early twenties, and am paying for it to this day. Every rock seemed to be a little larger and heavier than the previous one, until I finally reached my breaking point.

    1. Florida Babe says:

      To build balance a friend suggested standing on one foot and supporting yourself with your arms on the back of a chair, then start tracing the letters of the alphabet with the foot that is raised. START SLOW…you may only get a few letters with each foot at first. You will find muscles you didn’t know you had!!! This probably came from Classical Stretch with Miranda Esmonde-White as well.


    I am 61, and finally losing some of the extra weight I put on. How did I do it? Movement rather than sitting all day long. I recently changed jobs and within the first 3 weeks lost an inch off my waist and 5 pounds. I don’t work exceptionally hard, but do move both arms and legs for about 6 hours a day, compared to less than an hour each day. It’s amazing the difference just moving makes. Again, not strenuous, but more or less constant hand and arm movement with my legs shifting to keep me upright while reaching, lifting about 2 pounds, and adjusting the location of small parts. You definitely got this one right, movement is key!

    1. Marjory says:

      Good for you, Richard. Keep up the movement and the great work! I am cheering for you. 🙂

  • Bethany says:

    Marjorie, I love this! I am 34, so I am still pretty young, but it is never too early to be thinking about these things and creating good habits for life. I was recently looking through some pictures of my great grandparents and great-great grandparents, and I was noticing how healthy and trim they looked, even in their later years. I am sure it has to do with the constant movement in their lives. Back then, nobody thought you needed to exercise for an hour a day to be healthy. Movement was just a part of their lives as they worked in the garden, cooked, cleaned, played with their children, etc. Definitely something we need to get back to!

    1. Marjory says:

      Absolutely, Bethany! Definitely keep moving. 😉

  • Kathy T says:

    Great info! I would love info on increasing upper back flexibility and properly lifting heavy objects.
    My favorite lymph drainage exercises are gardening, homesteading and rebounding.
    At 60, I’m fulfilling a lifelong dream of getting a milk cow… great for lymph drainage!
    Blessings on your book Marjorie!

  • Keith Gascon says:

    Majory, awesome video and I’m looking forward to your book. Everything you say is so important and it is sad to look around and see those who have the same attitude of your friend ‘Debbie’. I have been involved with sports most of my life both as an athlete and coach and as I’ve aged (I’m just a few years older than you) have researched and read as much as I can on health and fitness. I love how you have combined movement, health, fitness, and growing your own food. While I have and still do work out with weights, etc. I think the thing that has helped me feel and be the best I can be is eating clean and daily stretching and mobility exercises. I also stay busy with chickens and gardens and compost and worms and kids and grandkids will get some rabbits going soon. Keep up the good work!!

  • Bonny says:

    Lovely that you are an example for all you teach.

    You asked for suggestions of someone to guide us all re health and movement. I would suggest Esther Gokhale.
    Have seen a couple of her tutorial videos and I like where she is coming from – ie observation of tribes and people who are living natural lives and hence maintain their health, strong bodies and balanced lives in a way we can learn from.

    Thank you for all you are doing!

  • SK says:

    Great idea…

  • Barbara Byrd says:

    Great practical advice on incorporating exercise into every day routine and activities. I used to walk a lot, but seven years ago I was hit by a speeding Mercedes crossing the street. Total miracle I survived that and am fully healed for the most part. I say, for the most part, because I have not been able to walk very far or stand for long periods of time since the accident, so I try to make up for the lack of walking with my exercise bike and/or mini trampoline. Sometimes I put on music and dance around to a couple of oldies, but I could do a lot better with my diet. I do try to eat mostly organic and rarely eat processed foods, but I indulge my sweet tooth too much. Thanks for the encouraging video. Looking forward to the book.

  • Betty Montgomery says:

    I add movement to my life (and I am a very sedentary person) by using a scythe to mow down the tall grasses on my land in the spring and give them to my chickens. Oh, and yes, the chickens do add movement as well. Especially when they decide to fly out of their electric fence and I have to chase them down to get them back in! I’m also planning on using my human powered reel mower to keep my lawn mowed. At least until it starts to get hot. I live in Texas to, Marjory and you KNOW how hot it can get here!!. I may have to get my (yuck) gas powered mower fixed and use it after it warms up.

  • Jan says:

    I use the Gokhale method for back and spine preservation. gokhalemethod.com

  • Jan says:

    I use the Gokhale method for back and spine preservation.


  • Rebecca says:

    Definitely interested in functional movement tips, as well as learning how to fall properly. Thanks for the video.

  • Jr says:

    Great info! Thank you Marjorie.

  • Marsha says:

    Thank you, Marjory, for all you and your team and family do to advance the cause of healthy lifestyles.
    Yes, definitely, I would be interested in your idea about functional gardening movements to stay safer. I am guessing several diagrams with cautionary text would do, but,,,,,
    How about a video with you and/or the instructor, included with the book, or as a separate sale item?
    If the book is as creative and imaginative as your title and filled with as much common sense (which does not seem to be so common these days) as your videos, I really look forward to buying and using your book.

    To reduce sore muscles I stay hydrated with a dash of lemon juice in water. If I am really thirsty, then it is already too late. To reduce mistakes and accidents late in the day I leave that last ‘little’ project until the next day.

  • Leslie Bauer says:

    Hey Marjory,
    Always enjoy your posts and have been a member for a while now. The person I recommend is Esther Gokale. She studied native populations in India, where she was raised, but also other countries. She has written a book, and also has been at the Paleo f/x show a few times. Very unassuming, sweet demeaner, and I just bet she would be thrilled to participate in your quest for helping us all to move with grace, strength and conditioning ourselves into our ripe older years. I bet you also have either seen her or know of her. I think she’s perfect!

  • Scott 2 says:

    Hi Marjory,
    Thanks for the informative & fun video. I agree that movement is king, (you’ve heard that sitting is the new smoking!).
    I’m fortunate to be able to hike for a living, but still incorporate other movements, including rock hopping, (I live in a very rocky area), gardening, bicycle riding, (in strong winds, ha!), yoga, dance, (really working on freeing the mind & letting go).

    Being child-like, (forgetting about age), and just doing fun things outdoors that require movement is so freeing, fun & healthy.
    Many of my clients have lost much of their confidence in their balance & ability, which restricts them even more, unless intervention happens.
    Being grounded, (sleeping too), is another very helpful practice, (as is gardening barefoot).

    BTW, I listen to Ben Greenfield, (Greenfield fitness), who’s an exercise, fitness & nutrition guru, he may have some good points regarding your gardening movements, (as he & wife & kids grow much of their own food).

    peace, scott

    1. Marjory says:

      Love the amazing attitude here, Scott! Keep it up and thank you for commenting. 🙂

  • Janis Gralewski says:

    Check out Dan Ritchie or Cody Sipe at the Functional Aging Institute! They may be able to shed some light on functional movements. Enjoyed the video.

  • Adrienne says:

    Sitting? Cannot remember a time when I ever really sat. If I had to be sitting (school, church, even writing) my some part of my body was moving. “Butchering a steer”…..I can so see my husband doing that. Many years ago the medical profession misdiagnosed my husband and actually killed him. They were filling out the death certificate when God sent him back. He then lapsed into a coma. He was in the hospital for a long time and on dialyses when he came home. His muscles hung on his arms. That spring he used the tractor to disc up 2 acres to plant tomatoes. He hoed between all those tomatoes a little bit every day until he was able to hoe all day long. By the end of summer, his muscle tone was back. Today he is 72. Last week he dug a 4ft by 155ft trench to make a hugle-culture bed. He plans to dig one more. Both 1 foot deep. He will fill it in with tree trunks and brush and then mound it in dirt………….all by hand.

    Movement is important not just for lymph but for blood flow. Arteries obtain flow from the heart. Veins depend on movement. The same movements that push lymph push the blood back to the heart. Sit too long and you can develop blood clots. Little things do count. If it can be done by hand or by walking, do it that way. Learn to lift with the legs. I move 50lb feed bags often.. some hold my food. start small and work up. When I taught preschool, I put a 2×4 on the ground and had the kids walk the plank. A small teeter-totter can be purchased in the gym department of many stores. Jumping on a rebounder also helps. But, gardening is best because you bend, stretch, lift, walk and ground.

  • M. says:

    Marjory, thank you for this video. I found it most encouraging. DH and I are past the 50 year mark, so this is relevant to us. We are not “heavy duty” sports enthusiasts, but we DO move, and gardening is amongst our movements. It is good to know that we are doing something healthy and beneficial for continued good health. I appreciate this video and look forward to the next.

  • Gail says:

    I agree, and appreciate your active life. I’m 71 and though body changing am still quite active. I built my own wooden 5×5 ft garden box last year, and again this year hauled new dirt and am planting again. I live in senior apartment complex, but have a small yard. I’m out about every day. So I enjoyed your thoughts you expressed.

    1. Marjory says:

      Good for you, Gail. How wonderful to hear what you are doing to stay active. Keep it up! 🙂

  • Mitchell Cutler says:

    What some video of you skateboarding?

  • Coreen McNally says:

    Thank you so much for this video. I am just over 50 myself and have felt that almost constant movement is key to good health.
    It is nice to hear your confirming thoughts.
    I would love to learn more from a movement coach.

    Kind regards,


  • Jeanne Yardley says:

    I really appreciated this segment, Marjory, especially the distinction between fitness/exercise and movement. I have just turned 65 and, yes, some things are harder than they used to be. I had two bad falls in the past so I have given up heavy lifting and climbing ladders, which I actually miss. But two years ago, we moved from a single-level house on one acre to a three level house on 61 acres of very hilly wetland. It was a move-it-or-lose-it choice. The stairs were very hard at first, but unavoidable since the main living spaces are on the top level. I still find it a bit hard to go from basement all the way up to the kitchen in one go, but I can do it. We also deliberately put the vegetable garden and the greenhouse at a good distance from the house. And of course we do almost daily recreational walks on the uneven (and right now very wet!) floodplains and ridges of our property. I walk with poles to help me feel secure on my feet, but also to motivate me to keep the pace up. I agree completely that building some necessary movement into life is essential. We like to sit comfortably for meals and TV shows, but we both and my son, too, use stand up desks for computer work — you just tend to shift around and stretch a bit more often when you’re not settled deep into a comfy chair, as well maintain a better neck and back posture. Which reminds me: are you familiar with Christine’ work at Whole Woman.com? She has put a lot of study into women’s posture and movement, and you might find some of it useful. Looking forward to the next segment…

  • Patricia McBurney says:

    Good information regarding flexibility. For me, the best flexibility came from practicing yoga, and even though I don’t practice yoga as often as i would like, i am still flexible. I am 63, and I cannot sit still. I take absolutely no synthetic medication. I don’t need it. I can run circles around some half my age. I practice core movements when I am on the phone, waiting for the bath to finish filling, etc…..I can get down on all fours and still get up with out fail. So, I think you are on the right path for saying the key to aging gracefully is to keep moving.

  • Maria Peccorini says:

    Hello Marjory,

    I so agree with what you speak of in the video. It is my experience as a person who’s dealt w/ a chronic illness for over 25 years (MS). that IF I did not move, (no matter how difficult it was, I’d be either bed-ridden or dead.
    I’d probably be even better if I’d move more.
    My father was a landscape gardener, for over 45 years, and he instilled in me the idea of living with the earth. I’ve NEVER been embarrassed to be near the ground, therefore, I never had a problem going to the ground when my legs got weak from the “problems” with MS.
    I’ve recently gotten it a bit more together & started working on better care of myself w/ meditation, better nutrition & other complementary health protocols.
    I’d be happy to get more chatty, but I don’t know if the connection I’ve stated would be of any further interest to you; so.. will wait to hear if you’d wish to respond.
    Whatever feels right for you

    Maria Peccorini

  • jenene says:

    am interested in the better ways to shovel etc. please let me know thanks I am in my 60 and am really ageless and timeless. i want to stay moving til the day i go on my next journey

  • C Berg says:

    Love the information you’ve provided on the link between movement and aging gracefully! Would love to hear tips on how to work safely around the homestead and looking forward to getting your book!

  • Sandy says:

    So enjoyed your #3 video. As a person facing knee replacement & have Trendelenbury gait, being able to move is a challenge. The possibily of falling is always there when getting up from sitting any length of time. Will remember to move more, just not skateboarding.

  • Lee says:

    Thank you! So good to hear that it is Movement, not exercise, like some routine of fitness. Hubby’s Grandmother lived to 105, in her own home till 95, unassisted until 103, wonderful. His mother, 2 uncles & an aunt are all in their 90s. Two are more active than the other two. It will be interesting to see who lasts longest. Keep up the good work, and stay safe on that board–LOL!

  • Leslie says:

    I’m so glad to hear you talk about the lymph system! Did you know that in all the years of medical school, they only teach one chapter about the lymph system? And yet, the lymph system is more vast than the circulatory system and as you mentioned, responsible for moving toxins and excess fluids from between the cells. When the lymph isn’t moving, fluids will build up and cause inflammation, pain and cell death, which then can progress into disease. The lymph system is way more important than most people realize. Doctors included!

    I’d also like to add that another way to move the lymph is to do deep breathing exercises. The main lymph vessel goes up right between the lungs and when you do deep breathing and expand your lungs to their capacity, they squeeze the main vessel, which acts like a pump, making the fluid move. You can also move the lymph by bouncing or jogging on a mini trampoline (2 bounces per second). Faster bouncing isn’t as efficient.

  • Erline says:

    enjoying the videos. I bounce and stretch while watching the videos. Would love to see info on picking up and carrying loads (back care/strengthening}

    Cheers! Erline

  • Violet says:

    Hi Marjory!
    Once again, I really enjoy these. You always make me think and realize some pretty powerful yet simple things. I have one of those sedentary jobs and do need to make an effort to get moving more. Combine less activity with the stress and it is a toxic cocktail for sure. My husband and I are beginning to learn Tai Chi too as an add on to doing our bit of outdoor gardening. I think my takeaway from this that I didn’t really think about before was how important the movement of lymph is in relation to better health. I used to use a re-bounder and saw some great results in a gentle way. But like many things allowed other things to crowd into my life and take my focus off of my well being. So, thanks for the reminder, friend! Looking forward to other moments of listening and watch these.

  • Barb Davis says:

    Thank you, Marjory, for more great encouragement to get outside and growing more healthy by growing a garden.

    For the nearly eight years before my 60th birthday, I was the groundman for my son’s tree service. My health was excellent. I was so certain that I would continue working outdoors and maintain that fitness, but didn’t happen to the extent I thought. Celebrated my 70th birthday recovering from a broken arm.

    This video was very encouraging because I do garden and am up and down all the time. I do a few simple back-safe stretches each morning which have a great effect on my balance and freedom of movement–but, I had not been doing them for awhile before I fell and broke my arm. Ugh!! Hard lesson.

    I am very interested in learning more on movement that you mentioned at the end of the video.

    Barb Davis

  • Jane says:

    Good video! I’m 71, and I’d love to see more on this, especially with a movement coach. Thanks!

  • Karyn says:

    I really liked this video. It’s packed with SO much information! It is a good balance of factual information and interesting stories as examples to present your material….making it easy to see how this relates to me and those in my life. The length is just a tiny bit long as I was becoming unfocused and fidgety. I think the location you chose to stand was interesting yet mostly neutral (I am intrigued by the items you were standing near and wondered about their purpose). Now for the feedback that you actually asked for :-)…recently moved into a small acreage property that was neglected. We move so much we overdo it most days…mowing, cleaning out the outbuilding, combining households, repairs, starting to put in the garden today, and so much more. I never knew how the lymph system works and appreciate this lesson. As you noted near the end, I need to ensure that I am moving properly so I can eliminate my stiff lower back and keep from having injuries.

  • Marni says:

    Thanks, Marjorie.
    You are right on with movement. I have a few years on you, but notice how much even brief periods of less activity affect my overall balance and flexibility. I am a crafter and a lot of what I enjoy is done sitting, so I need to make a conscious effort to get up and move and stretch at intervals during the day. Thanks for your encouragement!

  • Jane Heald says:

    How can I dig in the garden without hurting my back, which has a curved and bent spine?
    I’ve given up using a shovel…. So how turn over the dirt?
    I do what I can on my hands and knees….

  • Donna says:

    Loved the basic info on the lymph system in Grow 3. Also the story of you gradually working your way up to doing all the sports your kids did. I played with kids on the playground as a daycare worker in my early 20s, but have gotten away from that level of activity after years of office work. Manual labor in the yard and house helps, but you motivated me to start doing more movement as opposed to “exercise.” Great job!

    1. Marjory says:

      Good for you, Donna! So happy to hear this. 🙂

  • Judy Tokuda says:

    Although movement is a key factor to retain health, the lack of is a tell tale sign of deteriorating health. Without the other health maintenance routines, there is lack of energy, possible aches & pains, lower hormone drivers, etc. These all contribute to less desire to move.

    I like the fact you pointed out that it is not the intensity or volume of movements, but a steady consistent moving throughout the day that is key.

  • Mike Fortier says:

    Very good presentation. I was interested to find the similarities with something I recently discovered – Miranda Esmonde-White’s Essentrics & Classical Stretch which are about smooth movements, stretching workouts based on her background as a ballerina and Tai Chi workouts. I have gardened seriously for the past 7-8 years and have benefitted, but my muscles are tight and stiff after I spend the day there. I am looking for something to increase flexibility, mobility and strength. I am 72 and working toward many good years ahead. Perhaps you could include something like Miranda’s program.

  • Edward Lye says:

    If you visit China, in most towns you can see groups of women practicing dancing and you can see them performing at parades and any public occasions where an event is held or when welcoming dignitaries. Then there are smaller groups doing Tai Chi or Qigong exercises. The diverse and simultaneous movements exercise the brain-body connections. I agree with you that gardening is a good way to keep active and drive the lymphatic system. I don’t do skateboarding but I intend to take up the unicycle. It is one of the skills that can only be self-taught and really stresses the brain-body connection continuously.

    1. Marjory says:

      A unicycle?! How fun!! Thanks for sharing, Edward. 🙂

  • Pat says:

    Great information Marjory. I am a super active woman that has probably done too much lifting and working on the farm over the years, and my body (now 60) is paying the price. I have found some great information from the Feldenkrais institute which has helped me tremendously with back pain, sciatica and jaw issues. They have a wonderful book called Stop Sciatica Now, which has information on how to sit, stand, walk, bend, move lift ect. which has been awesome in making my back stronger, more comfortable and more pain free. They do a lot with older people to help them stay young and flexible through movement.
    Love your work … keep it up. It is amazing how disconnected people are from the real world! They need what you are able to give them.

    1. Marjory says:

      Thank you for your thoughts, Pat! So happy to hear from you. Keep up the good work in taking care of yourself and spreading the word about good health. 🙂

  • Debra says:

    I would love to know more on functional movement as I begin to Homestead at 32 years old. As for movement in general I would highly recommend Teresa Tapp’s T-Tapp “exercise” dvd’s because she focuses on skeletal alignment, lymphatic pumping, breathing, etc. using only your body and nothing else. All the things you talked about.

  • JWB says:

    Love this info on the lymph system. Some breast cancer patients are pushing back against conventional medicine automatically removing lymph nodes, as they are increasingly viewed as critically important toxin “holding tanks.” Dr. Mercola also featured a fascinating woman whose family resides with almost no furniture. No more flopping on the couch! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/03/27/restore-health-through-nutritional-movement.aspx

    Another great way to never stop moving is camping. We learned how to car camp at age 55 a couple years ago and it’s opened up a whole new world. It allows us to travel inexpensively and we hike, bike, soak up the sun and gaze at the stars in the country’s most beautiful places.

  • Susan Soucoup says:

    The couple in the accompanying picture are middle aged, not old. I’m 66 and expect that I may soon become old. My body is getting there more quickly than my mind. Don’t rush me!

  • Mona McClendon says:

    I am a 63 year old grandmother of 6 and love to be busy with yard work, gardening – really anything outside! Last year I became my mother-in-law’s caregiver after she had an adverse reaction to a radiation treatment and was released to hospice. Since I was normally very active having to stay with her and be available round the clock I had to make lots of changes. She passed away after being home on hospice nine months. I am totally in agreement that staying active is so important. I am now working to regain my active lifestyle, my balance and energy levels as they were all diminished during those nine months. I have built some raised beds to get me out and back to gardening and have more plans as I hopefully regain what was effected. I look forward to your future videos and all the new information you’ll be sharing.

    1. Marjory says:

      So sorry to hear about your loss, Mona. Good for you for taking the time to improve your health. It’s so important to take the time to move, eat right, and take care of yourself. Keep up the good work!

  • Adrienne says:

    I keep thinking about your friend Debbie and her family. Thinking also of people I see in the nursing home and co-workers. So many people seem to have “genetic” illnesses. But I wonder. The science of Epigenetics (epi meaning above) shows that the genetic markers are not and do not always need to be expressed.

    My supervisor has a family history of Alzheimer’s. All have tested and found the genetic marker which seems to make a person more likely to develop the disease. One of the elderly family members has the marker and no early signs of the disease. All of his siblings have already been diagnosed or have died from it. Friends have often commented on how he refuses to do normal things….always concerned he will be stricken with pneumonia or flu. Oh, and he eats differently. He refuses vaccines, wont eat anything cooked in aluminum and eats very little sweets and wears no deodorant. MRIs can show demenita. True diagnoses of Alzheimer’s is through brain disection and aluminum plaque is found. Every one in this family that has symptoms lives on sugar, cooks with aluminum and gets their shots.

    We get families in the nursing home. Last was three generations of the same chronic disease….diabetes. All three died from their diabetes. The unaffected daughter said that she saw what was happening to her mom and dad so she chose to eat differently and be more active (long walks). The daughter in the nursing home (age mid forties) told me that diabetes ran in her family so she will probably die from it, “there is nothing I can do.”

    I believe what we really inherent is life style and attitudes. I wonder how the change of food value has affected this. Debbie’s grandma may have eaten a less than healthy diet (?) but the ingredients used were healthier. Now the daughter may eat the same food but new chemicals and unhealthy fats and increased sugar are added. Granddaughter gets more chemicals in the food and the real foods nutritional values is less than when grandma was young.

    Think about potatoe chips. Fifty years ago the potatoes were grown with few chemicals and fried in coconut oil or lard (both healthy fats). Forty years ago more pesticides and preservatives are added. Vegetable oils became the frying oil. Thirty years ago MSG was added (bet you can’t eat just one) and other excitotoxins were added. Chemicals which over stimulate nerve cells of the brain and sometimes kill them. Now the chips are a mix of chemicals and dyes. We see our parents eat and then we choose the same. Over the generations the “same” is different. Debbies grandma may have lived as long as she did because her early start was healthier.

    Unhealthy people are not active people. Hurts to much to move or takes too much effort. We learn inactivity as well as activity. Good for you to set the example for your children….stay active.


    1. Marjory says:

      Many good points made here, Adrienne! Thank you for sharing your comments with our community. 🙂

  • Kelly says:

    I would love more info on movement and flexibility. I am a 39 yo that has been struggling with flexibility and less mobility, though I am on my feet most of the day, I guess I don’t get enough of the movements that I need. This really opened my eyes and eased my mind, I have been praying that I don’t have some illness that is tearing down my body because it’s gotten that bad. I will definitely concentrate more on moving and balance throughout my day.
    Thank you so much!

    1. Marjory says:

      I am sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well, Kelly! It’s important to move often throughout the day and to stretch too! Be sure to get checked out if you don’t see any changes though. Many hugs, Marjory

  • Dia says:

    Hey M,
    Your desire for principles and effect of movement fascinates the wife and I.
    We were just talking about how so many people develope a hunch or slouch in their cervical area of their spine and it seems more and more people are being affected younger and younger.
    We would love to see methods and exercises to counteract these poor postures and even just the inevitable effects of getting older.
    Wish you well on your endeavor.

    1. Marjory says:

      Thank you, Dia! Love the feedback. 🙂

    2. Celeste says:

      Dia, I have been a caregiver for years, and the conventional advice for preventing the terrible slouch (that SO affects one’s health, as it terribly impacts the amount of breath one is able to take into one’s lungs, and thus the amount of oxygen available to one’s cells!!!) is 1) don’t look at your feet! and 2) top of your head parallel with the ceiling. Really concentrate on getting the top of your head as close to the ceiling as possible (that extra half-inch is all important; now breath deeply!).
      An exercise to help with this is to simply lay on the floor on your back and touch both shoulders to the ground at the same time.
      Hope this helps!

  • Sarah Corson says:

    Thank you. Very encouragingl

  • Irene says:

    “The Feldenkrais Method – a form of somatic, (relating to the body), education that uses gentle movement and directed attention to improve movement and enhance human functioning. Through this Method, you can increase your ease and range of motion, improve your flexibility and coordination, and rediscover your innate capacity for graceful, efficient movement. These improvements will often generalize to enhance functioning in other aspects of your life.”

  • Louise says:

    Thank you! For years I have been pondering the notion that, moving/physical work makes much more sense than scheduled exercise programs. Fifteen years or so ago (when in my late 30’s), my doctor asked me if I was “exercising”. I told him that yes, I was working in the garden daily…his reply was, “that doesn’t count”. I’m a quiet person, so I wasn’t going to argue with him, but I just thought, “your definition of ‘gardening’ must be different than mine” 🙂

    1. Gudrun says:

      doctors really do not know all that much 🙂

  • Sharon Sbrocco says:

    Please consider including the option to read a transcript of your videos. I can read MUCH faster than you can talk. I move with Tai Chi and gardening.

    1. Marjory says:

      I will definitely consider this. We will do what we can to offer this in the future!! 🙂

    2. Celeste says:

      Yes, definitely. Just because we are older does not mean we have more time to spare!!! I MUCH, MUCH, MUCH prefer to read something that spend the time listening to it! Not only that, but it’s less time spent in front of the computer, AND also oftentimes a lot of trouble loading videos on the computer; many times just impossible. Somehow this particular series loaded well, but I wasn’t able to see ANY of those ones you had a few weeks back on the Home Grown Food Summit!

  • Gudrun says:

    excellent advice, Marjory! I garden and for the past 8 month spend most days with my 2 year old grand daughter, sure keeps me moving! Yesterday she put her toes in her mouth and wanted me to do the same 🙂 I was able to do this for many years but found it was not so easy any more! I did succeed though, but will work a bit more on the flexibility 🙂 I will be 60 this year. No worries on the skate boarding though, I will stick to the little scooter; tried a skate board once, about 23 years ago and promptly landed on my butt (tail bone hurt for a while!), since then I stay away from those things. Good for you for being able to keep that up!!!
    and yes to the lifting correctly, that would be good!

  • Bill says:

    Great information, Marjory. Very well presented and so important to good health.

  • Sally says:

    Thank you for a wonderful segment on movement. It just so happens my 85 year old parents are here visiting and listened with me. Mom said, see I’ve said we’ve got to keep moving even if it’s to walk the long way around the house to the bathroom. So you have inspired them to continue fixing what’s broken, walking all the aisles in the store, they may see someone they know, and usher at church.
    Sally H

  • Diane says:

    I would like to know how to lift 40 and 50 pound bags properly, and how to lift and turn compost properly with a pitch fork and/or shovel in a compost bin, to avoid back injuries.
    Thank you,

  • Cynthia says:

    I notice that when I am feeling lethargic if I take my dog out and go clean the chicken coops, collect eggs, etc that I feel much better. I am 56, overweight, with a bad knee and a sore back. I babysit a 1 1/2 yr old and a 3 year old and I try to play with them, take walks, etc. so I am not too sedentary. Thank you for inspiring me to keep moving. I would love to be able to carry a 50 lb. bag of feed!

  • Carol D says:

    Hi Marjorie, You are absolutely right that we need to keep moving to maintain and even improve our health! My son-in-law is passionate about this topic and our aging population; he is a certified trainer who believes that we should be able to move and be flexible during all the stages of life, esp as we age. If you need to consult or corroborate with someone with this passion, please email me and I will put you in contact with Tom.

  • Jean Adamson says:

    one urban shaman, Serge Kahila King, in his book Urban Slhaman has this tip for picking up heavy objects. Focus your attention about 6 inches above the heavy item to be lifted, and it will be lighter. It reminds me of the game we used to play as kids.

    Have one person sit on a chair and four people stand around and one by one place one hand on top of the person’s head and say he or she is weightless. That is repeated eight times as each person puts both hands, one by one, on top of the person’s head. The one sitting in the chair feels very, very heavy from the weight of the hands. A counter counts up to 20 then four people move to the side of the person. with their point fingers outstretched and their hands clasps and their thumbs up. Then on the count of 3 they lift the person. 2 place their fingers under the arm pits and 2 under the knees of the seated person. That person, that could not be lifted before, is now very, very light. But only for a few second. We have lifted a very heavy person as high as three feet in the air, whereas before could not be lifted at all. Go figure.

  • Mike says:

    The chem trails are depleting silica and other minerals in the soil, ground lava rock and microbs in in the soil may help

  • Ellen W says:

    Hi Marjory
    Thank you for all the information you share. I’m 55 and over the last 5 yrs have gained about 25 lbs. I am growing a beautiful vegetable garden this yr and planted 4 more fruit trees for a total of 6. I also have chickens. So right now, during the growing season I have enough to keep me busy outside. I’m on a mission to reboot and regain my physical and mental health. No more lethargy and brain fog! I am very interested in learning how to move properly. You definitely peaked my interest with that idea, I love it! My mission is to improve myself so I can continue to garden for the rest of my life and be an example of good health to those around me.
    Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. Marjory says:

      Wonderful, Ellen! This is so great to hear. Keep up the great work!

  • Sonya Vestey says:

    Fantastic lesson on movement for all ages. Agree gardening is the very best way to exercise. Gardening is an every day exercise and the outcome is wonderful healthy food for your table. Exercise without useful outcome of the energy expended
    is a boring exercise and your time can be put to beneficial uses instead. I am an RN, built houses for years as a contractor, and in general “wore out my back and knees”. Gardening requires bending, stretching, sweating but what a joy it produces when you bring in your crops. I only have 20′ to work with so I do vertical and box gardening. With constant care my garden produces an enormous amount of vegetables and herbs. I have gotten one grand daughter into gardening and “wow”- she feeds her family of six and has food to share. Another grand-daughter is just beginning her first garden this year.
    By the way-I am eighty have a knee replacement and severe back degeneration plus too numerous to mention other physical problems caused by accident and active lifestyle. Yes, can still get off the floor but have to use my hands.

    1. Marjory says:

      Amazing, Sonya!! Thank you so much for sharing!! Hugs!

  • Riana Joubert says:

    Hi Marjory, I think the single most important thing to remember when attempting to pick up something heavy, is firstly, to PLAN it (do not grab and lift instantly): You should NEVER bend your back in the waist area. Bend in the hips and knees, but keep your whole center body straight. Do NOT extend your upper arms to accept weight on them – hook your lower arm(s) under the object to get a good grip, then bring them back towards your body, so the weight rests against your body (if e.g. picking up a bag that has no handles, keep arms close to your body while picking it up). This way your BODY (with straight back) carries most of the weight. The same rules again for putting the heavy object down. So, in a nutshell: Always keep your back straight, and let your body carry the weight of the object. Thank you for all your valuable information, and I really enjoy listening to your informal way of sharing this!

  • love spells says:

    Hi,I read your new stuff named “GROW: Staying Healthy and Free—Even In Old Age! (Video 3) – The Grow Network : The Grow Network” on a regular basis.Your story-telling style is awesome, keep up the good work! And you can look our website about love spells.

  • jennifer says:

    Hah. I again. I guess I should have watched all the key videos before commenting on sleep. this is exactly what I meant by exercise – staying active. I dont do what traditionally is called exercise, though some people may need more movement than I as i have high metabolism. Doing things around the house, gardening, hobbies I truly enjoy. on days I cant be outside, I exercise my mind with knowledge. Though I started out small, little bit by little bit added more movement (things to do) in the garden and other aspects in life in turn is connected to sleep, if I move enough in the day without hurting myself, a healthy balance, I sleep better. Being stagnant is the worst thing for anyone with arthritis or potential to get it. Move move move. (calmly, strolls, leisure walk/hike) Marjory is absolutely right in this subject, listen this maybe be the most important. If your sad, dont sit long. If your mad go for a walk. Movement will smooth your mood.

  • Miriam says:

    Wow! dancing, walking, stretching, gardening, just keep moving! Simple. I am a new at gardening, this year. I am growing one tomato plant, 2 sweet potatoes, 1 potato, 3 thyme, 4 basil, 1 Italian and Greek oregano, 10 scallions, and two bell pepper plants; one green and one orange on my apartment balcony growing nicely. This experience has helped me realize the importance of movement and real food. It tastes like food! My scallions taste so good, my oregano, thyme and basil, wow! nothing like the organic version at the market. I can pick up my food right here, no car needed to drive 15 minutes away for these items. I get what you are saying. Sorry you all, typing is not my strength. Learning so much. Thank you Margery.

  • lissa shoes says:

    While movement is necessary for proper health, so are various types of exercise; both anaerobic and aerobic, high intensity strength training and long-slow weight bearing. See Dr. Mercola’s articles for a primer.
    However, your minimalist movement is a great idea; not going to do skate-boarding however.
    Proper functional movement, for those of us who like to garden, would be a good topic to research. While I’ve been currently researching a specific disease topic for the last 3 years, and thus have allocated little time for other topics, I’d be most interested in discovering what you may have learned; vis-a-vis, functional gardening movement.
    Thanks for taking the time to impart what you’ve learned to the wider world.

  • Amanda Carruthers says:

    I love your skateboarding story. That’s awesome. ? I would really highly recommend you check out Jennifer Hoffman at healthymoving.com. She echoes a lot of what you just said. Her business is all about teaching how to weave healthy moving into your day, and not just moving, but moving properly so you body can function the way it’s supposed to. Our sedentary American lives have really messed up the way we move, and we need to retrain ourselves to use our bodies properly. I think you’d really appreciate what she has to offer!

  • Sam DuBois says:

    Several thousand years ago, there were heavy rains in China, and the puddles bred mosquitoes. They reasoned that, if we allow our internal liquids (lymph!) to puddle like that, we will breed internal pests – disease!

    1. Celeste says:

      Ha! Love it, great analogy!!
      Thanks for sharing that.

  • Harriette says:

    Thank you for reminding me to move. I am 76 years old. I used to do yoga all the time, but have recently had an illness that left me exhausted for months. I am feeling better now and moving more, partly because I have chickens at the top of my garden, which I am also spending more time in. However, just thinking about doing yoga and how I feel when I practice it regularly has got me enthusiastic about starting it up again.

  • LeslieS says:

    The flexibility, motion, and proper techniques of moving, digging, lifting would be wonderful! Like most country gardeners, my ground is hard when dry and like sloppy cement when wet (central Texas black clay), the hen house and feed are a good 100′ from the driveway, and most of my gardening and “lawn” care is done by hand. Keeps me flexible and fairly strong, but I have noticed recurring twingy pain in a knee after exertion, so I must be doing something wrong!

    The active, organic, way of life has been my choice for several years. At 70, I’m healthy and flexible – no meds, no doctors, no real complaints. I have laying hens that free range, get lots of fruit and pecans from my backyard, and often have a great vegetable garden. I cook from scratch, pretty much eat whole organic foods at home, try to keep it clean when dining out.

    All of the videos show great promise, and are very enjoyable. I hope you find all the remarks to be encouraging and orovide even more ideas for you to cover!

  • I to fell that inactive is a killer. I am 69/1/2 I have a one acre lot we live on. I have goats, rabbits, chickens, pigeons and ducks. I have business growing rooted cuttings. I have a garden and try to grow as much as I can. I planted 20lbs. of potato’s last summer and harvested 264 pounds from them. I milk 3 goats every day and It will be 4 stating to day. Feeding 2 bum lambs and 2 baby kids on the bottle 4 times a day. Just lost one to day so that is why I will be milking 4 today.

    We have been having a very hot summer, 110 today and 111 to morrow. So it keeps me hopping with watering every thing 2 to 3 times a day.

    I enjoyed the food summit and your veto’s . I am retired so speak. Worked as a Carpenter for over 30 yrs. Hurt by back in 1993 so I have slowed a lot, don’t do that any more. Can not life a lot any more have to be careful when I lift those 50 lb bag of feed for the animals. Well that is how I keep going. Love your work! Bobby

  • Gina Dutschke says:

    Found the lymph system really interesting – please go into more detail with this in your book.
    Great to hear confirmation that flexibility, playing with your kids, gardening and balance are important.
    Please include exercises for lymph, flexibility, and balance in your book.

  • Thank you my dear!! reminded me to not be so hard on myself when I have worked most of the day in the yard and am upset with myself for not doing my exercises. Movement, yes, I am not a comfortable sitter, I LIKE to be up doing things!! Thanks my sister for more valuable information!!! Cannot wait to read your book!!!

  • I loved your video on movement. One way I’ve incorporated movement in my daily life is by bouncing on a small rebounder (mini trampoline). I work on the computer at my home office desk most all of the day. However, I break up the time by pausing every 15 minutes to do movements of my arms, wrists, neck, and legs. Then for 10 minutes out of each hour, I bounce on the rebounder, which is conveniently right in front of my desk. I spend another five minutes walking around the house, reaching for things. When I want to watch a PBS documentary or other program, I turn my laptop toward the rebounder and bounce during the program. I also move my eyes from side to side and up and down during the commercials or other breaks. I go to Silver Sneakers class 3 times a week and walk 40 minutes the other days. I didn’t always do this–in fact I was quite sedentary. In January 2013 I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (uterus, lungs and a bit in my liver), with a 10% chance to live. I changed my lifestyle a lot and within 3 months the cancer was undetectable. I wrote a chapter in the best seller’ Paths to Vibrant Health and Well-Being about my 15 steps to becoming a ‘miracle,’ created a website http://www.live-itup.com where I offer the 15-step handout and became certified as a Wholistic Cancer Education Counselor with beatcancer.org. Eating fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, cutting out dairy and animal products, meditation and movement were key to my recovery. Thanks for the opportunity to share. One love, Cheri

  • patty hardy says:

    Thank you Marjory, that was very encouraging. It is good to have a reminder of what useful exercise is possible, and even better psychologically, than going to a gym. It is also good to be reminded of the dangers of sitting for long periods.

  • Kym says:

    Love the concept of encouraging parents to use the child’s play time as their exercise time. Brilliant. Descriptor of need to move out the rubbish is very visual and therefore understandable. And yes, I think there would be lots of interest in the idea of safe movement in gardening. Protecting our backs (and I also wonder about knees) is vital for ongoing enjoyment of a physical life. thanks.

  • satish chandra says:

    Hi Marjory,

    Another good one. I do few yoga postures for balance and flexibility. I feel i climb steps, walk with ease doing these.
    As far as stretching goes in the garden, switching on different tasks at short intervals, like weeding, mulching, planting, watering, harvesting, turning your compost pile, watching the creation around you, enjoying a break with a fruit grown in the garden will keep your gardening interest forever and the gardener healthy.
    Doing one task in excess or the habit of going restless with half done tasks is something that needs to be managed. Accepting a big task and managing it with a doable breakdown plan will keep the progress and work enjoyable.

  • Frances Allan says:

    I have 81 years, as they say in Mexico, and have been gardening all my life. As an adult I dug up the lawn and had a garden where ever I lived. Raised and educated in Texas, my last Texas address was in Austin, so I love to hear you talk, and feel a kinship as if you are my neighbor. After spending my growing up sitting in school and learning to play the piano very well, I took up folk dancing, square dancing, walking, mountain climbing, Yoga, and of course, gardening. I never could sit still very long! Now I live in Mexico in a small downtown apartment with access to a roof top. Using permaculture as a guide, I started first with available clay pots with used potting soil. I built a small raised bed with discarded materials on the roof. I created the soil using coconut coi, compost, pearlite, and my own urine for fertilizer. Now from this little space I am provided with most of the leafy greens I have in my diet, with gratitude to the sun, rain, and gentle climate.
    My health is much improved after adopting a Whole Food Plant Based diet a few years ago, because of mental decline and pain. I appreciate your video on movement. I can get up off the floor with small assistance from one hand-to prevent knee pain.

  • Luetta says:

    I have had a hip issue and found that working in water allowed me to move more with less weight on my leg and more movement supported by the water. I got more movement and range of motion in three days then I’d had in three months! It hurt to move, but II’ve learned it feels better the next day and the next.

  • Luetta says:

    I would also love to learn flexibility,stretching, and strengthening techniques.

  • Kaycie says:

    Loving your videos! I would like to see a few different stretch sequences or movement sequences that could be used to help increase movement and flexibility. A few options just to be able to mix it up.

  • Anahata says:

    75 here and didn’t know I had osteoarthritis cuz I swim and do Pilates, but a hike that was too long changed all that and I fell into the health care system for the first time. Haven’t watched all your videos but today I picked this Lymph one after my 6 month journey saying no to steroids and other options from doctors, and asking for physical therapy. Over the six months with a pinched nerve that has not been fixed up yet, I have been dropping out of my usual swim that triggers the nerve. So I can’t get up from the floor where I do exercises. I can go on all 4 to down dog and walk myself up, BUT HEARING YOU PUT 6 YEARS TO BE GONE IF YOU CAN’T STAND UP–was a big shock. Of course I will get back to standing up, but you know how those predictions have a self-fulfilling prophecy, even in the subtle mind that won’t remind the person it was somebody’s prediction. Please drop it and just say, it slows your growth potential so find new ways to get up til you can do it yourself! Thanks!

  • Carol Wood says:

    Good common sense approach. Definitely interested in functional movement information. Thanks!

  • Linda Allison says:

    A physical therapist at a hospital or out-patient clinic would be an excellant reference for balance training. You can also see a lot of exercises on you-tube, made by physical therapists.

    If people must sit and watch a lot of TV, put a small table top pedal exerciser in front of you for exercise, or put the peddlar on the floor and pedal while you watch. Prices vary from $15.00 to $150.00.

  • Celeste says:

    the main way I incorporate movement is just by walking (and some gardening), but one movement I love is a back stretch. There’s a couple different ways to do it, but the main thing is to try to keep your shoulders both on the ground while you twist either both knees (bent) to one side and then the other, or one whole leg (knees straight) to touch the ground on opposite side, then the other leg to its opposite side.

  • Celeste says:

    I also love to dance, especially salsa! I have changed jobs this past year to a much, much more sedentary one, but since I am the only one here for a good part of my shift, sometimes I put on salsa music or reggaeton, and dance away for a few minutes! Love it!!! I am 60, and after reading all of these posts people have written, am encouraged to up my movement and gardening amount, instead of the opposite I have slipped into in recent months. Thank you everybody for all your answers and enthusiasm!

  • Graeme says:

    While i TOTALLY agree with you about Toxins.
    I still believe the two best things ( apart from eating healthy).
    Is WALKING and Drinking PLENTY of filtered water.

  • Amy says:

    Hello Marjory – thank you for your continued efforts for a a more healthy and sensible world!
    I have not read all the comments, so maybe this has already been mentioned, but I’d like to point out the benefits of massage for helping to circulate and clean toxins from the body along with movement — not all bodies can move very well, especially when recovering from injury, etc, but all can receive massage, and many practitioners are skilled in areas of those with special needs from post-surgery/injury/illness clients as well as for general health.
    Along with movement and stretching, I’d also like to bring up the idea of resistance/weight exercise for bone health, especially for women – we want our skeleton to be strong well into our ancient/crone years!
    I am not an expert, but have many in my world who share this info as well…
    Thank you, aa

  • Wanda Zeigler says:

    I love the fact that growing our food is also physically healthy for us. I am sixty and have moved into town but still own a small farm that I can easily drive to. In town I use my beds for birds, squirrels, chipmunks and pollenators. The beds also act a a nursery to get paw Paw’s, elderberry, chestnuts and other plants ready to make it on their own at the farm. I do have a selection of DVD for T’ai Chi, yoga, abs and back. I have my rebounder out at all times and when the grandkids are here I have to be nice and share ; ) But my newest fun ” project” has been slacklining it is fun ( I still use ski poles for balance) my kids ( 40, 38 & 30) get a kick out of it as do my five grandchildren ( for the youngest ones we run a rope about two feet above the slackline for them to better balance) it is cheap, easy to set up and covers a wide age range. Keep up the good work.

  • Jenny says:

    I love these videos – I have been power watching them (which is totally unhealthy, I know, but it is the only way Millennials know how to watch things :P) I would love to know more about how to lift things and do intensive work without damaging your back. More specifically, I really want to know some techniques for digging with a spade!

    My dad will be 84 in September and he is still doing all of his own digging for the garden or household projects (like redoing the foundation of the house). Actually, his diet is really poor, but he is VERY active – more active than most people my age! Every day he is outside working on something, and even though he has slowed down compared to his 50s, he is still able to do amazing things. Even when I was a kid and he had a desk job, he used to do Tai Chi while waiting for the bus 🙂 He has kept up this practice and I think his balance is still better than mine – and I am practically a mountain goat! I owe this in great part to his insistence on weekend hiking trips and a family garden 😉

    Anyway, love the videos, thank you for putting these out there! Peace and Love! <3

  • Lisa says:

    I’d love to hear some of the ideas/suggestions from a movement coach!

  • Johan says:

    Right on Marjory,
    I liked you before and now I think you rock. I am only 54, but I still skateboard too. I have 5 skateboards. There are many different kinds. The only thing is when I started, there weren’t any skateparks, so I mostly go down hills. I guess that would be tough if you lived in a flat area, which I don’t.
    Keep on making it good.

  • Joyce Johnson says:

    I really enjoyed the video. I am 75 and my doctor said I was unusally flexible for my age. I do find myself sitting at the computer or sewing machine too long every day. I had a hip replacement 2 years ago but do not need assitance walking. I think walking barefoot helped me get my ballance back and working in the garden helped also. Waiting for the next video!

  • lisa says:

    hi there…much gratitude to you for putting out this video..it is actually perhaps one of the most inspiring ones ive ever watched..with a few simple thoughts, u covered a great many entertaining, thought provoking and enlivening ways to health…

    im a 64 year old woman doing day long manual labor in a nursery..I would so very very much love to hear any pointers u can put out there about lifting those 50 # sacks, shoveling , and bending/squatting…I do my best to stay aware of my alignment, but your tips and perspectives would be greatly appreciated!

  • I’m usually looking for new ways to make exercise fun. I also started using a tiny trampoline for my little kids, and this detail has inspired me a lot. Many thanks for sharing.

    1. katanatac says:

      I read on another site that use of a trampoline actually stimulates the lymph system!
      Its from the up and down motion that does the trick.

  • katanatac says:

    The TV set is America’s killer!
    People spend so much time in front of it instead of getting up and doing something.
    I use to watch hours of it but no more!
    Your video is inspiring.

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