
Are We Headed For a Food Shortage?

Are We Headed for a Food Shortage?- An infographic by www.freelegacyfood.com

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This post was written by Marjory


  • Susan says:

    The British info is a bit out of date. It has been an extra ordinary wet winter. There are some people who started to need a boat to get to their home in in Christmas week who in the middle of February still needed to do so. In the southern half of England the rainfall has been about twice what would be expected for the time of the year.

    The rising water table also means that some people have water coming up through their floors rather than from overflowing rivers. The ground is so wet in some places it is no longer safe to dig a grave. There are many places where it is too wet to take machinery onto the ground to sow crops. In other places it is too wet for whatever is planted to survive.

    There are parts of southern England were most of the farms have been under water for over a month now. The vegetation will be rotting under the water. Much of the wildlife in the area including bees will have drowned or starved. The only bright side is that the animals the farmers blame for infecting their cows with TB will be killed off in the carnage so reducing the pressure to shoot them.

    There are stories of past floods moving waste materials from old mine workings onto farmland leading to small numbers of livestock being poisoned.

    I am just glad I live in the north. Yet even here the ground is exceptionally wet. I have some decorative planters that I end up lying on their sides to let the excess water drain out of every few days. As I type this it is raining yet again!

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