HUMAN BED BUGS change shape/color as they feed
Photos courtesy Whitney Cranshaw
Mostly absent from the U.S. for the past fifty years, bed bugs are making a comeback. Increased international travel and immigration, along with the loss of effective insecticides, has helped this insect spread faster than any other urban insect pest. The following links and fact sheets should help you learn how to avoid and eliminate this pest where it is found.
How to Select a Bed bug Control Provider (Ento-033) – Got bed bugs? Time to call a professional. This publication provides details on what to ask when looking for an experienced professional. Also, advice for apartment managers and tenants preparing for a bed bug treatment.
Do-it-Yourself bed bug control (ENT-3012) – Trying to control bed bugs yourself isn’t easy, but here are some suggestions to improve your chances of success.
First Aid for bed bugs – An Insect Update post from 2012 about my daughter’s bed bug experience and how to get (almost) immediate relief from the little biters.
Bed bugs and your apartment (ENT-3013) – For apartment renters, how to recognize bed bugs and work with your apartment manager to prepare for an effective treatment.
Bed bugs (Kentucky ENTFACT 636) – Good summary of bed bugs that answers many questions about what they are, where they originate, and how best to control them. Useful information for both the homeowner and pest management professionals.
Bed bug fact sheet series – Virginia Depart. of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences – An excellent set of factsheets and presentations that cover control of bed bugs in hotels and apartments, chemical and non-chemical methods, and bed bug prevention.
EPA bed bug site. A federal government perspective on bed bugs, with links to reliable sources of information.
Content and copyright permission generously granted by:
Austin Grow Green: www.growgreen.org, who works in close association with:
Texas AgriLife Extension Service: http://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu
Marjory Wildcraft is an Expedition Leader and Bioneer Blogger with The [Grow] Network, which is an online community that recognizes the wisdom of “homegrown food on every table.” Marjory has been featured as an expert on sustainable living by National Geographic, she is a speaker at Mother Earth News fairs, and is a returning guest on Coast to Coast AM. She is an author of several books, but is best known for her “Grow Your Own Groceries” video series, which is used by more than 300,000 homesteaders, survivalists, universities, and missionary organizations around the world.