
Garden Freedom: Say Goodbye to the Grocery Store

Make Next Year Your Best Gardening Year Ever

Is this the year of your best vegetable garden harvest? Do you want to make next year even better?

Our colleague and friend, Stacey Murphy, has provided mentorship to thousands of vegetable growers of all ages who grow organic, local food for their friends, families and communities. Stacey was a presenter at our 2016 Home Grown Food Summit last spring, and she invited Marjory to take part in her Garden Hack Summit over the summer. She does great work, and we love working with her.

Stacey grows, literally, tons of vegetables in just 500 square feet without breaking a sweat. As a backyard farmer in Brooklyn, NY, she has a unique perspective to help beginning growers, homesteaders, vegetable gardeners and permaculturists take action quickly and confidently. She has trained thousands of teens and adults to adopt a lifestyle of growing their own vegetables – proving that you CAN learn to be a green thumb.

Now Stacey has created a complimentary training series, the Garden Freedom Video Series, to help you find the space, time and money to harvest an abundance of vegetables in the coming season. There are four training videos in the series, and you can watch them all for free. And that’s not all – there are some great bonus resources included that will help anyone who wants to grow their own food at home, no matter where they live in the world. Stacey has trained people on four different continents, and there is something fGarden Freedom Video Seriesor every vegetable grower in this video series.

The Garden Freedom Video Series

The videos in the Garden Freedom Video Series walk you through all of the big questions: Do you have the right space (and where can you find more)? Can you actually shrink your grocery bill with a vegetable garden? What tasks should you focus on so you only spend 2 hours (or less) per week while growing literally tons of food?

Here’s an overview of what’s included in this complimentary training series:

• The secret mindset you can adopt that will help you grow tons of food
• 10 mistakes that beginning growers make and how to avoid them
• Finding the RIGHT place to grow vegetables (+ space you didn’t even know you had)
• How to shrink your grocery bill by making wise garden investments
• The one thing you shouldn’t spend any time doing in your garden (but most beginners do!)
• How to learn everything you need to know to grow tons of vegetables, in a very small space, right away

Sign Up for the FREE 4-Part Video Training Series

If you have dreams of a vegetable garden, or you’ve been growing for a couple of years and you want to amp up your harvest, I highly recommend Stacey as a trusted advisor to help you live your dream of nourishing the planet while you enjoy fresh-picked, sun-kissed vegetables that you grow yourself.

When you sign up at no charge, you will receive an email with a link to watch the first video right away. Then you’ll get links to the other videos over the next few days. Enjoy!

Click Here to Sign Up for the Garden Freedom Video Series

Garden Freedom Video Series

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