Pan Juice
This recipe makes a simple but effective fertilizer. It isn’t a fertilizer for your plants, but rather a fertilizer for your soil. After the long winter snooze, all those microorganisms that live in your soil and make it fertile are very hungry! The name is a reference to the Greek God Pan, the God of fertility. The recipe is simple and, better yet, cheap to make.
Years ago I began making an effort to back away from commercial fertilizers. I searched all over for alternative ways to feed my compost, my garden beds, and my fallow ground. I found this recipe in a book of Greek mythology, of all places. I had to modify it slightly since mead isn’t readily available to me. I tried both red wine and beer to replace the mead, and I found that the beer is more effective.
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- 2 tablespoons of flat beer
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons whole milk
- 1 gallon water (rain water, well water, or distilled water – not city tap water)
Mix all ingredients well in a jug or bucket. Let the mixture rest overnight, or for about 8 hours. Stir gently and transfer to a sprayer – I use a $10 1 gallon hand pump sprayer that is meant for pesticides and herbicides.
After I break the dirt in spring, but before I turn it, I apply the Pan Juice. I just spray it around evenly on all the soil and let it do its thing. After I have worked the soil I do a second application of Pan Juice, a day or two before I plan to begin planting. I also use Pan Juice to feed my compost at least twice each year. It really seems to increase the microbial activity in both soil and compost.
I wish you success in your garden, and I hope that this recipe helps to keep your soil healthy and fertile.

Marjory Wildcraft – How Much Land Do You Need
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Nature lovers study creation and adore creatures.
Ancient Greek culture fascinates me, as does ancient simplicity. I have copied the recipe to my notes. Thanks for sharing!
Excellent results to your search. There is such a wealth of knowledge in the history of this planet. It is nice when someone finds a piece and shares it with the rest of us. Thank you. I also will add it to my notes.
The reason why mead was probably used is that it was fermented and uncooked (preserving the enzymes). Soil microbes (as well as humans) need enzymes. A better thing to do (in my opinion) would be to feed the soil with compost and fish emulsion and when you prune your plants, just let them drop on the ground for mulch (w/enzymes).
Great info, just wish I could go back 20-30 years !!!
looking for a recipe for non chemical fruit spray using natural ingredients.
do you have one???
Sounds like an easy way to ammend my soil gonna give it a try!