Here we are in 2018, and there is still no medical cure for cancer.
Despite all the advances in medical technology and science, there is no “known cure for cancer.” And it’s hard to understand why.
But when you see reports that say spending on cancer medicines doubled in the last 5 years to $133 billion globally,1) suddenly everything starts to make sense.
The health care industry makes big money by treating sick people . . . not by keeping people healthy.
A Toxic Relationship
Even doctor training reflects this.
You’ve probably heard that in four years at medical school, doctors only spend one hour learning about nutrition. But what you may not have heard is how medical students are subjected to a barrage of pharmaceutical advertising while they are training.
Medical students receive gifts such as free meals, textbooks, pocket texts, and even drug samples from pharmaceutical companies. As they are exposed to the pharmaceutical companies and their marketing, any skepticism they had slowly but surely diminishes.2)
As this toxic relationship grows, treatments or health regimes that fall outside of the pharmaceutical model are treated as a threat to this billion-dollar business.
These close-minded clinicians are taught to stick to what they know, no matter how outdated or harmful the treatments are.
This goes for all diseases and disorders, but it especially applies to cancer.
Breaking Through The Illusion Of Health “Care”
When health “care” is driven by profit, there isn’t a lot of care happening . . . which is why frustrated holistic practitioners and cancer experts have started to speak up.
They know that spending time learning about how our bodies, our nutrition, and our minds all work together to naturally heal disease (especially cancer) is the answer. They are putting the “care” back into health care.
But this is a huge threat to BIG pharmaceutical and cancer research companies who have a lot to lose if these natural health alternatives actually come to light. Up until recently, they were able to silence or discredit anyone who dared to go against them.
Their Time Is Up!
The good news is that there is a movement of experts and cancer survivors sharing their success stories and the truth about cancer.
And thanks to Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and their team at The Truth About Cancer, the movement has a global following. It shows no signs of slowing down.
They have interviewed over 100 of the top cancer experts in the world. These remarkable experts are treating cancer naturally every day and without the use of drugs pushed by pharmaceutical companies.
You can see all these experts, plus inspirational cancer survivors, on The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. And the best part is that you can watch the docu-series for free.
The pharmaceutical industry has been pulling the strings in health care for too long. Isn’t it time they found a real treatment or cure for cancer? You and your loved ones deserve better.
So, join Ty, Charlene, and the experts as they share the truth about cancer.

The Grow Network is a global network of people who produce their own food and medicine. We’re the coolest bunch of backyard researchers on Earth! We’re constantly sharing, discovering, and working together to test new paths for sustainable living—while reconnecting with the “old ways” that are slipping away in our modern world. We value soil, water, sunlight, simplicity, sustainability, usefulness, and freedom. We strive to produce, prepare, and preserve our own food and medicine, and we hope you do, too!
We know how to prevent abnormal cell growth, we know there are many, MANY ways to reverse abnormal cell growth. My husband and I are both cancer survivors.
we simply need to stop the business of cancer and it is a HUGE business and stop the pure fear that western medicine attaches to a diagnosis. a Cancer dX IS a wake up call NOT a death sentence, the more people can identify these concepts the healthier our population will be.
So glad to hear about your victory. I think that for a lot of people, the self-discipline is too much. We become addicted to the things that are harming us. And though we might say, “my life is more important than fast food and processed sugar,” our actions betray us.
What I want to do, I do not do. What I do not want to do, I do. Such an odd thing is a human. The moment we get free will we so often choose to destroy ourselves. …well, that’s a little dark for so early in the day. Um…puppies and kitties. Yay!
I agree, just simply dont understand when someone becomes aware of what is harming them and yet cant stop using it. Like with your sugar comment..the moment I learnt about my cancer and the moment I learnt how sugar and processed foods were involved in the process I literally cleaned out my house and went shopping for healing food 🙂
I think we discount the future. “Sure, I want to be healthy as I get older. But that’s so far away. And cookies will make me happy right now.” It’s the same reason we (I include myself) don’t exercise enough, procrastinate, keep putting off that home repair we really need to get around to, etc. Moderate, but immediate, gratification now instead of lasting joy later. I believe that the ability to delay gratification is one of the best indicators of success in life, regardless of your goals. I wish I was a bit better at it.
I agree we live in an instant gratification society now and its going to show in a few years intimately the connection with “success” and what ever that means to you and the ability to wait for gratification .
Allopathic medicine is great for emergency/trauma care. Not so much ‘wellness’.
That’s my philosophy exactly!
Scott, That was exactly my philosophy too! But the operative word is was and that belief cost me the life of a loved one as a direct result of going from one corrupt hospital to a second corrupt hospital and the death of the patient before gaining admission to the third hospital. Please understand, I am not talking about a gross mistake, but a deliberate
endangerment of life for profit and not once, but twice. Both hospitals attempted to treat a congenital issue which was not the reason for either admission and both administered drugs with foreknowledge of their toxicity to the patient and contrary to the patient’s wishes.
I had no idea that this has become the norm, but even in another state my relative with very serious liver issues (NASH w/partial bypass) was recently tricked by her surgeon, who stood to make about $100,000, into consuming a product called Boost. As would be expected, her ailing liver shut down and the scheming surgeon told her, she would now die without a liver transplant. Fortunately, the liver is normally easy to regenerate and she avoided the transplant.
A word to the wise, be careful who you trust or you may become their next victim.
(there is no “known cure for cancer.”)
A well written article with good content, but the above quote from the article’s second sentence is misleading. Surely many of those reading this know of multiple cures for cancer, regardless if officially recognized. And there are even several that are officially recognized here in the U.S. It ceases to amaze me that treatments documented over the years by our judicial system as known cures for cancer are routinely ignored. Why aren’t we complaining as to why none of these treatments are being used in the U.S., except for one of them in Texas? Are they not better than cut, poison and burn?
In the US at least, its in the wording, legally speaking only medical doctors can use the word CURE when it comes to health, those of us that are natural health professionals legally cant claim we have found or offered a ” cure” and dont use the word cure (or frankly we can he arrested and sued for practicing medicine without a medical license.
There are umpteen methods to prevent abnormal cell growth and the same amount of methods to reverse abnormal cell growth this has been known to healers for eons, cant only blame the medical system for its failures, people have to take some personal responsibility in protocols, methods and choice/type of doctor or healer one chooses for themselves.
Happy Healing
Thank you Heather for your response.
First off you are talking about ” those of us that are natural health professionals,” which need not be the named or actual author of an article. And am I to assume you are implying that the judicial proceeding of the U.S. congress does not trump the medical establishment? Are you saying it is illegal to write about the results of said proceedings, if you mention that cancer protocols were proved, or legally conceded by the medical establishment, to be cures for cancer? Can you or I be arrested for stating the fact that the medical establishment has recognized in a judicial procedure that an alternate protocol cures cancer?
I have no hesitation in speaking of the spontaneous remissions of cancer that often follows the use of dozens of herbals or other protocols. And while the word “cure” does not have to be challenged, I as well as others, freely speak of those cancer cures from those proceedings. And naturally, there has been no charges filed for doing so, since that might open up Pandora’s box and reveal those unused cancer cures to the public.
This is a great website with great people, but I take issue with the wording, “there is no ‘known cure for cancer.’” If you are comfortable with those words, then hopefully we can agree to disagree. Thanks again for your response and I’m glad that you both had a spontaneous recovery.☺☺
I simply dont care what the “authorities say” when cancer has become a business for them, I dont have faith that those running these systems have a clue about how health really works judicial or western medical. 🙂
maybe you misunderstood what I wrote.
All I do all day is speak of the various herbs that prevent, protect and cure “abnormal cell growth” without saying “this herb cures cancer.” Its all in the wording. I work with many clients every day who have been diagnosed to bring their body’s back to healthy homeostasis and normal cell growth. I also provide thermographic imaging so we can detect abnormal cell growth years before other early detection methods.
PS recovery was not spontaneous it was purposeful, just not the way western medicine would like to have it done 🙂
Actually, the title of this article I’m reading is “133 Billion Reasons NOT to Find a Cure for Cancer” and it is exceedingly accurate because it speaks to why cancer research is NOT really searching for a cure, they are merely searching for “treatments” that will make the industry a LOT of money!!