
From Weeds to Wealth with Katrina Blair

All true wealth comes from the ground

It only takes these 13 wild weeds to obtain food security just about anywhere on the planet. Marjory met up with Katrina Blair off-grid in the Colorado mountains to harvest these wild edibles.

In this video, Katrina demonstrates how incredibly wealthy she is simply by possessing the knowledge of these 13 amazing herbs. You too can learn to identify and harvest these healthy and nutritious weeds anywhere on the planet, ensuring an abundance of wildcrafted food sources.

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This post was written by Marjory Wildcraft


  • Mary Mapes says:

    What are the 13 wild weeds to be assured of food security anywhere? This video is only 2 minutes, 45 seconds long and she does not talk about what the 13 wild weeds are. Where can I find a list of them and info about them? Thank you!

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