Categories for Garden Design
Attracting Pollinators to the Garden Year After Year
date_range September 09, 2015
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Late summer and fall are terrific times to start planning for next year's gardens. Common fall tasks include preparing beds, dividing plants, and even
Free eBook – Ideas for a Permacultural Greenhouse
date_range July 22, 2015
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You might remember back in March we shared some articles with you about our friend Francis Gendron, the Canadian Permaculture Designer who built the G
(Video) Major League Vegetable Gardening in Boston
date_range July 18, 2015
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Sing along! Take me out to the ball game Take me out with the crowd Buy me some... beets and carrots? I just came across this video about a vegetabl
How Much Food Can You Grow in a 26 Inch Space?
date_range July 05, 2015
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We get a lot of questions and comments from people who want to grow their own food, but have limited space to garden. Today I want to show you an exci
Help Us Replace Lawns with Organic Edible Gardens
date_range June 27, 2015
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Let's talk about lawns. You can probably look out the window and see one right now. I really don't like lawns. They waste a lot of water. They displac