
How To Find Like Minded Neighbors & Build Self-Reliant Community

I’ve posted this up in response to a conversation in the Groups area with  Honors member Georgia Flynn.  Georgia is working to create more sustanability in her local area.


This below is a podcast Jack Spirko did me with me a while back.  I go into details about how to mfind like-minded neighbors, create community, and increase resilience in your area.  Lots of practical day to day tips that I have sucessfully used in my neighborhood (so I know it works).

Here is a player to listen to this on the computer you are on right now


And here is a link so you can download it and put it on your .mp3 player.

right click on this link as ‘save as’ to dwonload to your computer

Leave me a comment if you want the transcripts…   I think I have them somewhere.  🙂


And if you are a good writer and would like to help me turn this into an awesome eBook. please let me know!  Gosh, we might even have a little budget for it.




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This post was written by Marjory


  • Alan Bowen says:

    It would be great to have the transcripts if you can find them.

  • Margo says:

    I, too, would LOVE to have the transcripts!

  • Costa Rica Prepper1 says:

    Great interview. I wonder if anyone is looking for others in costa rica.

  • Barbara Hendrix says:

    May I please have the transcript? Thanks!

  • Julie Ellen says:

    Thank you for this. I am moving back to Western Australia and heading down the South West in the country. Ive done a PDC and Advanced teachers and would like to help set up some of these community ideas, especially in the social security belts.

  • Robert Aliangan says:

    Thanks for your community suggestions. They have inspired me to follow up on the same in my county of Bandera Texas.
    Currently, my experiences have included attending Tea Party, Austrian Economic and TURF (Texans Uniting for Reform & Freedom) meetings. I’m amazed at how knowledgeable and politically minded Texans can be. That said, Marjorie, you’re a Giant at what you do. I am honored to have heard you on CTCAM a few years ago. I am only saddened that it took me so long to purchase your DVDs.

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