Did you “Black Friday” this year? If you’re like many of us here at The Grow Network, you spent most of the day with family and friends — and not a whole lot of time shopping. (In fact, I had to chuckle when our awesome social media manager, Ruth, told me, “I don’t know about you, but I got 154 e-mails on Black Friday alone. Yeah, you know what I did – I DELETED every … last … one … of … them!”
So, in case you sat out this weekend’s shopping frenzy, I’m extending our holiday sale for Cyber Monday. This is the best time of the year to grab a set of our best offerings at deeply discounted prices.
(Plus, I’ll throw in my #1 favorite go-to knife – the Morakniv – for FREE!)
Our awesome holiday sale bundle is valued at more than $500 and contains meaningful gifts for you and your friends and family … like food abundance … natural health … and self-reliance.
Plus, we’re letting you choose your savings …
45% OFF… 55% OFF… and even 65% OFF!
Click Here to Choose Your Savings.
Here’s everything you’ll get when you buy our Cyber Monday Gift Set today:
6 DVDs
- “Alternatives to Dentists” DVD ($35 value)
- “How to Grow Half Your Own Food” 2-Disc DVD Set ($40 value)
- “Raising Meat Chickens” 3-Disc DVD Set ($50 value)
2 Physical Bonuses
- Morakniv With Sheath ($35 value)
- Natural Dental Care Starter Kit ($20 value)
13 Digital Bonuses
- “Raising Backyard Chickens for Eggs, Meat, and Fun” 154-Page Companion Guide ($30 value)
- “Alternatives to Dentists: Horsetail Companion Booklet” ($15 value)
- “Your Questions About Natural Dental Care … Answered!” 90-Minute Recorded Webinar With Doug Simons ($30 value)
- “How to Grow a Year’s Worth of Chicken in 51 Days” Video With Justin Rhodes ($30 value)
- “Predator ID: Who Killed Your Chicken?” Video With Justin Rhodes ($30 value)
- “Picking Chicken Breeds” Video With Jeannette Beranger ($30 value)
- “6 Ways to Keep Chickens” e-Book by Paul Wheaton ($40 value)
- “Raising Colony Rabbits” Video ($30 value)
- “Tools for Elders” Video ($30 value)
- “Simple and Effective Watering Systems for Small Livestock” e-Book ($20 value)
- “How to Tan a Rabbit Hide” e-Book ($20 value)
- “Alternative Feedstocks for Rabbits” e-Book ($10 value)
- “Recommended Seed Companies” e-Book ($10 value)
(Yes, you did the math right there — that’s 15 bonuses!!!)
Just please take note:
I am extending the sale for a short time. But stock is limited.
And we’ll be shutting the sale down as soon as we run out.
So if you wait, and come back to find this page gone, it means the sale has already ended. (Sorry.)
And always…
… Thank you for your ongoing support.
I believe that 2019 will be a VERY difficult year for the U.S. and much of the world (nationalism, trade wars, increasing interest rates — it makes for big trouble). I’m as convinced as ever that self-sufficiency and food independence will be critical in the days ahead.
Share the knowledge… share the love.
Wishing you a fulfilling 2018 holiday season,

The Grow Network is a global network of people who produce their own food and medicine. We’re the coolest bunch of backyard researchers on Earth! We’re constantly sharing, discovering, and working together to test new paths for sustainable living—while reconnecting with the “old ways” that are slipping away in our modern world. We value soil, water, sunlight, simplicity, sustainability, usefulness, and freedom. We strive to produce, prepare, and preserve our own food and medicine, and we hope you do, too!