
Register for your personal FREE Showing of:
“​Maximizing Storage Nutrition

Learn Tom's Fast And Easy Methods For Storing 10 Types Of Crops So You Can Maximize Their Nutritional Value During Long-Term Storage

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Join me for a special replay of "Maximizing Storage Nutrition​” presented by ​​Tom Bartels.

Are you concerned about the nutrient density of your foods . . . ?

Do you have trouble storing all the delicious vegetables you grew over the summer so that their nurishment can be enjoyed well into winter . . . ?

A lot of people are realizing now that malnutrition is the elephant in the room when it comes to the degrading health many people face. It's not just an issue in underdeveloped countries, it's very much rooted in first world nations.

​​​​​Tom Bartels
A​uthor, "Let Food Be Thy Medicine" & Creator of GrowFoodWell.com

And, I believe by now we’ve all realized the true value found in nutrient dense, organic foods. Especially if you’re growing some of that food yourself in your own garden.

But, what can you do to ensure that the food you grow stays it’s freshest and most nutritious well after it’s picked from your garden?

This presentation delves into one of the most common topic requests that I receive for our Summits. And Tom is one of my most favorite presenters - he is so clear and succinct and provides such useful information – I’m excited to offer this special replay of his presentation to you.

Claim your 72 Hour Free Showing ​and you’ll learn this and more:

  • ​Tom’s tried-and-true tips the best storage techniques for 10 common veggies and herbs.
  • ​How to ensure your nutrient dense foods are preserved well into the winter months.
  • ​Simple drying and canning tips that can be applied to just about any herb and veggie.
  • ​Harvesting and processing advice to help you become confident in storing many fruits, vegetables, herbs, and seeds.
  • ​Plus, an amazing trick for peeling 20+ cloves of garlic in 8 seconds flat!

​​​​This presentation by Tom Bartels originally aired during the 2018 Fall Home Medicine Summit and we don’t offer many of these presentations for free​ after the Summits are over . . . but, ​for a limited time, I'm making the full ​presentation available to you ​for FREE during your personal 72 hour showing.

Once you register, you will have 72 hours to watch ​it online, and completely free.

​Register ​Here To Watch ​"​Maximizing Storage Nutrition" For 72 Hours!

​Brought to you by Marjory Wildcraft, Founder of The Grow Network

​My name is Marjory Wildcraft and I am the founder and CEO of The Grow Network.  We are the online home of a global community of people who produce their own food and medicine.  “Home grown food on every table” is our catalyzing statement.  I’ve been featured by National Geographic as an expert in sustainable living, I’ve hosted Mother Earth News’ online Homesteading Summit, and I’ve been honored in Reuters “Food Sustainability Media” awards.  I grow half of my own food and most of my own medicine​.

Marjory Wildcraft Signature

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 (877)-799-3878 | Happiness@TheGrowNetwork.com