Homesteading Blog

Browse Our Sustainable Living Blog

When it comes to living self-sustainably, there are so many different factors that are necessary to ensure your success. We understand that managing all the aspects of homesteading can be very overwhelming. To make it easier to start, and continue, your journey, we’ve broken down the elements of sustainable living into bite-sized chunks on our homesteading blog. 

Explore articles that delve into methods for growing your own food, making your own remedies, caring for your soil, composting everything (even the stuff you’re “not supposed to compost”), and so much more. Browse our entire collection of sustainable living blogs to discover some of the most comprehensive resources for building your eco-friendly way of life.

What Do The Healthiest People In The World Eat?
date_range February 18, 2013
view_list General Health and Nutrition

The Search for the Perfect Diet Dr. Weston Price lived in the right time, and had the right resources, to travel all over the world in search

The #1 Reason To Wear Bling In Texas
date_range February 16, 2013
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The Perfect Natural Camouflage
date_range February 15, 2013
view_list Cats

Hiding in Plain Sight House cats often don't do well in rural environments.  White cats are in the most peril as they are highly visible - a

How Close Is The US To Bankruptcy?
date_range February 09, 2013
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Today's article was written by Gabe Elton of Austin Rare Coins & Bullion (http://www.austincoins.com) If the United States Government Were a Fami

If You Had To Home Butcher, Could You?
date_range February 07, 2013
view_list Livestock

I hope the title for this week’s newsletter doesn’t frighten off all the vegetarians. In fact, when I started this journey I was exploring the raw

Turn An Old Pool Into A Milking Parlor; Marjory Wildcraft Visits The Permaculture Institute
date_range February 05, 2013
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An on-the-road video for you courtesy of Marjory Wildcraft and Backyard Food Production Team... This time we're at the Permaculture Institute near Sa

A Woman’s Perspective on Prepping
date_range January 29, 2013
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I've gotten lots of requests to write about a woman's perspective on prepping. Uh, what in the heck does that mean? Here is the beginning of tha

Our Expertise

Marjory Wildcraft founded The Grow Network with a purpose and a mission in mind. Our company was created to stop the destruction of our planet, prevent the extinction of the human race, overhaul modern medicine, and fight against the root causes of modern diseases. Our team is composed of passionate individuals with tons of expertise in their field. Every one of our team members is passionate about our homesteading blog, permaculture farming, and sustainable living in general. Everyone contributes to our Community, sharing ideas, developing guides, and creating videos.

Growing a Community

In addition to the advice you can find on our homesteading and permaculture blog, we also started a forum to help community members find answers to some of their most burning questions. We understand that each of you is operating in a unique environment and needs answers to personalized concerns. Find a new home online with our homesteading blog and the eco-friendly community at The Grow Network today!