
A Simple Fertilizer From The Greek Gods

Pan Juice

This recipe makes a simple but effective fertilizer. It isn’t a fertilizer for your plants, but rather a fertilizer for your soil. After the long winter snooze, all those microorganisms that live in your soil and make it fertile are very hungry! The name is a reference to the Greek God Pan, the God of fertility. The recipe is simple and, better yet, cheap to make.

Years ago I began making an effort to back away from commercial fertilizers. I searched all over for alternative ways to feed my compost, my garden beds, and my fallow ground. I found this recipe in a book of Greek mythology, of all places. I had to modify it slightly since mead isn’t readily available to me. I tried both red wine and beer to replace the mead, and I found that the beer is more effective.

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  • 2 tablespoons of flat beer
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons whole milk
  • 1 gallon water (rain water, well water, or distilled water – not city tap water)

Mix all ingredients well in a jug or bucket. Let the mixture rest overnight, or for about 8 hours. Stir gently and transfer to a sprayer – I use a $10 1 gallon hand pump sprayer that is meant for pesticides and herbicides.

After I break the dirt in spring, but before I turn it, I apply the Pan Juice. I just spray it around evenly on all the soil and let it do its thing. After I have worked the soil I do a second application of Pan Juice, a day or two before I plan to begin planting. I also use Pan Juice to feed my compost at least twice each year. It really seems to increase the microbial activity in both soil and compost.

I wish you success in your garden, and I hope that this recipe helps to keep your soil healthy and fertile.


Marjory Wildcraft – How Much Land Do You Need

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This post was written by Anthony Tamayo


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