
Fukushima Saddness – Off Topic Rant

Well, we always knew that the Fukushima situation was far worse than was being reported – and now it is officially out there.

Are they serious?  Building a gigantic freezer around the entire area to contain it?  How long does that take to build?  Any of the workers getting close enough to build such a massive thing will die early deaths from exposure.  And then how is that going to be powered?  For the next, uh, 200,000 years….

Japan is massively in debt.  How will they even begin to come up with the resources if there is a solution?

A subscriber once told me that there is a biography which tells the story that near the end of his life, Gorbachev was asked what was the downfall of the Soviet Union – was it glasnost and perestroika?  “No” said Gorbachev, ‘It was Chernobyl”.

Good bye Japan.

Many of you who read this site are, like me, fans of Coast to Coast AM (the late night radio show – I’ve been a guest on it four times now).  Listening to Coast you’ll hear all sorts of speakers on Globalists, the Ruling Elite, The Committee of 300, The Bildergergs – groups that have enormous power.  And there is no doubt that they control vast fortunes.

But when I see such an awful mess as a nuclear power plant melting down, pumping tons of highly toxic radioactive waste into the Pacific ocean and polluting the entire planet…  I know there really isn’t any ultimate human control over anything on this planet.

I know that some will get very upset at what I am going to write next.  But a nuclear power plant melt down affects everyone.  A very graphic comparison is that it is like a kid taking a big shit in the swimming pool – all of the pool gets contaminated eventually.  There is no “oh, I live at the other side of the pool and it won’t affect me”.  Unfortunately, there is no other pool to go to, or anywhere to ‘get out’ of.

As a species, we’ve got some 200 of these plants built around the world.  Many of them near coasts or even on fault lines.  A nuclear engineer I spoke with recently told me the Chinese are building more new plants.

Those of you on the west coast especially – do you believe that it’s going to be OK, because its been diluted?

I was on a road trip recently and dropped into a Whole Foods to pick up some supplies.  I noticed the price of the vegetables from Mexico were higher than the organics from California.  I found the produce manager and asked what was going on.  Was that a mistake?  The alert and helpful young man confided to me that the prices reflected the concern about vegetables grown on the West Coast that were likely to have exposure to Fukushima fallout.

Well, this is the world we live in.  I sit here typing at a computer to communicate with you and I am thinking about turning on the a/c (Texas is still hot this time of year).  Power, that is why we build hugely toxic generators in vulnerable places.  And yes, I have my addictions to power too.

A spiritual teacher I had many years ago pointed out that the advent of oxygen on this planet was utterly devastating to almost all of known creatures at that time.  And yet, Life went surging ahead – and here we are.  Perhaps our function here is to simply set the stage for the next life form that will emerge.

Perhaps our function here is to simply set the stage for the next life form that will emerge.

Perhaps those species will be more intelligent.

So what am I left with?

Well, since I still take great joy in growing and eating beautiful food, nourishing my family and giving to my community – I am going to continue with this passion.  It seems the best thing I can contribute.  And I’ll try to find time to start working on the question of how can we adapt our bodies to handle the increasing levels of radiation that are occurring, and will inevitably increase.

What are your thoughts?


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This post was written by Marjory


  • Deena says:

    Everyone should take 3-10 grams of vitamin c a day. It is a great chelator and takes radiation out of the body. Japan does this. It is cheap. I live in northern california and I notice that all the hospitals in my area are building cancer ward additions.

    1. Kelley says:

      I didn’t know that about the vitamin c… or the cancer wards… thanks for the heads up Deena!

  • Eileen says:

    This isn’t off topic because as you said…there only is one pool. This impacts everyone, we should be talking about it.

    Here is a small point and an important point. And Marjory you touched on it in a sense when you discussed your recent Hair Test. Please think about this when you purchase fish.

    I get my hair tested often and I had been eating quite a bit of fish thinking it was healthy…before I was worried about radiation in the Pacific. My husband and I had really, really high mercury…and it’s not fun to detox.

    We only eat sardines now…a small affordable fish that can be part of your emergency supplies as well. It really deserves consideration…not to take away from the larger and more pressing story.

    Thanks for your post Marjory!

  • gordon says:

    I believe the total number of Nuclear Reactors worldwide is 437, not 200!

    The most authoritative expert on Nuclear Power I have found is Arnie Gunderson at http://www.fairewinds.com

    All the very best to you and your family,


    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Thank you Gordon – yes Arnie is awesome. I should interview him sometime.

  • Steven says:

    Fukushima Saddness:

    Girl, you hit the nail right on the head.
    Nobody outlines the nuclear problem better than you.
    Keep up the great work you do.
    By the way, I did not find the article off topic at all!!!!
    Poisoning the food supply could not be more on topic!!!

  • kristhiana says:

    always love to hear what you have to say, and this is the best yet! I agree with you 100% and I also like your outlook. I, too, am looking to see what can be done about adapting, as that is really the only option I can see. There is always Dr. Emoto’s work to look at, and how the water crystals are so changed with thought. We can start with our bodies and expand from there. He said we had the power to clear not only the oil spill, but ALL of the waters of the Earth (that would include the water in the air of course) should we choose to, simply with gratitude and prayer basically – the energy of thought frequency. Greg Braden is confirming it, too. So is Bruce Lipton. We can choose to heal our bodies, and to heal the world. People just need to find out how and be caring and disciplined enough to DO it! There are other types of power available to us. Has been for 40 years or more. But they are mostly free. People need to stand united around the world and DEMAND it!

  • nathan says:

    OK you caught my curiousity. What was here before the advent of oxygen, and when did this advent take place ? ? ?

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      OH, oxygen came about with green plants – their ‘waste’ is oxygen. Oxygen is a very highly combustible and corrosive gas, and surprisingly toxic. As the oxygen content rose it killed off most of the lifeforms then on the planet.

      Before? Hmm, was it methane or some carbon based atmosphere? I am not sure. The life forms were not nearly as complex as now.

      This is a story that is handed to us from science. It is as good a story as any other, and the moral is that everything changes and grows. LIfe will continue – it is a force onto itself.

      A friend told me about an article in a microbiology research publication that there are lifeforms growing in the gigantic floating waste islands in the oceans that have both motor movements (like animals) but also chloroplasts – like plants. It was some kind of slug or snail kind of thing. So these creatures can move, but also have the ability to get energy directly from the sun. I would love to have chloroplasts in my skin! What fun that would be. We don’t have enough surface area to get a complete ‘diet’ from the sun, but it sure would cut down on the necessity for eating calories.

      I implored him to find that article for me to read, but he devours so much technical stuff and couldn’t recall the exact publication. If anyone else knows, please post it! It does seem that would be a logical development going forward.

      But regardless, life does grow and change and adapt.

      1. David says:


        From what source did you get that “advent of oxygen” business? Plants do give off oxygen but the rainforests only supply about 25% of the oxygen we breath, the rest comes from the ocean. That is why 3/4 of the earth’s surface is ocean. Also, all of the elements in the air we breathe come in a finely tuned formula, finely tuned by none other than the Creator himself. If one of those elements varies by a fraction we would all die off suddenly, making Fukushima look like a picnic by comparison. I wonder what evolution’s answer to that one is?

        It escapes me why people are willing and ready to swallow the totally unprovable and blindly accepted evolution theory (like the trinity is to religionists)on the one hand, then you hear some of these same people expressing wonderment at the beauty of nature calling it creation on the other. Duh!

        And by the way, unlike the evolution theory of blind chance, the universally provable concept of “cause and effect” dictates that the Creator has plans to deal with Fukushima and all the other disasters men have gotten themselves into, and finally put an end to these “tyrannical landlords” who are ruining the earth.”

        1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

          Yes, I thought I would get some people upset with evolution. But I am not a blind evolutionist…

          Here is how I see it. Both evolution and Creation are very compatible. And both are a story of how things are. Can we really even ‘know’ these things?

          But here is how I see it at this stage in my development:

          Evolution is the continual changes of Creation.

          I do not believe or see a static world. It is always in flux. There is a dance of seasons, predators and prey, and life exploring all the many varieties and aspects of existence.

          The oxygen story is simply to point out that in the much larger sense of things, perhaps we are simply a stage in the continual development. Just as a tadpole is a stage for a frog.

          What much the baby chick be thinking as it eats up all the yolk before breaking out into the world beyond its egg shell? And what a surprise that whole world must be to the new young chick!

          1. Marcia Valvo says:

            I think that this brilliant scientific researcher and contributor to humanity’s knowledge right now, including disclosure, has a lot to teach us about the nature of evolution and our place in the universe:

            This is some of the most cutting edge information on the planet right now, in my humble opinion. Yes, it’s long, nearly 2 1/2 hours, but watch it in pieces, or put the laptop and speakers near the sink and watch while chopping veggies or doing dishes. You can just listen, but be ready to watch the screen when he is showing his slides. This thing really moves along quickly.

        2. Marcia says:

          David, I really think that since you have obviously given this some thought, that you would be very interested in hearing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scym0WH3Jww

          It is the most advanced explanation I have seen for how evolution ACTUALLY happens in real world scientific terms. It is spirituality and science all in one. I have been, in my 14 years of study in these areas, only interested in explanations that hold up in both realms simultaneously. For me, the impact of this video was enormous.

          My original post encouraging people to watch this was made on October 17 (see below).
          ENJOY, and please let me know how you liked it!

      2. Marcia Valvo says:

        Marjory, I think this may be the info. you were looking for–fascinating article! The name of the creature is Mesodinium chamaeleon is neither plant nor animal. Using its hundreds of small hairs, it can move rapidly through water, finding plants to eat – after which it changes into a plant. From the Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology


        1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

          Wow, thanks so much for finding that. What an amazing creature. I wish I could have chloroplasts in my skin. Well, may be not.

  • Nancy Kosling says:

    Fukushima latest admissions of obscenely high radiation only add to our fears. The CEO of the plant passed away from radiation cancer a month or so ago. Frightened Japanese citizens had to travel elsewhere for medical testing as the government only allowed children to be tested for thyroid inflammation and cancer related to exposures of radiation. Plant managers sense the accident only used Geiger counters with a maximum reading of 100… when other concerned people brought in bigger units it read 1800% higher. That text had me checking the internet for a dizzying array of Geiger counters with the most useful for detecting lingering radiation on food/water and liquids that records alpha, beta and gamma radiation going for about $550. Part of my personal family food storage is American Tuna in California that I began to have worry of current or future contamination. Even small amounts of radiation could have the US and eventually health consequences on a world scale. We need to pray fir God’s protection and wisdom of our leaders to make good choices on our behalf.

  • Barry Bliss says:

    We are not here to set the stage by doing damage.
    The stage is going to be barren and void of life.
    It’s one thing when something happens naturally, but this is just another example of humans committing suicide.

    No electricity. Hmm.
    In my late 20’s I lived without electricity for about a year, but I used a bathroom somewhere else that had it and the grocery store where I bought food used it, so not like I proved I could REALLY do without it.

  • Nora Wilson says:

    I believe in a creator who is a lot smarter than we are and who cares enough about us to plan ahead for the stupid things we do. Have you ever noticed that where ever you are when there is a plague there is a cure if we are observant enough to see it. Take my poison oak sensitivity for example. Where ever that darn stuff grows I have found a cure growing right along with it. On the coast it was bay leaves, in the Sierras it was manzanita, and so on… Curse and cure naturally growing side by side. So, what can be done about radiation? Lilacs absorb it out of the air. Barley grass can be juiced and used to neutralize it in the body. (It is great for animals too) Look around, a wise and loving (forgiving) creator has provided for us to save us from our selves. And the smartest thing we can do in the meantime is just what you have been preaching all this time – don’t depend on the dummies out there for your daily bread or anything else for that matter.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Nora, I always enjoy your comments. Thank you – I didn’t know about lilacs.

    2. Donna g says:

      I love your attitude of gratitude, thank you!

    3. David says:

      I believe in a creator too. But poison oak won’t kill you–radiation will. Nuclear radiation is not a product of nature, especially not in the amounts we are talking about leaking out of Fukushima. How can a few lilacs, or even a field of them, combat the overwhelming odds involved with intense nuclear radiation? Same goes with barley and other natural substances. They might chase a way a lifetime of radiation buildup from scanners or xrays but using them to fight massive radiation would be like using a bucket to bale out the Titannic.

      I read somewhere that 20,000 people have died in California as a result of the radiation from Fukushima. That doesn’t necessarily cover all the ones still living who have been affected. That number could be higher, much higher. Not going to get better either no matter how many straws you grab at. I am not trying to scare anyone, just stating the facts.

  • janet says:

    I just appreciate your honesty and dedication to helping others…
    Thank you, janet

  • Badger359 says:

    I agree, I just read earlier in the week that Blue Fin Tuna caught CA, were tested to have contamination from Fukushima Cesium 134/137. This Tuna spawns off the coast Japan. I now live in Bedford Texas from San Jose CA. And I notice fruit & Veg are more expensive here but meat is cheaper. Now I know why, thank you.

  • CaptTurbo says:

    I understand what you said about your addiction to power. I think it’s natural. I’m a man of modest means and I set about saving for a solar power system some years ago. Back when the usurper started talking about his ill-considered programs causing the cost of electricity to “Necessarily skyrocket”, I was shocked and kicked it in to high gear. I had a 10.12 kw solar power system installed back in 2010. It was expensive and I now wished I had waited until now but … I make my own power. More then I use. I don’t feel guilty flipping on the AC.

    The point of this reply is that the costs have fallen vastly on the price of the components. I paid $800.00 per 230 watt panel in 2010. You can buy 250 watt panels for about $200.00 now. What are you waiting for in Texas? The solution is at hand. Just grab hold of it.

    1. NANCY CRISS says:


      I would love to be Solar-Powered. What sources do you have to share so others can learn how. I am of modest means too. I’ve done a little research and every thing I see is so expensive. Thanks.

  • Jennie Walsh says:


    youtube.com/watch?v=HP7L8bw5QF4—The Road to World War 3 (13:48) MUST SEE!


    youtube.com/watch?v=8Zq4f6WYmHU—Revolution: An Instruction Manual (16:41)


    youtube.com/watch?v=_fpEwul07ps—The Death Throes of the United States


    youtube.com/watch?v=5CENyMu9Fes—WW3-Alex Jones-What the Military Think to Obama’s Plan (At minute 42, there is hacked e-mails from the White House of 8 months ago that the White House is complicit with the chemical attacks.)

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:


      Wow, just watched the first video – excellent done. Hard to argue with the conclusion that WW III is inevitable, and completely staged.

      I am watching some of the the others now.

      Noticed on the handbook for revolution he didn’t get too much into the food supply – LOL, a topic near and dear to my heart.

      Gosh, now matter what way you look at it – we are headed into free fall. Call it apocalypse, revolution, pandemic, EMP….

    2. Doug says:

      Dear Jennie Walsh

      Your references bear much validity. The present physical threat against goodness is more than humanity can defeat. The escape and protection is outlined Please see my post on this blog 09/06/2013. Holy Bible reference: John 3:16 etc.

  • Penny Mackie says:

    I found your piece timely…timely in that we have been having the same conversation in our household for several months now and had to make some clear (but sad) choices. We live in Idaho…and our salmon come back from the Pacific. We have had to make the sad decision to no longer eat any of the beautiful fish that live or come from the Pacific. We doubled down on the food we grew (are growing), and I am supplementing my food stores only with local foods from people I know. Eating local…is the bottom line for us. I am dehydrating 24/7 so my spices are a known source. I am recalibrating my favorite dishes to reflect what can be provided in a relatively small and trusted circle. I have successfully gotten wildcrafted plants from our mountains to take hold in our yard, and I include plants in our meals that can help to at the very least, to lessen the impact of the radiation that comes not just to the coast, but through our air. After Fukushima, Boise had the highest reading of atmospheric radiation anywhere in North America…and then the fucking governent agenices had the equipment removed as it was ‘needed elsewhere’…and not a single reading has been released locally since then.
    Visiting one of our grown sons in Seattle, and the strong community of friends who live there, I am still taken by the utter beauty, and simultaneously saddened at the unseen poisons at play that no one wants to address. I send Iodoral to my grown children as some token effort to armour them.
    I have chosen to cut way back on working hours in order to focus more on our food. We have been working to try and accommodate the trade off of monies for the greater sense of self supporting rewards. We have to make very conscious decisions about every aspect of our daily life…and have found amazing community in others who are choosing to do the same.
    We have researched what local sustainably farm raised fish options we have…and we are fortunate that they DO exist in a valley within 90 miles from us. We apprenticed with an amazing herbalist two hours north of us, and have a working skill set of local and regional medicinal plants (and a growing collection in our quarter acre of urban farming).
    I anchor my days, as I have for 40 years, with meditation. And, in that limitless field am reminded that we all work together in whatever ways we can, to try and not just maintain, but improve life for all Beings. Do we make it as a species? Don’t know…but I will continue trying as long as I am in this body.

  • Jennie Walsh says:


    Home-schooler man resents paying $7,000 in school property taxes. (Property taxes are illegal and UNconstitutional to begin with.)

  • robert says:

    Marj they are going to freeze the earth around the plant so the ground water has a barrier to keep it out of the sea—-still abig project for a contaminated area

  • Loretta says:

    Hi Marjorie,
    Love your missives, thank you so much for what you do.

    Re the Fukushima mess, a lot of people don’t even think about the fact that all our oceans are interconnected, the Atlantic isn’t AN or THE ocean. Just check a world map and it’s obvious that any contamination that leaks into the Atlantic will eventually contaminate most of the oceans in our world. Can it be diluted enough to be safe in all the “other” oceans? I don’t know but it is worrisome.

  • Fred Almy says:

    I believe Obomber’s brain has been severely damaged by nuclear fallout.

  • Al Bastinelli says:

    I believe in the God of Abraham, issac and Jacob and His Son my Lord Jesus Christ. Having said that, what you are doing is helping His children. Love Thy Neighbor. If you only knew how you are blessing them and what you are receiving spiritually you would leap for joyand would fear not.. You have no boundaries. You are there for all to read or have read or listen to your” ministry”. . I live in north east Texas near the red river. . When the time comes be ready to see the food you have multiply. He is a jealous God yet his hand is on you and yours. But please pray for the others!! In some of His prophetic messages He is saying that there will be a Remnant of His people. I hope your and my families will be there to serve the others.

    Thanks again,


  • G! says:

    There is much that could be said concerning this atrocity. We are definitely in Apocalyptic times. There has always been safer and better ways to produce energy, but those with special interests, mostly financial, were not interested in them. Cui Bono?

    I will not feel guilty of using the resources available, continue my frugal lifestyle that reduces use of those overpriced resources, practice and make sure I am at or near those 10,000 hrs of the different aspects of my skill base, and be as self reliant as possible. This alone, is a revolutionary act. Making and doing gives the benefits of good health, life satisfaction, and a personal joie de vivre.

  • joan duggan says:

    Have you read “Fukushima Meltdown & Modern Radation: Protecting Ourselves and Our Future Generations”?
    Offer practical advice on diet to protect ourselves from radiation exposure.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Joan, thank you for that reference. I just put it on my list for the next go round of books to purchase.

  • Pat says:

    Thank you my Beloved Sis in Spirit!

    I too have been monitoring this sense occurred.
    My best source is rense.com Jeff has covered this weekly
    and has a host of top notch people covering this life ending issue

    Please visit his site.

    I’ll write more with how to help us humans when I can settle down
    and stop crying!

    Blessings Friend

  • Violet says:

    I wrote something but then I went to the address bar to look up some-
    thing fast and I lost what I wrote so I don’t know if it went to you or not so if you get something from me twice, I apolligize. I also feel sad for all of Japan. I don’t know if you have heard of the HAARP
    But look it up, especially on youtube.com. This has been used to cause
    earthquakes, sunamies,tornadoes, and hurricanes. It is deliberately
    done because as you know the powers that be want to kill off most of
    the population. They are doing it thru different methods such as the
    chemtrails, vaccinations,GMO’s,Obama’s Health Care Plan will make it
    mandatory to have a RFID Chip put into every person’s body and you can
    look that up also on youtube.com and type into the search bar, H.R.3590 and H.R.4872 & RFID Chip. Oil spills like the on in the Gulf
    of Mexico killed much of the marine life form and many lost their bus-
    nesses and people died because of what they sprayed in the air over the gulf. Some deadly chemical to force the oil to drop to the bottom
    of the ocean. I know the powers that be have inventions they don’t
    want us to know about and possibly they could clean up the air , the
    oceans. We know they could stop playing God forcing us to eat deadly
    foods. The GMO’s have a built in pesticide to automatically make the
    crops bug proof but I also learned that they have put in a fly virus
    and the aids virus and this was brought to me by a very high up person
    who is around very big important people in the world and has much in-
    fluence. He doesn’t like what is happening and he is a Humanatarian
    and cares about people. So we know the radiation has gotton over to
    the west coast of the U.S. and is already killing people and the ra-
    diation like you said, is not going to stop in one place. It will keep
    spreading. I do check where food is from. I do have a suggestion and
    that is people buy a geiger counter to test for radiation in the foods
    They learn how to use them and what levels are or are not safe. Also
    when buying garden seeds make sure that company that sells the seeds
    hasn’t been bought out by Monsanto as I have read they are going arou-
    nd and even going to the organic seed companies to buy them out and
    people will not know that those seeds are GMO’s. From GMO seeds, when
    the crop grows, you can’t save any seeds from them to grow the follow-
    ing year and so Monsanto makes more money as you are forced to buy seeds every year from them. I am reading a lot about preparing for
    some really hard times (survival for what is going to happen in the
    near future). I live in some condos and so I can’t grow a garden.
    Would love to and what you are doing and teaching others how and just
    giving out good info concerning some real issues in this world, I do
    commend you. Keep up the good job. The one very important thing we all
    can do , is to really call upon God and Pray for the whole world. I
    ordered something from you several months ago and all my emails some-
    how got deleted and emptied into the trash and I couldn’t retrieve
    them. A dis-honest Tech did that and he even opened one of my emails.
    Anyway the thing I ordered from you got deleted and emptied and I was
    saving the email so I could print it out. God Bless you, Violet.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Violet, if you let me know what it is that your ordered, I can re send it.


  • Violet says:

    I wrote something but then I went to the address bar to look up some-
    thing fast and I lost what I wrote so I don’t know if it went to you or not so if you get something from me twice, I apolligize. I also feel sad for all of Japan. I don’t know if you have heard of the HAARP
    But look it up, especially on youtube.com. This has been used to cause
    earthquakes, sunamies,tornadoes, and hurricanes. It is deliberately
    done because as you know the powers that be want to kill off most of
    the population. They are doing it thru different methods such as the
    chemtrails, vaccinations,GMO’s,Obama’s Health Care Plan will make it
    mandatory to have a RFID Chip put into every person’s body and you can
    look that up also on youtube.com and type into the search bar, H.R.3590 and H.R.4872 & RFID Chip. Oil spills like the on in the Gulf
    of Mexico killed much of the marine life form and many lost their bus-
    nesses and people died because of what they sprayed in the air over the gulf. Some deadly chemical to force the oil to drop to the bottom
    of the ocean. I know the powers that be have inventions they don’t
    want us to know about and possibly they could clean up the air , the
    oceans. We know they could stop playing God forcing us to eat deadly
    foods. The GMO’s have a built in pesticide to automatically make the
    crops bug proof but I also learned that they have put in a fly virus
    and the aids virus and this was brought to me by a very high up person
    who is around very big important people in the world and has much in-
    fluence. He doesn’t like what is happening and he is a Humanatarian
    and cares about people. So we know the radiation has gotton over to
    the west coast of the U.S. and is already killing people and the ra-
    diation like you said, is not going to stop in one place. It will keep
    spreading. I do check where food is from. I do have a suggestion and
    that is people buy a geiger counter to test for radiation in the foods
    They learn how to use them and what levels are or are not safe. Also
    when buying garden seeds make sure that company that sells the seeds
    hasn’t been bought out by Monsanto as I have read they are going arou-
    nd and even going to the organic seed companies to buy them out and
    people will not know that those seeds are GMO’s. From GMO seeds, when
    the crop grows, you can’t save any seeds from them to grow the follow-
    ing year and so Monsanto makes more money as you are forced to buy seeds every year from them. I am reading a lot about preparing for
    some really hard times (survival for what is going to happen in the
    near future). I live in some condos and so I can’t grow a garden.
    Would love to and what you are doing and teaching others how and just
    giving out good info concerning some real issues in this world, I do
    commend you. Keep up the good job. The one very important thing we all
    can do , is to really call upon God and Pray for the whole world. I
    ordered something from you several months ago and all my emails some-
    how got deleted and emptied into the trash and I couldn’t retrieve
    them. A dis-honest Tech did that and he even opened one of my emails.
    Anyway the thing I ordered from you got deleted and emptied and I was
    saving the email so I could print it out. God Bless you, Violet.

  • Larry says:

    We have a fine opportunity to predict some of the results of radiation contamination of our world. Firstly, we exploded a lot of nuclear bombs in above ground and atmospheric testing after WWII. We can tabulate and quantify those and get some idea of effects on life on earth. I don’t know of any measureable effects of those contaminations. Secondly, we have the local contamination around Chernobyl where effects on plant and animal life has been observed and reported. There are also stories of people who have moved back into the contaminated region and farmed the land and eaten the produce. We should be able to get some of that information also. Thirdly, regarding Fukashima contaminating the ocean, the water that ends up raining down onto California’s farmlands has been distilled by natural evaporation. The radioactive contaminents get left in the ocean. That would imply the farm food is safe but the ocean caught fish might not be. Fourthly, since we have no solution to Fukashima’s leaking into the ocean, we should at least be collecting all the data we can about what is spreading and where and how much is at our coast. Fifth, keep in mind that we all live in a certain amount of constant background radiation, and people live in Denver, CO where background radiation is significantly higher than new York City.

  • Joyce says:

    ohh well I did the math. 330 tons of water is leaking into the bay in Fukushima a day. And maybe with the leaking tanks more than that. So I figured this has been happening for 2 years plus. So just to keep it simple I figured 2 years. At the current rate that is about 1 Olympic size swimming pool every 8 days or 660,000 gallond of contaminated water into the bay that according to some reports is boiling. Say what a refrigeration unit. hahaha What happens when the power goes out…lol Bottom line is just this one incident has broken the planet. What about all the other stuff like the Gulf Horizon that is still spilling oil and the corexit that BP is spraying on it to hide it. What about the garbage islands floating in the Oceans that are bigger than the US land mass and there are 5 if them. It goes on and on and on.

    It is really broken and cannot be fixed without the pole shift. The planet is going to have to kick everybody off of her and then take a green scratchy pad (3m pad) and clean every trace of human existence off of herself. Then heal.

    If there is not pole flip then we got maybe 2 years of life on the planet..maybe. Some say 6 years but lets face it all the reactors are destined to fail since the ground under them is turning the ground into quick sand. People who are working for retirement are fooling themselves. There is not future on the earth as it is now.

    1. G! says:

      “If there is not pole flip then we got maybe 2 years of life on the planet..maybe. Some say 6 years but lets face it all the reactors are destined to fail since the ground under them is turning the ground into quick sand. People who are working for retirement are fooling themselves. There is not future on the earth as it is now.”

      Man has “predicted” many things over the years and most have not come to fruition. Mankind is arrogant. We think we are smarter than the last generation, when in reality, we have become less smart. We do not learn from history because most of us would rather be told what to think and be entertained (entertain: to enter and hold) rather than be an independent thinker. We haven’t even learned from the Romans.

      I would not give it a time frame of any years. No one but God knows the future.

  • Kevin says:

    Hi Majory – thanks for all that you do to help people wake up.

    With regards to Fukushima,

    1. If not already, everyone needs to realize that we need to move our growing indoors, treat the soil to decontaminate it, and filter the water for radioactive particles. We now live in an age where rain water is contaminated, which makes the soil contaminated, which makes the food contaminated.

    Even better for folks who can do it; switch to hydroponics or aquaponics in greenhouses. Yields are very high and you can control the environment to mitigate any further exposure to radioactivity.

    2. Got a dosimeter yet? We should all be wearing them. A wide spectrum geiger counter wouldn’t be a bad idea either. Can’t fix something you can’t measure.

    3. Everyone should assume they have already been exposed AND doing something to mitigate the cellular damage those radioactive isotopes are doing in their bodies. Clays for detoxing and high dosages of super-antioxidants are a must. There’s more – do the research.

    4. Lastly, don’t wait to get cancer to research your options. Do it NOW. Think about this for a second – WITHOUT taking Fukushima into account, 1 in 2 males will develop cancer in their lifetimes and 1 in 4 will die from it; females, 1 in 3 and 1 in 5 (source: cancer.org).

    How much worse do you think the above statistics are going be with Fukushima now. It is now proven to be the absolute worse nuclear disaster on the planet in recorded history.

    So, BE PREPARED for cancer as you will most likely get it. BE AWARE you have choices that DO NOT include (more) radiation, chemical poisoning, or invasive surgery. Research what your options are and make your decision now before you’re under the gun and your loved ones are crying on the couch.

    We can survive this, but we gotta get off our collective butts and stop expecting some mystical “they” will handle it. “They” are a bunch of morons I wouldn’t trust with a hoe.

    P.S. This may be the hardest realization to absorb, but everyone should start thinking what the consequences of bioaccumulation means to their diet & health. The higher up the food chain you eat, the more radiation there will be in your diet. Think about it…

    1. linda says:

      i agree, aquaponics is the way to go, raising safe to eat fish yourself, i wouldnt eat anything from the pacific, im wondering how safe seafood in the atlantic is now, too.

    2. Kristie says:

      Your so correct. Our eating habits have to change. Thc oil can held detox radiation and prevent and treat cancers. Mms by Jim humble is also good. Zeolite calcium magnesium vitamin c spiralina and other greens are all good.

      What a mess what a mess

  • Rusty Frederick says:

    If you haven’t already one book everyone should read is “One Second After.” I bought it after the author was on Coast and found it a great read. In fact I’ve loaned it out to multitude of people who now have a different mindset. At least the thought is in their mind. Converting others so you have more friends could be one of the most valuable things you have in a disaster.

  • Sherry Pierce says:

    My thoughts on the Fukishima disaster? consult the book of Revelations.

    10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

    11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they

    Just sayin….

    Sherry in GA

  • Doug Spaulding says:

    RE: Fukushima Saddness – Off Topic Rant/ Don’t worry, that’s the worst thing a person can do. I have found the Holy Bible to be not only relevant, but a true history of the past and the true future revealed before hand. Believe it or not Jesus is coming to gather his family before things get too bad. Be righteous according to the New Testament scriptures of the Holy Bible or be left behind to the destruction that follows, it’s as simple as that. We have not experienced anything like the challenges ahead left for the non-saved according to the Holy Scriptures. Please do not challenge God at His word. This is the beginning of wisdom.

  • Diana says:

    I’ve totally sworn off seafood from the Pacific because of this. I sure miss my salmon – sniff,sniff…. 🙁

    My daughter in law and 3 of her friends who all live about 150 miles inland in CA and all miscarried within a few weeks of each other last spring (2012). No one will ever convince me that it wasn’t caused by the blast of radiation CA got right after the Fukushima melt down.

    1. Kristie says:

      I agree with you and I feel the same I will not eat sea food either and it’s my favorite. But oh we’ll. it’s our kids that will suffer the most. We are so super screwed. Check out dr Rima liabow agenda 21. This seems to all part of the depopulation plan

    2. Kelley says:

      Oh my gosh, that’s awful, I’m so sorry. I think you are right – there were a ton of reports that came out of the west coast confirming your fears.

  • Lisa says:

    Yes it is very sad- teenagers killing a college student jogger because they are bored, children kidnapped raped and murdered, animals abandoned by the thousands across the country. Watched Slumdog Millionaire recently and was appalled at the packs of feral children running the streets, begging and stealing to survive. The movie is fictional but the conditions are accurate. The rapid reduction of water levels in the underground aquafers that supply drinking and irrigation water that supports life,and agriculture.

    The super rich are trying to build protections around themselves because they see what is coming, but eventually their money will not be able to protect them from a poisoned world, with poisoned, or no-water at all.

    There are plenty of sadnesses. It is hard to prepare without wealth. I guess we just have to do the best we can-and eventually succumb to our fate- like the musicians who played as the Titanic sank? Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow (or soon) we are done for? I know it’s pessimistic- but the case scenario seems to imply that we are about to get the real “reality show.” I mean, it seems it’s too late to do anything about it all that is going to matter. Or in Biblical terms we are about to “reap what we have sown.”? Just my musings.

  • Ben Harrison says:

    Fukushima is a wakeup call. Ultimately as nuclear technology becomes “safer” especially amid
    dense urban populations, people will start to formulate the cost/benefit ratio: lives to cheap energy, not unlike the coming decision making in cost analysis in healthcare.

    BTW, here is a video I made in front of the San Onofre plant in California–in third column from left:
    black and white pic with “San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant” in head. “Nuclear Surfer”

    “Not that we had anything to do with it…”

  • Ben Harrison says:

    That link is http://www.memphispixnews.com

    Also might add from my geo neck of the woods, “safer” technology includes underwater sea drilling a la BP Oil down in the Gulf. Thank you for your commercials BP, while much of the floor of the Gulf is dead…

  • Avery says:

    It’s never a bad time to review your old cold war preps (especially now with the Syria conflict about to escalate). The best is Cresson H. Kearny’s “Nuclear War Survival Skills”; available free at http://www.oism.org/nwss/ . Chapter 18 talks about Trans-Pacific fallout, which is what we saw from the Fukushima disaster on a small scale. This site also sells a DVD series that talks of shelters, survival and medical aspects of fallout. Knowledge will vanquish fear.

    1. Cynthia says:

      Thank you so much, Avery!! There is an absolute wealth of information in this book! There is much info there that could even simply be used in a non-nuclear disaster. I strongly recommend everyone check it out and bookmark it. I did my usual copy and paste to word, and then convert to ebook for my Kindle 🙂 I also recommend a book by Sarah Shannon called Radiation Protective Foods: A Menu for the Nuclear Age. There is a wealth of information there too. AND a special thanks to everyone who commented on this article, I have learned SO much from you all!!

  • Virginia says:

    Dear friends,
    I don’t think I can add too much to the discussion of this horror.
    But I just wanted to be part of the circle.
    I do feel sorry for the Japanese people, and for us all. Reading psychology of amnesia due to trauma, from Freud to Velakovsky, I honestly think the Japanese people suffer from some sort of collective brain damage due to the trauma of the nuclear bombs dropped on their country in WWII. Deep denial. Well, I am sorry to say, there is also an element of Karma for those of us on the West Coast.
    I never could understand how the elitists and their children think they alone will escape the devastations they have unleashed on Planet Earth, our Mother. Maybe being “chosen ones,” they think they somehow have a way out.
    Thanks, Marjory, for all you do and for thinking like an engineer,
    that there have to be some solutions, not just dilutions.

  • Virginia says:

    Coast to Coast AM on every night if you can catch it on a local AM station.
    Or go to coasttocoastam.com for schedule. The show covers many topics, but there are often shows on natural remedies for many things, including cancer.
    However, I agree with the above suggestions about Geiger counters and dosimeter badges. Also, just try to not get cancer, so much easier.

  • JS says:

    I might have a possible ticket to the Ed Dames Remote Viewing-Solar Flare seminar in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, Sept. 14th. Would you know of anyone in the Orlando area or Florida who could go on short notice to this event? I’m not sure if the ticket will be available or not, so I’m checking around to see. Do you personally know anyone who might be interested, should the ticket become available? Thanks.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Oh nice! That sounds like fun. I got to attend a big remote viewing gathering about a decade ago and totally loved it. I missed the spoon bending party… wah. Never could get the spoon to bend on my own. I am a big fan of throwing parties to help with crazy projects – uh, like eating bugs for example. LOL.

  • Christi says:

    I so appreciate your rant. the truth needs to be told

    I like earthfiles.com by Linda Moutlton Howe
    of course I heard her on Coast to Coast


  • Christi says:

    keep ranting get the truth out

    earthfiles.com Linda Moulton Howe

    from a Coast to Coast report of course

  • melanie says:

    If any of you think that nuclear power is a “safe” source for our power addiction, just google the Hanford site — biggest EPA superfund site to-date; and still not contained.

    Why are we creating by-products that will remain toxic to humans for thousands of years?

    It makes me sick just thinking about it. It makes others physically sick (just not those who profit from it).

  • Kelley says:

    Marjory – you are more right than you can ever know. I have a bit of inside information and I’d love to give citations for what I’m about to say… but I can’t.

    What is left at Fukushima is the used rods. On their own those are enough to put out the radiation levels we’ve been seeing in the news.

    The big news that no one reported but was known within the first week of the disaster was that the core is gone. Full melt down. It’s in the earth, in the ground water. This is just starting to be reported, but scientists around the world stated -and published- this fact within days of the earthquake. This news was suppressed.

    Within weeks of the earthquake scientists in the know moved their families out of Japan entirely. These are extremely well-known, published, scientists. They didn’t simply move their kids or their parents, they moved complete generations. In Japan, when you buy a home, you pay for it over generations. To up and leave is inconceivable to most, much less leave their home country.

    We are already seeing some of the results globally. Governments around the world have upped the boundaries of ‘safe’ radiation levels as thyroid issues on our own west coast rise by 1/3. The ‘hero of Fukushima’ just passed away of a fast acting cancer. The statement from Tokyo hospital? The radiation he endured at Fukushima had nothing to do with his death.

    We already have reactors leaking in the US, into the ground, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Even into Lake Michigan. In each reactor in the US we have more spent fuel rods than those left a Fukushima – what do we do with this ‘clean’ energy waste product? Where are we going to store the waste? How do we move the spent rods from reactor to landfill storage? No one knows, that’s why the spent rods are still housed within the reactors.

    The US has 104 operating nuclear reactors. (And it isn’t just the Chinese building new ones, we are as well.) The next closest country is France with 58 operating reactors, then Japan with 51 and Russia with 32. The US is a nuclear reactor slut.

    Our reactors sit on fault lines (Diablo Canyon, Indian Point), within active volcanic fields (Palo Verde Reactor), and within flood zones(Oconee Nuclear Station, Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Plant). (Incomplete lists, but you get the point.)

    Fukushima is bad – on a global scale, but we aren’t going to be told the whole story. We are going to be fed platitudes that tell us what we want to hear. We are safe! Otherwise we the people might see what’s coming for us here in the US… and we might try to put a stop to it.

    1. Kelley says:

      If you’re going to the Olympics in Tokyo – keep your geiger counters down low near your shoes, not pinned to your shirt, and stay out of low lying areas.


      1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

        That was an interesting video. I didn’t realize how the level of height would affect a reading.

    2. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Thank you Kelly. That is tough to hear.

      What a situation.

      Don’t really know how to respond.

      The only thing really to do, is to turn to our Creator (in whatever form you worship) and live and love as much as you can.

  • Anita Wald-Tuttle says:

    I left by message on the Prepper site instead, but essentially it is – Right On, Marjory! I hope my oldest daughter who listens to Coast to Coast will pickup on some of this and start to talk to the rest of our Clan on the ramifications of Fukushima. It doesn’t look good!

  • John says:

    One way to get an idea of radioactivity in the US is

    This is a grass roots radiation monitoring network. It doesn’t show elevated readings for the west coast. I worry about the fish, though, since I live on the west coast.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Thanks for that link John, I had heard about it but lost the link.

  • Bonnie Toney says:

    As a retired x-ray technician with a B.S. in radiology, I can tell you there is no way to contain or stop radiation except with lead. Period. My next door neighbor is an Environmental scientist who has worked with the Navy and as a civilian specializing in water management. She agrees with me that there is no way to contain it or filter it etc.

  • Cindy says:

    RE: Radiation Protection:

    There are terrific resources on the web – first line of defense is to be sure your thyroid is filled with GOOD iodine (nearly impossible today without supplementation.) See Nascent Iodine (purest form!) and other information on radiation protection.

    Here’s why you can’t trust a blood thyroid test. Bromine and fluoride will give false results. Search the following title:

    Bromine Toxicity Destroys Your Thyroid and Metabolism
    Aside from its effects on your endocrine glands, bromine is toxic in and of itself. Bromide builds up in your central nervous system and results in many problems.
    http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/ learning/ bromine-toxicity-destroys-your-thyroid-and-metabolism.html – View by Ixquick Proxy – Highlight

    Home :: Nascent Iodine (search this – great energizer too!)
    Nascent Iodine – 1oz (2% Strength) NI-1

  • Marv says:

    Great Work, Marjory;
    Lot’s of good tips on these posts, as well…esp the ones
    on how to combat radition — lilacs, barley grass, Vitamin C,

    I’ve read most of the posts to this point, but so far
    no one that I’ve noticed has mentioned nuclear power submarines.
    I can’t imagine the damage if even just one of those
    gets damaged or blown up in battle or by any other means.

    It’s sad that, with all these nuclear disasters (besides war)
    that the “powers that be” don’t care about life enough to
    spend their money developing safe alternatives. All part of
    the “plan”, no doubt, but it’s sad they protect themselves from
    the “elements” when their “inventions” hurt, mame, and kill so many
    people, and cause so much suffering.
    PS: Side note: In a recent National Geo mag article, it was
    reported that an underground volcano that measures 100,000 sq
    miles has been found 1,000 miles east of Japan. If that monstrosity
    every blows, it will send that nuclear contamination sky high
    all over the globe.
    One last point–it’s been said that ocean currents and the jet stream
    flow in such a manner that NO nuclear polution from Japan will go
    into the southern sphere of the globe, ie, south of the equator.

  • I’m a ham radio operator, and a call from the ‘old timer’ the other night informed me that a borrowed-and-known-to-be-good geiger counter revealed a slight reading in the skins of Starkist brand tuna fish, the albacore in water variety. The meat itself did not register. As I have two, older type meters, I’ll check if one of mine can be fixed, and will try to go to the local markets for a ‘sweep’, which should bring stares from customers. I’ve informed the management of a ‘hit’ in this particular product, and it’d be interesting in whatever other foodstuffs might give off a reading. The tuna comes from the Pacific basin somewhere, so we might want to rethink this source of tuna, or go to some other type of seafood, while we have the chance. Just thought I’d let you know this little tidbit.

  • Kristie says:


    Thank you for having the courage to speak the truth. We are in very big trouble with all this radiation. I have lots of friends that don’t believe that radiation is dangerous. I think they have had heavy programming.

    I worry about my kids and all kids. Not only do they have to inherit our debt and screwed up government but we have also left them with radio active waste to caretake.

    I have my kids drinking green smoothies every morning. I put all kinds of raw powders in their drinks with lots of real vitamin c and all the super foods.

    I have also made a plan to learn as many cancer treatments and preventions that I can.

    Gerson therapy
    Thc oil treatments
    Mms dr Jim humble
    Nutritional therapist healing foods
    Fermented foods
    Clean water
    Iodine treatments

    I will keep adding to my list as new info comes out

    Thank you for this article. It is the most important subject these days besides ww3

    Take care of yourself
    We need you in this struggle

    Your friend

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:


      Thanks fo doing what you do.

  • I agree, Diane Sawyer glossed over the danger. She made it sound like they found a leak, it leaked for one day, and they fixed it and all is well. Everything is safe now for tourism. Come to Japan and have a good time….good grief.

    Over a year ago a guy in Los Angeles took his radiation detector and showed us different puddles in his yard from a recent rain storm. It was almost off the chart. Fish are showing up with very hazardous radiation levels.

    Makes me wonder if somehow the elite, who want a drastic reduction in the world’s population, could have caused this quake somehow.
    I can care less about a rogue chemical weapon going off in Syria. We need to get the best minds together in this world and help Japan contain this thing.

    Thanks for the post.

  • GIA OYAMA says:

    Hello Marjorie….
    I actually live in Japan, I was in Germany when FUKUSHIMA occurred and it would have been easier and better had I stayed there but I am Japanese so I came back, and then got into an accident so I can not leave now, still in therapy…
    Yes ever since the accident I have told people that this is the END of Japan(beginning of an end, and of course if one wants to be positive, the beginning of something else).It is just question of time…
    ONLY TWO countries have a final solution for the waste produced by nuclear power.
    Japan does not have it…and so instead of trying for the OLYMPICS, it should do something about the nuclear waste, the FUKUSHIMA refugees and rebuilding there…if such a thing is actually possible..!
    FUKUSHIMA is a disaster that is just waiting for it to occur…
    The govenment is trying for the Olympics in the same spirit of ‘panem et circensis’..and almost all the Japanese people I know don’t know the Olympics…
    So I have been busy praying that ti will not come here despite all the sales talks by governmental ministers and sports athletes etc…etc….
    And if it does get chosen , please ask to demand a boycott unless Japan stops killing whales, killing dolphins, over-eating eels and having let TEPCO take care of its waste without government supervision for over two years!!! etc…etc…( I mean I can give you a whole list of horrors and lies about this accident…however it will be too long..)
    Anyway thank you for your attention!

  • GIA OYAMA says:

    I pushed the wrong button so I could not edit or spell check..forgive me for the errors…sincerely

  • Debbie says:

    This is a must-see. This fellow has some interesting things to say about Fukishima at 47:22 approximately but the whole video is fantastic.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi Debbie,

      That link didn’t work for me. Can you re-post?

  • Caroline Sullivan says:

    Rant on Marjorie. I am a Coast to Coast listener and make sure I listen then download your appearances to my Ipod. I am enjoying every one else’s comments also.

    I guess we could all wish that our government would just be honest with us. But it ain’t going to happen till We The People take our power back by voting our current leaders, AKA rulers, out of office. ALL of them. Our power is in the ability to vote. The rulers realize that and that is why they want to denigrate the value of voting. My rant!

  • Robert says:

    most folks when designing do not say “what is wrong with this design ” so they do not seek out the potential flaws . like rooftop cooling pools. they are great until a leak then they drain rather well and the old rods start burning from the heat releasing toxins . but with the reduction in coal plants , nukes are here to stay . and the Canadians are building them across their border to supply our grid , so instead of letting Texas build them more money goes out . I still think the reactors could be designed to sham the control rods in an emergency , in November their is a plan to remove the rods by hand [ suicide ] even getting 2 close to one another . will make them go critical , and if the rods are partly melted they may not come out of the holes . a big mess at best

  • Helen says:

    I hear what you are saying. And yet I have an 89 yr old friend who piloted the first plane in after Hiroshima. He was exposed to extremely high levels of radiation. He lives alone, cooks his own meals, drives, cleans his home, active in our church, in good health except for cataract surgery that went wrong, and he lost sight in one eye. He is very bright mentally and says ” the radiation must have preserved him”. So, who knows what the answer is to Fukushima and the fallout. Guess time will tell. In the meantime, I will still plant my survival garden beds, try to learn to preserve the surplus, and will continue to follow you and others as I learn more about being totally self-reliant. Thanks for your articles.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi Helen,

      Thank you for that story. In the back of my mind, I do wonder – just how bad is radiation? Somehow I assume it must be bad… cancer, thyroid problems, etc. The waster from messing with such power intuitively seems toxic.

      Saw on Wikipedia that there was supposedly no real problems in health from the Three Mile Island incident. But then again, who can believe the official reports?

      Gosh it is so hard to know what to believe anymore.

  • Nancy says:

    If I were younger, I believe I would sign up for the one-way trip to Mars. It seems our planet is in its death-throes. It would be nice to believe there is a “Father” to save us but I have thought long and hard and can not come up with the leap of faith that’s required.

    Individuals like you, Marjory, are blessed with the gift of giving and helping. Not all of us are. If humans survive, luckily it will be those like you – and skeptics like me will disappear along with our tainted genes.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Well Nancy, Skepticism is a good thing. I honestly don’t know if it is hopeless or not. But I find it much more worthwhile to live and work and share.

      Why not?

      Maybe it is like the musicians who played during the sinking of the Titanic

  • John says:

    Hi Marjory

    I offer a several points in addition to what others have already mentioned.

    Iodoral. Interesting product worthy of looking into.
    As far as I know, clinical doctors came up with “Orthoiodosupplementation” based on thyroid being such a common denominator in a variety of patients. If you scan down to the bottom of the page you’ll find a power point presentation available for the asking. They gave a dose of 50mg and found the body held onto a certain percentage like 60%, excreting 40%. After several months, the body excreted 90% reaching a saturation of the bodies tissues the theory being the body only holds onto what it needs. But use only the form in Iodoral(pill form) or Lugol’s (liquid but hard to take) as the other forms at that dose have proven toxic.


    Liposomal vitamin C. When the story of Fukishima first broke, I learned they were treating the workers with IV vitamin C and it was the only thing that prevented further damage of the chromosomes.


    Another link described that the liposomal form was equal to IV vitamin C and how a case of swine flu in New Zealand has really raised awareness about its effectiveness.


    Here is a site that has a good amount of doityourself info on making it with an affordable ultrasonic jewelry cleaner.


    There was one reply referring to using clay and if I remember correctly, the reason zeolite took off when it was introduced to the nutritional market is because its history stemmed from Chernobyl. It seems they came up with a cookie with powdered zeolite in the mix that could be fed to adults and kids alike.


    Last point and I need you to stretch your imagination. So much info inundates our sense of what is real and what is not. Supposedly the help of the world against the global agenda comes from Asia, Russia, and about 140 countries outside the G7 and the tsunami that caused Fukishima was a response to the Japenese govenment not playing ball at a very high level with the Cabal. When you consider those whose minds can only be described as evil please remember one thing, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Those who follow a dark path believe they are on the right one, they believe what they are serving is God. Look at what happened around Waco with Jim Jones, he really believed he was serving God. Where am I going with this? It is the balance of good and evil that is correct. We see others through our own balance or imbalances. If those doing evil were really trying to do good does it really matter? What matters is the lack of acceptance for the masses, the exclusion of others having a right to exist that tips their scales out of balance. The reason I make this point is because if those in power wanted to they could clean up the effects but as long as its based on who is in office, who is on this side of the fence or that, it won’t happen. A recent movie put out by the director of Ace Ventura and Liar/Liar, Tom Shadyac, describes how scientists have determined in Nature it is not survival of the fittest but cooperation that rules. Until we are willing to cooperate, work together, we will continue to fail.

    Browns gas has the ability to contain and reverse atomic radiation. The info is out there. We have to ask why it has not been shared.


    Make sure to watch the video up at the top of the page.

    Be Well Marjory
    Nice job on getting folks to share what they know.


    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      WOW John,

      that is an amazing amount of info. You’ve just helped me and a bunch of other people tremendously.

      I have a funny story about Lugols’ (For those that don’t know, Lugols is a solution of idodine). Iodine has become one of those nutrients that is incredibly lacking in the American diet. I started taking Lugols orally in a cup with water. Taking a nutritional test I was stunned to see very low levels and yet I was eating extraordinarily well, juicing, supplmenting, and had a very high nutritional intake. After some testing with kinesology it was shown I wasn’t digesting what I was taking in – again another big surprise as I have spent a ton in developing my gut flora.

      Then it hit me – duh….

      The Lugols idodine solution is essentially an antibiotic and I had inadvertently been killing off my gut flora. LOL. Ayahh.

      So now I take the Lugols topically. Been rebuilding the gut flora too.

      Recently did another nutritional test and yes, all the numbers were back up again.

      Anyway, thanks so much for your post.

  • Jens Jerndal says:

    Hi Marjory,
    Unfortunately, I believe as you do, that nuclear radiation is threatening the very survival of the human species, at least in its present form.
    I recently came across a product that offers help to surmount the radiation challenge from an apparently highly reputable scientific source. What do you think? If you – or anyone else – is interested, I can assist in getting access to it.
    Here is the link:
    Love and Light

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi Jens,

      So delighted to hear from you.

      Propectin – that video was very interesting. For those that can afford it that looks quite useful. I am definately interested in following up with this. It does take a lot of apples to make though…

      Hey, I really appreciate you bringing this forward.

  • NLJ says:

    As usual Marjory – you struck a nerve. I guess for me – I learned something I didn’t know about you – that you believe in evolution not creation & the creator. I did not have time to read everyone’s comments – even in part. Just a casual browse thru. I think for me on one side I grieve because I am a Mother of 9 and at present a Grandmother of 13. My children (& children’s children) are all around the world. They do not all amazingly or not share the same faith as I do. They want life. They want adventure & discovery. I stand ashamed at what we as creation have done unlike any of His other creations. The fact that some stand proud confounds and confuses me. I do believe in a return of Jesus. I stand in awe & thanks of His foresight. I do believe we have very rough times ahead. We can not get off blaming God for ALL of the STUPID things that man’s inhumanity to man has produced. I do NOT believe in a pre-trib rapture & think the Bible makes it very clear. Sadly not all feel the same and therefore they do not watch & pray and prepare. Fukishima is just another blot – a sadly is and will cause so much sorrow and tears – not just in Japan but the world. We are ALL in this together.

    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi NLJ,

      I am not really an evolutionist… The way I see it, evolution is being created every moment. There are definitely patterns that are most simply explained by the process of evolution, and the entire world is a mystery that cannot be truly fathomed.

      Physics, chemistry, math – they all are great models of reality for a range of experience, but not the full experience of the world. The same for evolution – it is a good model for a limited range of expression of the world. But cannot ever come close to penetrating the full mystery.

  • Debbie says:

    While there has been much shared concerning what to do I’d like to share why we’re in this mess to begin with. Many people scoff and spurn the Word of God (The Holy Bible) yet it has the answers for life. 2 Timothy 3:1 states But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come….. vs 7 (speaking of man) always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Romans the first chapter tells us why this is happening. Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who SUPPRESS THE TRUTH IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS……vs 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify HIM as God, nor were thankful, but BECAME FUTILE in their THOUGHTS, and THEIR FOOLISH HEARTS were darkened. vs 22 Porfessing to wise, THEY BECAME FOOLS…… We are the highest intellegence that will ever be, we are not evolving into higher orders as “science” would have us believe. While much has been done and knowledge has increased concerning how to live and sustain life, much has been lost and the greed of few destroy what is by trying to rule or ‘control’ the majority.

  • Zahra says:


    I like your sensible article, just have a question about the Mexican produce; do you think the higher price reflects the cost of some kind of greenhouses, or other covers, used to hopefully protect the plants from fallout spread thru rainfall? Or else, why would the prices be higher? I don’t get it. Did you have any idea what that was about? Thanks for all that you do!

    Blessings ~


    1. Marjory Wildcraft says:

      Hi Zahra,

      The Mexican food was higher priced because the fallout doesn’t go that far south. Or so it is thought. I want to get one of those radiation meters that John B. Wells talks about….

  • Cynthia says:

    Thank you, Marjory for this article. More people need to be aware of this disaster, and its far reaching effects. I have been trying to get my teenage daughter interested in growing food, and eating a certain way. I finally got through to her by explaining this disaster, its long term problems, and the fact that there are numerous nuclear power plants all around. Even if we don’t fully understand how bad this could get, what has already happened is bad enough. I hope that everyone gets a copy of your dvd’s and takes steps to protect their families. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to home grown food on every table, and I look forward to many more of your articles to come!!

  • I just have to say I truly enjoy hearing you talk about all the important issues we really have to take the time to connect and join. I feel such a kindred spirit, it warms my heart to know there are people like you sharing in this chaotic world. I would so enjoy just sitting around a small fire in the woods telling stories and sharing our understanding about things. Blessings and I’ll be there. Babette

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