
Back to the land, albeit in a small way.

This is an entry in this month’s contest “What Inspired You To Start Growing Your Own Food?”.  Be sure to rate this article!

My husband and I have raised seven children, now ranging in age from 34 to 19. Although (or perhaps because) neither of us had ever lived anywhere but in the city, early on we dreamed of moving to the country; but the closest we came was moving 15 years ago to a mobile home, in a mobile home park, in a rural town. Now my husband, the sole breadwinner for all these years, is disabled, our children are grown, and so we will be on a fixed income for the rest of our lives, and most likely living here. I cannot realize my dream of garden, chickens and cows, but I CAN still grow a garden. We have a raised bed garden built by my sons and grandkids, measuring 4’x12′, and also, a new program this year has community garden plots available, for a measly $10 a year, just a few miles down the road, so we are sharing two more 4×4 plots with one of our sons. We garden to help with the food budget, to help with our health by eating fresher foods and getting outside more often, to help teach our grandchildren where real food comes from, and finally, to get closer to the traditions of generations past.

The prize for the winner of this months contest is valued at $100 and includes a copy of the “Grow Your Own Groceries” video set, “Alternatives To Dentists” video set, and 3 months of free membership in the Core Community.  If you want to enter this month’s contest, write an essay on “How You Got Started Growing Food” and submit it here at this link: http://growyourowngroceries.org/contribute-here/


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