Categories for Homesteading Skills
And the Winners are…
date_range August 17, 2015
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In case you didn't already know, we host an ongoing writing contest. Members of the [Grow] Network write in to share their knowledge and experience ab
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth Safely in the Home, Garden, and More
date_range August 10, 2015
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We hear the letters "DE" being discussed at the feed store, in garden clubs, and in the online forums where many of us are members. But what exactly a
4 Ways to Get Free Help in the Garden
date_range August 09, 2015
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Getting Help With Your Garden How often have you toiled in the hot sun, pulling out what seems like an endless sea of weeds or tying up tomatoes one
Big Boy Zucchini Recipe from My Grandmother
date_range August 07, 2015
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The huge harvest of zucchini and summer squash at the end of the season can be an, "Oh no, not another one!" experience for many gardeners. Especially
Does the Moon Really Matter at Planting Time?
date_range July 27, 2015
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What is a Myth? My dictionary defines a myth as "an exaggerated or idealized conception of a person or thing." To me, myths are those scary things tha