
7 Principles of Successful Businesses

This might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s really true: If I hadn’t attended Rick Sapio’s Business Finishing School (BFS), The Grow Network wouldn’t exist. That’s why I’m so excited to be speaking at BFS in February 2018 — and why I hope you’ll join me there.

Our world desperately needs solutions to its sustainability problems, and one way you and I can help solve them is by running sustainable businesses. BFS helps business owners achieve their fullest potential by focusing on transformational business principles.

Click Here to Register Now  

… and be sure to use promo code MARJORY to save $200 off the registration fee.

And, if you’ll be attending, please do let me know by shooting me an e-mail at Happiness@TheGrowNetwork.com.

I really want to meet you, and I’ll take you out to lunch!




Some people tell me I’m insane to work toward “Home Grown Food On Every Table.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” they’ll say. “Look at all the grocery stores and fast food drive-throughs. Your ideal is crazy. You’re never gonna get people off the couch to do that!”

I’ll admit that I chuckle to myself when that happens.

Because, the truth is, throughout all of human history, all we’ve ever had was homegrown food on every table. It’s only been in the last 60 or 70 years that we’ve started relying on this large-scale centralized food system …

… Which is clearly not working. (Did you know that for every calorie of energy in the food you eat, it takes 10 calories of energy to get that food to you? That’s obviously an unsustainable model!)

Honestly, whether or not I work toward bringing back homegrown food, it’s going to happen.

Still, “Home Grown Food On Every Table” is what gets all of us at The Grow Network up each morning.

It’s the “catalyzing statement” for our organization—the specific, measurable goal we are working toward.

Every enduring business needs one.

That’s one of the essential principles of sustainable business … and there are six more I want to share with you today in my next video chapter of Grow: All True Wealth Comes From the Ground.

Because there are tons of business opportunities out there for folks who want to make a difference while making a living. And, once you’ve figured out which business you want to start, you need to know how to make it successful.

Watch it to learn:

  • 7 Principles Of Sustainable Businesses
  • How To Achieve Your Goals In 3 Easy Steps (The Anatomy of an Objective)
  • The MOST Important Business Relationship To Nurture (HINT: It’s Not With Your Customers!)

Then, I’d love to know your thoughts …

What other principles must a business follow to succeed?

Which of these principles do you think is most important?

I really appreciate your input!

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This post was written by Merin Porter


  • Ginger Koel says:

    Thank you for your endless work aimed at helping the world become healthier!

  • John says:

    Thank you Marjory. I now know how to complete the publication, and sale, of my book: a fiction for children. I know, sounds weird on this website. I came to watch it because in the Great Depresion and Nazi occupation we kids had to work to grow our family’s own food, which included chickens and rabbits, a goat and pig. I now live in a small apartment in a large municipality. But, like to keep up with what’s happening with the return to home growing of food.

    1. Randy says:

      Also the Best Tillers. you can put them in a section of ground, when you harvest you move the animals to that section. between your compost and them you will build soil back up.

  • Randy says:

    As does the soil you need to rest too.

  • Ruth Hammons says:

    We have lost the natural ability to grow out own food. Luckily I grew up with grandparents that liked to live the old way. A garden, fruit trees, no faucet for water in the kitchen to start with a hand pump, a cistern, an outhouse, a big black wood burning cook stove and a potbelly black heat stove in the living room, made their own candles and soap, grandpa chopped the wood in
    the woodshed and sharpened his own axes and knives, grandma had a wringer wash machine and a tub and hand wash board too, canned everything they grew and baked her own bread and churned butter in a paddle jar! it was great fun to go to see them and be exposed to all of that! They know how to do a lot of things that were as the pioneers did and it’s so valuable to
    have such good knowledge!!
    We all need to know how to have a kitchen garden and raise foods, can and prepare foods to last. One day there may be a time that we cannot run to the grocery store and will have to go
    to our own stash of foods. Pantry storage, and a place to be able to pt a larger amount of food.

  • Kathy says:

    Thanks, Marjory! You are such an inspiration and an even better SHARER!

    I am not starting a business, but I am in charge of feeding those in my home and I want to be able to pick and serve fresh vegetables from my gardens. We do not have much land, but I am little by little taking over areas of the backyard and have my sight set on some areas in the front yard, too! It tastes so much better to eat what you have grown and so much better for us fresh from the ground! I do not miss going to the grocery store to get our veggies!

    Now, waiting for your book to come out!

  • wilson-kares says:

    My first experience with you. Enlightening and motivating, easy to listen to. Thank you for what you are doing.

  • Belle Sparks says:

    I love that you are doing this book!!! I was reading through the comments and noticed one about people during war times. I had a friends whose family were Germans and starving to death because they could not feed themselves. She told me after they ate the last of their chickens they came to America thin and desperate. She told me they were so thankful because food seemed to be everywhere here. It made me stop and think. A lot. I have always studied wild plants and so many are edible. I wondered if they didn’t have any access to green plants, streams, crude traps? Like I said I thought so much about her and her starving family. She assured me this was not skip a meal ache, but skin to bone starvation, awful. She shook her head and could barely speak of it. No one should ever be in that position. So, yes, write your book!!!

  • c.jenterprises says:

    Hi Marjory, I am just starting to build a garden and also looking to replace my current income by starting my own online business. This is the first chapter of your book that I have listened to and I found it very informative and helpful for both my personal growth as well as new ideas for my business. Thank you so much for sharing and your ultimate goal to have more homegrown food available to everyone. 😊🙏🏻

  • LauraPietz says:

    Excited to hear you moved to Colorado.
    Have 2 comments. First I intend to use your 7 principals (I know, you gave credit but I found them cuz of your spirit) verbatim to start my soil/sun and water based labor of love that will be the largest part of my next several decades. Starting again at 60, your gorgeous simplicity laid it out for me and is wind beneath my wing:-) 🙂 THANK YOU.
    2nd, you wanted to know what others were planting now, commented a few months ago on a post? of your about growing and using Maral root ( Russian Leuzea) an adaptogen that is easy to grow, harder to germinate but in my experience surpasses Ginseng, simply because it works as well or better and is harvested after 2 years growth. Reported to live for over 100 years if not harvested, putting some seed out now in whatever your Colorado micro climates are will almost certainly give you seedlings next spring because of course they are Russian, want stratification. My best rate of germination was 25% …SO WORTH IT. Watch the info you will find about it liking to germinate in very cool weather etc…
    You can get the seed from Strictly Medicinal or from a Russian supplier, I got many more seeds and were fresher from Russia.
    Play around with where you sow them, some inside cold frame , others outside etc, be sure and mark the area or pots, they germinate at a sporadic rate..sometime several weeks apart.
    This is the tincture and tea that I called my “clean the house” miracle..anything that gets me motivated to do house cleaning and keeps me at it for several hours is indeed a miracle. And such a clean,organic energyu, not jittery. Just FEEL LIKE MOVING 🙂
    Even better, (repeating myself here) gave it to a friend a few years back with a new HUGE case of incredibly painful shingles that was across her back, side and abdomen…AGONIZING.
    Was almost completely gone in 3 days. Her doc said he had never seen shingles retreat anywhere near that quickly, much less the sheer size and intensity of the outbreak.
    I am going to harvest my crop from this year, well, this year. Have never been able to keep it growing out, so there you are. First year seems to be as effective, just not as much material.
    Thank you for being my inspiration Marjory. In many ways. 🙂

  • martinezlisa1069 says:

    I absolutely loved the way you presented yourself. I’m so glad I can be a part ofall this. I wish I could afford to pay but unfortunately I’ve not got the funds financially. I so appreciate your help and support in this group though and I’m looking forward to a guLly, and hopefully meeting you someday and maybe God willingat the next summit next year. Thankyou so much for starting this online gfoupand for sharing so much valuable information like you do.,, Sincerely Lisa

  • smockv says:

    Marjory, I am also in the midst of a book! I have a title and some of the research started… I have to type or talk it out too! I love the way that you are presenting the materials and I truly hope that one day there is fresh home grown food on EVERY table. We have forgotten our roots as a country and society- and become fat and lazy in the process.

  • harpiano says:

    This sounds great. We all need to grow more, connect with our roots. I just watched The Need to Grow movie which is airing free for 5 days or so and it reiterates that we REALLY need to be growing our own food even if just a tomato plant or patch of kale in our back yard or on our back porch of an apartment. The impact on the grocery stores would be enough to tip the scales in our favor.

  • Dennis Bries says:

    Recently wrote a short book about downsizing to a smaller house or apartment and reducing the recipes from serves 8, 10 or 12 to servings for one or two. The tips can easily be modified to make more efficient use of fresh fruits and vegetables to prolong their usefulness beyond the normal short growing seasons here in Wisconsin and elsewhere.

  • attydennis1 says:

    Margory, I am a new member, though I have followed your website and been receiving e-mails for some time. This video is the first time I have heard the organization’s passion for everyone to grow their own food. Up until now, I have thought it to be more of a survivalist, live-off-the-grid, organization. Your present message could not be more timely. I am currently pondering how I might switch gears to work more in line with my values, which until a few years ago were pretty deeply buried. Your message gives me hope, Thank you.

  • TNTX girl says:

    Wow, That was great. I was “at” the first summit. What a great idea. I never thought of it in terms of building revenue AND following. I am going to watch this chapter again. Thanks.

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